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Chondroitin Sulfate
Nutrient Name: Chondroitin sulfate.
Synonyms: Chondroitin, chondroitin sulphate, CS, CSA, CSC; ACS4-ACS6, CDS, chondroitin sulfate A, chondroitin sulfate C, chondroitin sulphate A sodium, chondroitin-4-sulfate, chondroitin-6-sulfate, chonsurid, condroitin, Condrosulf.
Related Substances: Chondroprotective agents, chondroitin sulfuric acid, GAG, galacotosaminoglucuronoglycan sulfate (Matrix), glycosaminoglycan, mesoglycan (heparan sulfate-52%, dermatan sulfate-35%, heparin-8%, chondroitin sulfate-5%).
Chemistry and Forms
Chondroitin sulfate (CS) is composed of a protein core covalently linked to complex of large-molecular-weight glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and disaccharide polymers, large linear heteropolysaccharide chains composed of equimolar amounts of
Physiology and Function
Chondroitin sulfate is normally synthesized endogenously and secreted by chondrocytes, but such endogenous production tends to decrease with age, thereby playing a role in the declining ability to maintain normal structure and function of joint cartilage typically associated with the aging process.
Chondroitin sulfates are widely distributed in tissues and fluids, particularly throughout connective tissue, joint cartilage, internal walls of blood vessels and skin, urinary bladder, and embryonic tissue tissues, as well as amniotic fluid, cornea, heart valves, placenta, synovial fluid, teeth, and umbilical cord. They are the most abundant GAGs in the body.
Among its several functions, CS is most well known for its central role in articular cartilage. The high concentration of CS in the collagen network provides structure and a load-bearing surface that is both tough and compliant. By absorbing water and holding nutrients, chondroitin enhances the thickness and elasticity of cartilage and increases its ability to absorb and distribute compressive forces. Chondroitin regulates formation of new cartilage matrix by stimulating chondrocyte metabolism and synthesis of collagen and proteoglycan and facilitating transport through the low-blood-flow environment. In particular, chondroitins enhance levels of hyaluronic acid, a protective fluid that lubricates the joints. Furthermore, chondroitin sulfate inhibits the degradative action of elastase and hyaluronidase, synovial enzymes that participate in inflammation and contribute to cartilage destruction and loss of joint function by breaking down cartilage matrix and synovial fluid.
Known or Potential Therapeutic Uses
Evidence from clinical trials is gradually emerging to confirm the widespread anecdotal reports of chondroitin efficacy in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and degenerative joint disease, such as osteoarthritis. Administration of exogenous CS supplements the naturally occurring CS in maintenance of strong, flexible cartilage and support of healthy joint function. Some clinicians and researchers studying and treating osteoarthritis (OA) refer to CS as a “symptomatic slow-acting drug for osteoarthritis (SYSADOA).” Chondroitin sulfate addresses OA symptoms by reducing pain and increasing overall mobility while also slowing the pathological process by stabilizing and possibly improving bone and joint metabolism. Reports consistently indicate that response to treatment with chondroitin may have a delayed effect (typically reaching maximal effects after 2-6 months of regular use) compared with conventional analgesics, but that the therapeutic response exhibits longer duration (typically 3 months) after cessation of treatment. Evidence from human trials has thus far not matured sufficiently to determine whether chondroitin primarily slows or halts the process of cartilage destruction and joint damage or is capable of promoting repair and regeneration of damaged cartilage and reversal of arthritic changes, and if so, under what circumstances and treatment protocols.
As a compound rich in sulfur, and thus related to glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin may help cartilage by acting in a nutritive capacity to provide raw materials for tissue repair and regeneration.
Chondroitin may also lower blood cholesterol levels, prevent atherosclerosis, and reduce the risk of heart attacks in individuals who already have atherosclerosis.
The GAGs affect how the body processes oxalate and chondroitin intake is associated with reduced risk of stone formation by reducing urinary oxalate excretion.
Historical/Ethnomedicine Precedent
Many traditional cultures have encouraged the dietary consumption of connective tissue and use of bones in soups.
Possible Uses
Alzheimer's disease, angina, anti-inflammatory, atherosclerosis, chronic venous ulcers, connective tissue injury recovery, coronary artery disease (secondary prevention), gonarthrosis, heart disease, hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipidemia, interstitial cystitis, iron deficiency anemia, joint injury rehabilitation, leukemia, malaria, myocardial infarction, nephrolithiasis (oxalate stones), osteoarthritis (OA), osteoporosis, preterm labor prevention, snoring, sprain/strain injury.
Deficiency Symptoms
Chondroitin is not considered an essential nutrient because of endogenous synthesis. Consequently, consensus is lacking for characteristics of a chondroitin deficiency.
Dietary Sources
Animal cartilage is the only dietary source of chondroitin. The precise amount and bioavailability of chondroitin in foods is unknown.
Nutrient Preparations Available
Oral chondroitin sulfate is absorbed particularly rapidly in humans when it is dissolved in water before ingestion. It is rapidly degraded during its absorption and by extensive first-pass metabolism. 1,2The active moiety remains unknown. In a double-blind clinical study published in 1992, L’Hirondel 3 demonstrated that up to 15% of oral chondroitin is absorbed intact through the digestive tract. Subsequent research determined that approximately 12% of oral CS becomes available to the joint tissues from the blood. 4 These studies have disproved previous speculation that oral chondroitin was not efficacious because of the large size of its molecules.
Different chondroitin products can very significantly in their chemical structure, thus affecting absorption and effectiveness. Chondroitin products with physically smaller molecules (<16,900 daltons) are more likely to provide superior bioavailability. 5 Thus, low-molecular-weight (LMW) CS is preferred. Findings from clinical trials using proprietary or otherwise specific forms of CS may not be reliably extrapolated to other products.
A review of two U.S. products conducted in 2000 reported that both had lower chondroitin levels than declared on the labels; similarly, 6 of 13 glucosamine and chondroitin combination products assayed contained low chondroitin levels. 6,7
Dosage Forms Available
Capsule (often containing CS gel), tablet; often with glucosamine sulfate and or MSM; eyedrop solutions; intravesicular bladder administration; intramuscular (IM) injection; nasal spray; topical cream.
Source Materials for Nutrient Preparations
Chondroitin sulfate was first extracted and purified in the 1960s. Commercially available forms are usually manufactured from shark, pig, or bovine cartilage or bovine trachea, or by synthesis.
Dosage Range
Dietary: No minimal dietary requirement established.
Supplemental/Maintenance: 300 mg one to three times daily.
Pharmacological/Therapeutic: 300 to 1500 mg daily, usually in divided doses, as indicated by manufacturer recommendations and use in clinical trials. A typical dosage level for osteoarthritis is 400 mg three times daily. Researchers investigating atherosclerosis have sometimes initiated therapy administering 5 g twice daily, with meals, lowering the amount to 500 mg three times daily after a few months.
Toxic: No toxic dosage level established.
Pediatric (<18 Years)
Dietary: No minimal dietary requirement established.
Supplemental/Maintenance: Not currently recommended for children.
Pharmacological/Therapeutic: Potential use in treating musculoskeletal injuries, but specific treatment recommendations have not been established.
Toxic: No toxic dosage level established specifically for infants and children.
Laboratory Values
Serum and synovial fluid levels have been used in clinical trials. Uesaka et al. 8 concluded that “synovial fluid levels of C4S and C6S may provide useful data in assessing the pathology of OA.” However, du Souich and Verges 9 found that measuring plasma concentrations of CS “allows prediction of the maximal effect (Emax) elicited by the drug and the concentration eliciting 50% of Emax (EC50).”
Chondroitin sulfate is generally well tolerated at usual dosage levels, and reports of serious adverse effects are absent. Nausea may occur at intakes greater than 10 g daily. However, no clinical trials have been of sufficient duration to assess conclusively the long-term safety of chondroitin administration.
Nutrient Adverse Effects
General Adverse Effects
Rare reports of gastrointestinal (GI) effects (diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain) and headache constitute the primary known adverse effects. Rare reports attribute edema of legs and eyelids, arrhythmia, and alopecia.
In canine experiments, McNamara et al. 10 reported significantly decreased hematocrit, hemoglobin, white blood cell (WBC) count, and platelet count after 30 days’ administration of chondroitin and suggested a potential risk of internal bleeding. However, no case reports or clinical trials have reported occurrences of bleeding in humans as a result of exogenous chondroitin intake.
Adverse Effects Among Specific Populations
A single case report describes an exacerbation of asthma attributed to use of a glucosamine-chondroitin supplement. 11
Pregnancy and Nursing
No adverse effects have been reported. However, sufficient research-based evidence is lacking to guarantee the safety of chondroitin in pregnancy and breastfeeding. Pending conclusive findings, prudence suggests that chondroitin be avoided during pregnancy. Some commentators have suggested that the structural similarity between heparin and chondroitin is sufficient to warrant contraindication during pregnancy because heparin is contraindicated during pregnancy, except in women with protein C or S deficiency who are normally maintained on warfarin (Coumadin), which is indeed contraindicated in pregnancy, where heparin is substituted for the duration of the pregnancy.
Infants and Children
No adverse effects have been reported. However, sufficient research-based evidence is lacking to guarantee the safety of chondroitin in infants and children.
No qualified contraindications have been published. Out of caution, and despite a lack of substantive evidence, some commentators have suggested that individuals with bleeding problems, such as hemophilia, or temporarily at risk for bleeding during surgery or labor and delivery should avoid chondroitin. Pending conclusive findings, such speculation may deserve consideration, and chondroitin avoidance may be appropriate for short periods before and after surgery.
An emerging body of evidence suggests that exogenous CS be avoided by individuals with a history or high susceptibility of prostate cancer, breast cancer, or melanoma. Myers 12,13reported the case of aggravated prostate cancer in an individual whose prostate cancer had been in remission until he initiated use of CS. In a review of relevant literature, Myers reported several studies that together could reasonably be interpreted to support his hypothesis that the chondroitin had exerted a tumor-promoting effect. Myers proposes that the action of CS involves formation of a complex with the protein versican, which along with decorin, is one of two proteins that CS is attached to in joint cartilage. Notably, prostate cancer cells, breast cancer cells, and melanoma cells also express versican on their surface. Thus, the introduction of exogenous chondroitin could increase levels of versican-chondroitin complex adhering to the surface of the cancer cells, facilitating their growth and metastasis.
De Klerk et al. 14,15studied the concentration of GAGs in fetal, normal adult, and benign hyperplastic prostate tissue. They found that dermatan sulfate is the predominant GAG in the adult normal prostate, with the central zone exhibiting a slightly higher CS content than the peripheral zone and an increased CS content in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). 14 Subsequently, they investigated GAGs in human prostatic cancer and observed that the concentration of CS was higher in cancerous prostate tissue than in normal prostate tissue. 15 In 1997, Ricciardelli et al. 16 noted that elevated stromal CS GAG predicts progression in early-stage prostate cancer. The following year these researchers investigated versican and decorin, two proteins CS is attached to within the prostate, and found that versican may increase the spread of cancer, whereas decorin may suppress the spread of prostate cancer. 17 Then, in 1999, they observed that elevated levels of peritumoral CS predict a higher rate of recurrence after radical prostatectomy for early-stage prostate cancer and poor prognosis. Men demonstrating a high concentration of peritumoral CS had a 47% probability of recurrence within 5 years, in contrast to 14% in the men with low CS levels. 18 These issues were further explored in an in vitro study by Sakko, Ricciardelli, et al. 19 that examined whether versican, a recognized anti–cell adhesion molecule for various mesenchymal and nerve cell types, influences prostate cancer cell adhesion to extracellular matrix components. Further research involving versican purified from human prostate fibroblast conditioned medium confirmed its antiadhesive activity for prostate cancer cells. These researchers concluded that versican is an important modulator of tumor cell attachment to the interstitial stromal matrix of the prostate, the latter being an essential step in cancer cell motility and local invasion of the prostatic stroma.
At this point, no clinical trials or epidemiological studies have specifically determined whether administration of CS is carcinogenic or likely to aggravate existing prostate carcinoma. In particular, evidence is lacking to confirm a pattern of occurrence or mechanism of action linking chondroitin preparations and the development of CS-containing versican within tumors.
Pending substantive demonstration of safety, health care professionals treating men with prostate cancer or hyperplasia are advised to recommend glucosamine sulfate as a safe and effective substitute for chondroitin or for use as a monotherapy instead of in combination with CS. Similar considerations may be warranted for patients with a history of breast cancer or melanoma. No evidence suggests, nor have cautions been raised, that glucosamine contributes to the progression of prostate or other cancers.
Precautions and Warnings
Chondroitin could have a potential, although unproven and improbable, interaction with anticoagulant medications.
Strategic Considerations
Chondroitin sulfate has effectively graduated from the ranks of “alternative” therapies to the realm of standard care within recent years. Starting with its role in treating musculoskeletal disorders its potential scope for therapeutic application offers a promising future, especially within the context of multidisciplinary care using an integrative model.
Degenerative joint disease, more often referred to as osteoarthritis, is characterized by the progressive loss of functional articular cartilage and represents the most common type of arthritis worldwide. For example, osteoarthritis affects more than 20 million Americans, most of whom are over 45 years of age. Although conventional pharmacological therapies may provide palliative relief for many individuals, the shortage of effective clinical approaches for addressing the underlying disease process and pathophysiological changes has frustrated both health care providers and patients grappling with this painful degenerative process. During the past decade, a body of evidence from clinical trials and experimental studies has emerged supporting the use of CS and glucosamine sulfate, often in concert. Use of these agents, usually self-prescribed by patients, has grown steadily in the United States and Europe.
These cartilage extracts are considered as drugs in European continental countries and dietary supplements in the United States and England. Although many physicians initially relegated these agents to a questionable role based on their status as “nutritional supplements,” maturation of the production system to the standards of Good Manufacturing Practices is evolving to match their proven efficacy and strong safety profile. Most importantly, chondroitin has demonstrated efficacy in halting the degenerative changes within joints to produce symptomatic efficacy (e.g., in knee OA), which is complemented by the structural and symptomatic efficacy of glucosamine sulfate. Furthermore, many literature-derived data show that CS could have an anti-inflammatory activity and a chondroprotective action by modifying the structure of cartilage and increasing both the concentration of hyaluronic acid and the viscosity of synovial fluid.
Several systematic reviews and meta-analyses have described the growing body of evidence documenting the therapeutic efficacy of CS in the treatment of OA. In a systematic quality assessment and meta-analysis of 15 clinical trials in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers concluded that glucosamine and CS “demonstrate moderate to large effects, but quality issues and likely publication bias suggest that these effects are exaggerated.” 20 However, in a meta-analysis of seven trials investigating efficacy of chondroitin in the treatment of knee and hip OA also published in 2000, Leeb et al. 21 reported that in patients followed to 120 or more days, “CS was shown to be significantly superior to placebo” with respect to standard indices of pain and function. They concluded that “pooled data confirmed these results and showed at least fifty per cent improvement in the study variables in the CS group compared to placebo.” 21 In a subsequent paper, Richy, Reginster, and a team of investigators from Belgium and France conducted seven individual, outcome-oriented meta-analyses using 15 randomized clinical trials selected from approximately 500 studies on the basis of high methodological quality. Although noting that quality scores in the chondroitin trials exhibited a mean of only 68.4%, they concluded: “Our work provides a clear, evidence-based advance regarding the interest in the wide use of glucosamine and chondroitin as disease-modifying compounds in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis through an accurate, conservative analysis of the most reliable experiments performed until now.” 22
In a series of interviews with several leading researchers and respected clinicians in the OA field, Hungerford 23 documented the emerging consensus supporting use of chondroitin (and glucosamine sulfate) among experienced clinicians. Noting that “chondrocytes are constantly replacing and repairing their environment,” particularly “reversible lesions that occur during daily activities,” Schenck and Verbruggen suggested that “90% of all patients with osteoarthritis can be treated nonoperatively.” However, this repair capacity decreases with age and demanding activity because both the incorporation of sulfate into proteoglycans and the capacity to synthesize new molecules and large molecule aggregates decline with age. In response to these degenerative changes, support of normal function can be achieved using a nutritive approach. Thus, Hungerford 23 stated that in treating patients with OA, he generally uses LMW “chondroitin sulfate with glucosamine for symptomatic relief” and sees a response rate of “approximately 50%.” These experts and others experienced in the care of individuals with degenerative joint changes (and injury-related joint repair) consistently emphasize that this synergistic approach should be expanded whenever possible to include individualized exercise programs and nutritional support. Acupuncture, gentle joint mobilization, exercise programs, and botanical medicine represent other time-tested options of potential value in creating an evolving and personalized multidisciplinary therapeutic strategy for prevention and treatment.
Anticoagulants, heparin, unfractionated (UFH):Heparin (Calciparine, Hepalean, Heparin Leo, Minihep Calcium, Minihep, Monoparin Calcium, Monoparin, Multiparin, Pump-Hep, Unihep, Uniparin Calcium, Uniparin Forte).
Anticoagulants, heparinoids:Danaparoid (Orgaran), fondaparinux (Arixtra).
Anticoagulants, low-molecular-weight (LMW) heparin:Ardeparin (Normiflo), certoparin (Mono-Embolex), dalteparin (Fragmin), enoxaparin (Clexane, Lovenox), nadroparin (Fraxiparine), tinzaparin (Innohep).
Anticoagulants, oral vitamin K antagonist anticoagulants:Anisindione (Miradon), dicumarol, ethyl biscoumacetate (Tromexan), nicoumalone (acenocoumarol; Acitrom, Sintrom), phenindione (Dindevan), phenprocoumon (Jarsin, Marcumar), warfarin (Coumadin, Marevan, Warfilone).
Observations of structural similarities in the chemical composition of CS and heparin have been extrapolated into speculative claims of a potential risk of adverse interactions in the presence of anticoagulant medications such as heparin (or warfarin), as well as antiplatelet agents, and warnings that chondroitin might be contraindicated in individuals with bleeding disorders. Chondroitin sulfate is a subcomponent of the antithrombotic danaparoid, which is classified as a “heparinoid” medication. Danaparoid sodium is a mixture of glycosaminoglycuronans, heparan sulfate, dermatan sulfate, and CS, isolated from porcine or other animal intestinal mucosa. Danaparoid is devoid of a heparin fraction; its antithrombotic effect is derived primarily from antithrombin III–mediated inhibition of factor Xa and to a significantly lesser extent by inactivation of factor IIa (thrombin). Dermatan sulfate (sometimes called chondroitin B sulfate) potentiates heparin cofactor II and may prolong bleeding time but is not used in treating joint pain or degeneration. Overall, the available data suggest that CS may potentially exert a mild anticoagulant effect. 43
Several case reports have been published describing a possible augmentation effect, as indicated by an elevated international normalized ratio (INR), in patients taking formulations containing both GS and CS while undergoing anticoagulant therapy with oral vitamin K antagonist medication. 44,45
The limited and nonqualified nature of the available data in these published reports supports caution and indicates that further investigation through well-designed clinical trials is warranted. However, stark, generalized contraindications are not supported by the data available at this time. Health care providers treating individuals taking anticoagulant (or antiplatelet) medications are advised to caution patients against self-medication with CS and to monitor such patients in the event that CS administration is deemed clinically appropriate.
- 1.Deal CL, Moskowitz RW. Nutraceuticals as therapeutic agents in osteoarthritis: the role of glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, and collagen hydrolysate. Rheum Dis Clin North Am 1999;25:379-395.View Abstract
- 2.Schenck RC Jr. New approaches to the treatment of osteoarthritis: oral glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. Instr Course Lect 2000;49:491-494.View Abstract
- 3.L’Hirondel JL. Double-blind clinical study with oral administration of chondroitin sulphate versus placebo in tibiofemoral gonarthrosis (125 patients). Litera Rheumatol 1992;14:77-84.
- 4.Ronca F, Palmieri L, Panicucci P, Ronca G. Anti-inflammatory activity of chondroitin sulfate. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 1998;6 Suppl A:14-21.View Abstract
- 5.Adebowale A, Du J, Liang Z et al. The bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of glucosamine hydrochloride and low molecular weight chondroitin sulfate after single and multiple doses to beagle dogs. Biopharm Drug Dispos 2002;23:217-225.View Abstract
- 6.Product review: Chondroitin sulfate. Accessed December 2000:
- 7.Product review: Glucosamine and chondroitin. Accessed June 2001:
- 8.Uesaka S, Nakayama Y, Shirai Y, Yoshihara K. Serum and synovial fluid levels of chondroitin sulfate in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee joint. J Nippon Med Sch 2001;68:165-170.View Abstract
- 9.Du Souich P, Verges J. Simple approach to predict the maximal effect elicited by a drug when plasma concentrations are not available or are dissociated from the effect, as illustrated with chondroitin sulfate data. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2001;70:5-9.View Abstract
- 10.McNamara PS, Barr SC, Erb HN. Hematologic, hemostatic, and biochemical effects in dogs receiving an oral chondroprotective agent for thirty days. Am J Vet Res 1996;57:1390-1394.View Abstract
- 11.Tallia AF, Cardone DA. Asthma exacerbation associated with glucosamine-chondroitin supplement. J Am Board Fam Pract 2002;15:481-484.View Abstract
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- 13.Myers CE Jr. Chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine. Prostate Forum 1999;4:7.
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- 15.De Klerk DP, Lee DV, Human HJ. Glycosaminoglycans of human prostatic cancer. J Urol 1984;131:1008-1012.View Abstract
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- 17.Ricciardelli C, Mayne K, Sykes PJ et al. Elevated levels of versican but not decorin predict disease progression in early-stage prostate cancer. Clin Cancer Res 1998;4:963-971.View Abstract
- 18.Ricciardelli C, Quinn DI, Raymond WA et al. Elevated levels of peritumoral chondroitin sulfate are predictive of poor prognosis in patients treated by radical prostatectomy for early-stage prostate cancer. Cancer Res 1999;59:2324-2328.View Abstract
- 19.Sakko AJ, Ricciardelli C, Mayne K et al. Modulation of prostate cancer cell attachment to matrix by versican. Cancer Res 2003;63:4786-4791.View Abstract
- 20.McAlindon TE, LaValley MP, Felson DT. Efficacy of glucosamine and chondroitin for treatment of osteoarthritis. JAMA 2000;284:1241.View Abstract
- 21.Leeb BF, Schweitzer H, Montag K, Smolen JS. A metaanalysis of chondroitin sulfate in the treatment of osteoarthritis. J Rheumatol 2000;27:205-211.View Abstract
- 22.Reginster JY, Bruyere O, Lecart MP, Henrotin Y. Naturocetic (glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate) compounds as structure-modifying drugs in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Curr Opin Rheumatol 2003;15:651-655.View Abstract
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- 24.Hausheer FH, Kanter P, Cao S et al. Modulation of platinum-induced toxicities and therapeutic index: mechanistic insights and first- and second-generation protecting agents. Semin Oncol 1998;25:584-599.View Abstract
- 25.Albertini R, De Luca G, Passi A et al. Chondroitin-4-sulfate protects high-density lipoprotein against copper-dependent oxidation. Arch Biochem Biophys 1999;365:143-149.View Abstract
- 26.Zhang JS, Imai T, Suenaga A, Otagiri M. Molecular-weight-dependent pharmacokinetics and cytotoxic properties of cisplatin complexes prepared with chondroitin sulfate A and C. Int J Pharm 2002;240:23-31.View Abstract
- 27.Zhang JS, Imai T, Otagiri M. Effects of a cisplatin-chondroitin sulfate A complex in reducing the nephrotoxicity of cisplatin. Arch Toxicol 2000;74:300-307.View Abstract
- 28.Palmoski MJ, Brandt KD. Effects of some nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs on proteoglycan metabolism and organization in canine articular cartilage. Arthritis Rheum 1980;23:1010-1020.View Abstract
- 29.Brooks PM, Potter SR, Buchanan WW. NSAID and osteoarthritis: help or hindrance? J Rheumatol 1982;9:3-5.
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- 32.Shield MJ. Anti-inflammatory drugs and their effects on cartilage synthesis and renal function. Eur J Rheumatol Inflamm 1993;13:7-16.View Abstract
- 33.Cohen DB, Kawamura S, Ehteshami JR, Rodeo SR. Traditional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications and cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors impair rotator cuff tendon-to-bone healing. Annual Meeting of American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine. Quebec City, Canada; 2004.
- 34.Cohen DB, Kawamura S, Ehteshami JR, Rodeo SA. Indomethacin and celecoxib impair rotator cuff tendon-to-bone healing. Am J Sports Med 2006;34:362-369.View Abstract
- 34a.Towheed TE, Hochberg MC. A systematic review of randomized controlled trials of pharmacological therapy in osteoarthritis of the knee, with an emphasis on trial methodology. Semin Arthritis Rheum 1997;26(5):755-770. (Review)
- 35.Mazieres B, Loyau G, Menkes CJ et al. [Chondroitin sulfate in the treatment of gonarthrosis and coxarthrosis: 5-month result of a multicenter double-blind controlled prospective study using placebo]. Rev Rhum Mal Osteoartic 1992;59:466-472.
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- 38.Bucsi L, Poor G. Efficacy and tolerability of oral chondroitin sulfate as a symptomatic slow-acting drug for osteoarthritis (SYSADOA) in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 1998;6 Suppl A:31-36.View Abstract
- 39.Bourgeois P, Chales G, Dehais J et al. Efficacy and tolerability of chondroitin sulfate 1200 mg/day vs chondroitin sulfate 3 × 400 mg/day vs placebo. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 1998;6 Suppl A:25-30.View Abstract
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- 43.Abdel Fattah W, Hammad, T. Chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine: a review of their safety profile. J Am Nutraceutical Assoc 2001;3.
- 44.Rozenfeld V, Crain JL, Callahan AK. Possible augmentation of warfarin effect by glucosamine-chondroitin. Am J Health Syst Pharm 2004;61:306-307.View Abstract
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- 47.Leffler CT, Philippi AF, Leffler SG et al. Glucosamine, chondroitin, and manganese ascorbate for degenerative joint disease of the knee or low back: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study. Mil Med 1999;164:85-91.View Abstract
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- 51.Towheed TE. Published meta-analyses of pharmacological therapies for osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2002;10:836-837.View Abstract
- 52.Scroggie DA, Albright A, Harris MD. The effect of glucosamine-chondroitin supplementation on glycosylated hemoglobin levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a placebo-controlled, double-blinded, randomized clinical trial. Arch Intern Med 2003;163:1587-1590.View Abstract
- 53.Richy F, Bruyere O, Ethgen O et al. Structural and symptomatic efficacy of glucosamine and chondroitin in knee osteoarthritis: a comprehensive meta-analysis. Arch Intern Med 2003;163:1514-1522.View Abstract
- 54.Cohen M, Wolfe R, Mai T, Lewis D. A randomized, double blind, placebo controlled trial of a topical cream containing glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, and camphor for osteoarthritis of the knee. J Rheumatol 2003;30:523-528.View Abstract
- 55.Clegg DO, Reda DJ, Harris CL et al. The efficacy of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate in patients with painful knee osteoarthritis (OA): the Glucosamine/chondroitin Arthritis Intervention Trial (GAIT). American College of Rheumatology Meeting. San Diego; 2005.
- 56.Clegg DO, Reda DJ, Harris CL et al. Glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, and the two in combination for painful knee osteoarthritis. N Engl J Med 2006;354:795-808.View Abstract
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- 59.McAlindon TE, Jacques P, Zhang Y et al. Do antioxidant micronutrients protect against the development and progression of knee osteoarthritis? Arthritis Rheum 1996;39:648-656.
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