Nutrient Name: Potassium.
Synonym: Kali.
Elemental Symbol: K.
Forms: Potassium aspartate, potassium bicarbonate, potassium chloride, potassium citrate, potassium gluconate, potassium iodide, potassium-R-lipoate, potassium oratate, potassium para-aminobenzoate.
Drug/Class Interaction Type | Mechanism and Significance | Management | Albuterol, rimiterol Beta-2-adrenoceptor agonist bronchodilators
| Oral or intravenous albuterol, rimiterol, and related beta-2-adrenoceptor agonists can deplete potassium and other nutrients, possibly to a clinically significant degree. Hypokalemia due to these drugs, particularly in combination with steroids or digoxin, may contribute to arrhythmias or aggravate asthma. Evidence is lacking to determine frequency of occurrence or confirm benefits of potassium coadministration.
| Monitor regularly. Coadministration of potassium (and magnesium) may prevent or correct nutrient depletion.
| Amiloride Antikaliuretic-diuretic agent
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| As a potassium-sparing diuretic, amiloride carries implicit risk of hyperkalemia when combined with significant increase in potassium intake, especially with compromised renal function and concomitant ACE inhibitor therapy. Probability of adverse events with concurrent use of potassium supplements, salt substitutes, or food sources generally recognized; risk of acute and severe event with rapid increase in intake.
| Limit potassium intake, and avoid rapid and significantly increased intake, outside professional supervision. Closely monitor high-risk patients.
| Aminoglycoside antibiotics
| Aminoglycosides can cause renal tubular damage and induce hypokalemia; renal failure is also potentiated by potassium depletion. Case reports and animal studies available; small but recognized risk for elderly and compromised persons. Evidence from clinical trials lacking to confirm benefits of concomitant potassium.
| Concurrent potassium may prevent or correct adverse effects with long-term or repeated drug therapy. Monitor.
| Amphotericin B
| Amphotericin can cause potassium depletion, especially with steroids; hypokalemia is possible, particularly with drug-induced renal damage or rapid infusion. Not common but widely recognized.
| Concurrent potassium may prevent or correct adverse effects with long-term or repeated drug therapy. Monitor.
| Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
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| Significant risk of hyperkalemia when potassium intake increased during ACE inhibitor therapy, especially with compromised renal function or diabetes. Probability of acute and severe adverse events with concurrent use of potassium supplements, salt substitutes, or food sources generally recognized, particularly with rapid increase in intake.
| Limit potassium intake, and avoid rapid and significantly increased intake, outside professional supervision. Closely monitor high-risk patients.
| Beta-adrenoceptor antagonists
| Beta blockers can elevate potassium levels and may cause hyperkalemia. A variety of mechanisms may be involved, but not fully elucidated. Frequency unknown, but potentially severe consequences.
| Potassium generally contraindicated but may be indicated in certain circumstances. Monitor potassium closely with beta blockers.
| Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
| Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors generally decrease renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate. However, other than furosemide and acetazolamide, limited evidence indicates they do not appear to affect potassium status adversely in most individuals. Potential for significant disequilibrium in carbon dioxide transport; low probability but high risk.
| Concurrent potassium may prevent or correct adverse effects with long-term or repeated drug therapy. Monitor, especially for acidosis.
| Cisplatin
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| Renotubular damage is common with cisplatin and may cause wasting of potassium and other minerals. Resulting hypokalemia may be refractory without concomitant administration of potassium and magnesium. Risk of clinically significant adverse effects widely recognized.
| Concurrent potassium and magnesium may prevent or correct depletion. Protect renal function. Closely monitor electrolyte status.
| Colchicine
| Colchicine can impair absorption and increase loss of potassium (and other nutrients). Coadministration of potassium may prevent or correct clinically significant adverse effects. Minimal research but widely accepted as possible or probable.
| Coadministration of potassium and other nutrients may prevent or correct adverse effects with long-term or repeated drug therapy. Monitor.
| Corticosteroids, oral
| Oral corticosteroids can deplete potassium and other nutrients, possibly to clinically significant degree. Hypokalemia due to these drugs, particularly in combination with other agents affecting potassium status, may contribute to edema, arrhythmias, or aggravate asthma. Widely recognized, but minimal evidence and lack of consensus as to clinical significance. Benefits of potassium coadministration unproven.
| Consider coadministration of potassium and other nutrients, may prevent or correct adverse effects with long-term therapy. Monitor, especially with renal impairment.
| Cyclosporine
| Cyclosporine-induced nephrotoxicity and other mechanisms can cause hyperkalemia, most often in patients with compromised renal function. Onset of effects can be rapid or gradual. Varied attempts at reducing drug toxicity and its effects on renal function and potassium metabolism, but mixed results and no consensus as to effective corrective measures.
| Close monitoring of allograft patients is always essential. Potassium generally contraindicated, but coadministration may be indicated; caution imperative. END_ | Digoxin Cardiac glycosides
| Hypokalemia increases risk of digoxin toxicity, but digoxin impairs potassium function, and overdose can cause hyperkalemia. Increased risk in patients taking diuretics. Interplay with magnesium; increased risks with dual depletion.
| Consider coadministration of potassium, magnesium, and other nutrients, especially through food sources; may prevent or correct adverse effects. Monitor, especially with diuretics and renal impairment.
| Diuretics, potassium depleting Loop and thiazide diuretics
| Potassium-wasting diuretics inherently increase risk of potassium depletion and hypokalemia. Generally accepted as inherent risk of clinically significant adverse effects. Concomitant ACE inhibitor therapy or other polypharmacy often used to mitigate depletion.
| Coadministration of potassium and other nutrients, as food or supplements, can prevent or correct depletion and sequelae. Monitor.
| Laxatives Stool softeners
| Through various mechanisms, laxatives or stool softeners can deplete potassium and other nutrients, more often with repeated use. However, hypokalemia occasionally possible with short-term cathartic use, as in procedure preparation. Generally recognized as possible risk, but corrective measures inconsistently applied. Increased risk of adverse effects in cardiac patients, especially with concomitant diuretics or other potassium-depleting drugs.
| Review diet and exercise; advise improvements as indicated. Coadministration of potassium and other nutrients may prevent or correct adverse effects with long-term or repeated drug therapy. Monitor.
| Losartan Angiotensin II receptor antagonists
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| All angiotensin II receptor antagonists inherently carry risk of hyperkalemia. Through effects on renin-angiotensin system and aldosterone, losartan may cause clinically significant elevations in potassium levels. Effect on potassium is universal and widely recognized. However, severity may vary, and clinically significant events are uncommon.
| Avoid extra potassium, especially rapid and significantly increased intake, outside professional supervision. Monitor regularly.
| Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
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| Various NSAIDs alter potassium metabolism through a range of mechanisms, many only partially understood, but many resulting from drug-induced nephrotoxicity. Severe potassium-related adverse effects with NSAIDs are uncommon but not rare; they may be acute and reversible, but chronic renal failure possible.
| Limit potassium intake, and avoid rapid or significantly increased intake; professional supervision indicated. Closely monitor high-risk patients.
| Quinidine Antiarrhythmic drugs
| Hypokalemia of various origins can significantly increase risk of acute cardiac irregularities and adverse reactions to antiarrhythmic drugs, especially when accompanied by hypomagnesemia.
| Closely monitor; restore electrolyte balance, particularly magnesium and potassium, whenever disturbed or depleted by diuretics, vomiting, diarrhea, or other causes.
| Spironolactone, triamterene
| Potassium-sparing diuretics (spironolactone, triamterene) carry implicit risk of hyperkalemia if potassium intake significantly increased, especially with compromised renal function or concomitant ACE inhibitor. Probability of acute and severe adverse events with concurrent use of potassium supplements, salt substitutes, or food sources generally recognized. Frequently coadministered with potassium-depleting diuretics based on known activity.
| Limit potassium intake, and avoid rapid and significantly increased intake; professional supervision indicated. Closely monitor high-risk patients.
| Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
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| Trimethoprim, alone or with sulfamethoxazole, can elevate potassium levels, sometimes causing hyperkalemia, through one or more mechanisms involving renal function. Severe adverse effects are uncommon but not rare; they may be acute and reversible, but chronic renal failure possible. Risk minimal to moderate for most patients but increased in AIDS patients or others with compromised physiological function or polypharmacy affecting renal function.
| Limit potassium intake, and avoid rapid or significantly increased intake, outside professional supervision. Closely monitor high-risk patients.
Chemistry and Forms
Potassium aspartate, potassium bicarbonate, potassium chloride, potassium citrate, potassium gluconate, potassium orotate, potassium tartrate.
Physiology and Function
Cell membrane excitability, ion transport, and energy production are central functions of potassium in human physiology. Potassium, sodium, and chloride are the essential dietary minerals that serve as the major electrolytes in the human body within a triangular equilibrium. Directly and through these relationships, potassium participates in the regulation of water balance, osmotic equilibrium, acid-base balance, and blood pressure, and it plays a critical role in the contractility of smooth, cardiac, and skeletal (striated) muscle, particularly through its contribution to nerve function and carbohydrate and protein metabolism. It participates in glucose metabolism through its involvement with insulin in the movement of blood glucose into cells and conversion of blood glucose into glycogen for storage in the muscles and liver. Potassium (K+) is the principal cation in intracellular fluid, whereas sodium (Na+) is the principal extracellular cation. Potassium concentrations are tightly regulated both inside and outside of cells, with a differential of 30 times, and this sodium-potassium concentration gradient creates the membrane potential on which all contractility and nerve function depend.
Water balance is maintained by using ion pumps in the cell membrane, especially the sodium-potassium-adenosinetriphosphatase (Na+, K+-ATPase) pumps, to move potassium into cells in exchange for sodium being pumped out of cells. The proper functioning of nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction, and cardiac function all require tight control of cell membrane potential. The critical function of these ion pumps is demonstrated in their exchange activities, accounting for 20% to 40% of the resting energy expenditure (of ATP) in a typical adult. The activity of the adenosine triphosphate (ATP)–sensitive K+channel plays an important role in mitochondrial cell-signaling pathways for ischemic protection and gene transcription, “roles that appear to depend on the ability of mitochondrial K(ATP) opening to trigger increased mitochondrial production of reactive oxygen species.” Beyond Na+, K+-ATPase, potassium is required as a cofactor in the activity of only a few other enzyme systems, such as pyruvate kinase, central to carbohydrate metabolism. Potassium is also essential for proper kidney and adrenal function.
Potassium salts are inherently highly soluble, and dietary potassium intake is readily absorbed, 85% to 98%, principally in the small intestine. Average body content of potassium is 180 grams, and the intracellular fluid holds approximately 98% of the total body potassium. Dietary potassium is primarily excreted in the urine (∼ 77%-90%), with minimal renal capacity for conservation and minimal elimination of unabsorbed and intestinally secreted potassium eliminated via feces. The correlation between dietary potassium intake and urinary potassium content is high ( r = 0.82). Small amounts of potassium are excreted, along with other electrolytes, through perspiration and saliva.
Known or Potential Therapeutic Uses
Potassium is among the nutrients more frequently prescribed in conventional medical practice, particularly in the context of hypertension and drug-induced depletion, as well as diarrhea and other causes of acute electrolyte depletion or disequilibrium. Although the legal limitation of potassium in over-the-counter (OTC) preparations to 99 mg in the United States is unique, much higher dosage levels are often prescribed in conjunction with potassium-wasting diuretics, or simply are attainable through consumption of a few pieces of fruit daily (or many electrolyte-rich “sports” drinks). Professional supervision and regular monitoring of serum potassium concentrations are appropriate whenever potassium is coadministered with conventional medications. Notably, perioperative outcomes are better in cardiac surgery patients with adequate potassium levels than those in patients with low preoperative serum potassium levels, who are at increased risk of developing arrhythmias and more likely to require cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Conversely, hyperkalemia can occur when excess potassium accumulates because of decreased urinary potassium excretion as a result of diminished renal elimination, or more rarely, acute excessive intake. Apart from unintended effects of potassium-sparing diuretics, acute or chronic renal failure and hypoaldosteronism constitute the most common causes of hyperkalemia. Hemolysis, traumatic tissue damage, severe burns, and tumor lysis syndrome may also produce hyperkalemia as a result of a rapid shift of intracellular potassium into general circulation.
Historical/Ethnomedicine Precedent
The simple admonition to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially those grown in soil rich with minerals, represents a time-honored recommendation that would encompass a healthful dietary potassium intake.
Possible Uses
Allergies, asthma, atherosclerosis, cancer, cardiac arrhythmia, congestive heart failure, Crohn's disease, diabetes mellitus (mild), diarrhea (especially in infants), electrolyte depletion, glaucoma, hypertension, hypokalemia, inflammatory bowel disease, muscle cramping and spasms, muscle fatigue and weakness, nephrolithiasis, osteoporosis, premenstrual syndrome, stroke, ulcerative colitis.
Deficiency Symptoms
Potassium deficiency can lead to a broad range of adverse effects across multiple body systems. These effects primarily derive from alterations in membrane potential and cellular metabolism and include muscle weakness, fatigue, listlessness, irritability, apprehension, mental confusion, drowsiness, nerve conduction irregularities, respiratory failure, reduced or absent reflexes, paralysis, cardiac disturbances (particularly arrhythmia), hypotension, muscle cramping and spasms, anorexia, nausea, abdominal bloating, delayed gastric emptying, constipation, paralytic ileus, polydypsia, and polyuria. Severe hypokalemia can be fatal as a result of cardiac arrhythmias and muscular paralysis. Electrocardiographic (ECG) changes accompanying hypokalemia are ST depression, flat T waves, U waves, and dysrhythmias. The pulse will alternate between fast and slow. It is necessary to monitor for digitalis toxicity in digitalized patients.
Most incidents of hypokalemia (i.e., abnormally low plasma potassium concentration) result from excessive loss of potassium, but inadequate or unbalanced intake can make a significant contribution. Thus, gross deficiencies of potassium are most often associated with use of potassium-depleting diuretics or glucocorticoids but can also result from severe or prolonged vomiting, diarrhea or perspiration, gastrointestinal (GI) disturbances caused by parasites, ostomy, laxative abuse or food reactions, some forms of renal disease, or other metabolic disturbances (e.g., acidosis) associated with alcoholism, anorexia nervosa, bulimia, rapid weight loss, congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes mellitus, or magnesium depletion. To a lesser degree, because potassium losses increase with perspiration, exercise and heat exposure, particularly hot humid climate, can adversely affect potassium status. In another clinical scenario, fluid shifting from the extracellular to the intracellular fluid compartment as a result of elevated insulin levels in the treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis is the most common cause of a drop in serum potassium levels. Subsequently, potassium is pulled from the intracellular space to the serum and then excreted through the kidneys in the hyperglycemic phase. At that point, serum potassium levels appear elevated, even though the stores are being lost with polyuria. Consequently, in the absence of replacement, serum potassium can drop to dangerously low levels if insulin is administered to reduce the hyperglycemia and potassium returns to the intracellular space. In a less dramatic process, potassium can become depleted during periods of stress as the adrenal glands secrete increased levels of adrenaline, which pulls potassium from the cells to be lost by the kidneys’ excretion. Similarly, overproduction of corticosteroids resulting from Cushing's syndrome, hyperaldosteronism, or other endocrine disorders (or exogenous administration) can provoke sodium retention and increase potassium excretion.
Absolute potassium deficiency is relatively rare, but relative potassium deficiency (i.e., in relation to sodium excess) is common, even in those with apparently healthy diets. In 2001 the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES-III) found that the modern American diet, especially when dominated by salt and processed foods, contains an average of 2300 mg of potassium daily for adult females and 3100 mg daily for adult males; slightly more than minimum daily requirements but approximately one-quarter to one-third the estimated daily potassium intake of hunter-gatherers or other “primitive” diets. Moreover, with daily potassium intake in modern diets being half as much as the typical daily sodium intake, most experts recommend significantly higher levels of dietary potassium, for example, a ratio of at least 5:1 or optimally 10:1 potassium/sodium intake or more, especially in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables. Dietary intake for reducing risk of hypertension, heart disease, and stroke is at least in the range of 4 to 5 g daily. Thus, even though low dietary intakes of potassium will generally not produce hypokalemia, insufficient dietary potassium probably increases significantly the risk of a wide range of chronic diseases, especially in the context of an imbalanced or poor-quality diet.
Several commonly consumed substances may induce lowered potassium levels. Caffeine and tobacco can reduce potassium absorption. Apart from the major adverse impact on potassium status associated with sodium intake, magnesium can also cause increased excretion of potassium in the stool with excess intake. Rare case reports describe hypokalemia subsequent to continued intake of large doses of licorice; the herb (but usually not the candy) contains glycyrrhizic acid, which can increase urinary excretion of potassium in a manner similar to aldosterone.
Dietary Sources
Fruits and vegetables are generally the richest dietary sources of potassium, and an individual who eats a diet high in these can have a high potassium intake (8-11 g/day). Notably, however, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) data (2004) documented changes in food composition for 43 garden crops indicating that the nutrient content of many vegetables and fruits declined significantly from 1950 to 1999.
Bananas, orange juice, prunes and prune juice, raisins, avocados, cantaloupes, peaches, tomato juice, potatoes (baked with skin), soy flour, white beans, lima beans (cooked), lentils (cooked), acorn squash (cooked), parsnips (cooked), turnips (cooked), artichokes (cooked), and spinach (cooked) contain more than 300 mg of potassium per serving. Other foods providing moderate amounts of potassium include oranges, tomatoes, other fruits and vegetables, mint leaves, molasses, whole grains, sunflower seeds, almonds, flounder, salmon, cod, milk, chicken, and red meat.
Common herbs also considered sources of potassium include red clover, sage, catnip, hops, horsetail, nettle, plantain, and skullcap.
The potassium/sodium ratio in foods varies considerably and is more influential than the potassium content per se. Beans, peas, potatoes, grains, nuts, and fruits are among the foods with the highest potassium/sodium ratio. Thus, bananas or navy beans contain more than 1000 times more potassium than sodium, and Brazil nuts or corn contain more than 700 times more potassium than sodium. In comparison, eggs, beef, and fish contain 6 to 10 times more potassium than sodium, and spinach, celery, and beets contain only about 2.5 to 4 times more potassium than sodium, as do whole milk, chicken, and lamb. Many health care professionals advise using potassium chloride, rather than sodium chloride, as a seasoning to shift the potassium/sodium balance.
Nutrient Preparations Available
Potassium preparations can be potassium salts (chloride and bicarbonate), potassium bound to various mineral chelates (e.g., aspartate, citrate), or food-based potassium sources. Forms of potassium used as supplemental nutrients or as pharmaceutical agents include potassium aspartate, potassium bicarbonate, potassium chloride (oral, effervescent, or injection), potassium citrate, potassium gluconate, potassium iodide (oral solution or syrup), potassium-R-lipoate, potassium orotate, and potassium para-aminobenzoate. Potassium gluconate and potassium citrate are the most common supplemental forms. Potassium is administered parenterally when oral replacement is not possible or if hypokalemia is life threatening. Intravenous (IV) administration without cardiac monitoring should not exceed 10 mEq/hr.
Available forms are composed of potassium bound to other nonmetallic substances that render it chemically stable. Pure potassium is never available as a supplement or prescription item because it is a highly reactive metal that spontaneously ignites when exposed to water. Potassium bicarbonate or citrate is the form most conducive to a reduced risk of kidney stones. Among the chelated forms used orally, potassium citrate is generally better tolerated (and possibly more efficacious), whereas potassium chloride is less well tolerated, although it is used as a substitute for table salt and, in solution, for IV administration. A large amount given rapidly after sedation and neuromuscular paralysis is used as part of execution by lethal injection because it stops cardiac electrical activity and thus cardiac function.
Prescription preparations of potassium usually contain an inorganic form of potassium, usually potassium chloride, along with nonnutritive additives, and are dispensed as timed-release tablets, liquids, powders, and effervescent tablets, typically in the dosage range of 1.5 to 3 g (20-40 mEq) daily. Potassium iodide is also the preferred agent recommended by some governmental bodies as a protective measure against iodine-131 radiation-induced thyroid cancer in cases of nuclear radiation contamination.
Potassium is available generically from numerous manufacturers as an over-the-counter (OTC) product, but it is limited to 99 mg per serving as a nutritional supplement, which is small compared with the U.S. Institute of Medicine's recommendation for a dietary intake of 4700 mg daily. More significant quantities of supplemental potassium require a physician's prescription. Notably, so-called salt substitutes, such as Morton Salt Substitute, Lite Salt, No Salt, and Nu-Salt, are basically potassium chloride at the dosage level of 530 mg of potassium per ⅙ teaspoon.
Dosage Forms Available
Divided doses, taken with or near food, throughout the day are generally best for availability and tolerance.
Over-the-counter potassium supplements, singly or within multivitamin/mineral formulations, typically contain 99 mg of potassium per recommended daily dose, the legal nonprescription limit in the United States, as established by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), for non-food-based forms. Notably, so-called salt substitutes, such as Morton Salt Substitute, Lite Salt, No Salt, and Nu-Salt, are basically potassium chloride at the dosage level of 530 mg potassium per ⅙ tsp.
Dosage Range
Dietary: A daily intake of 2000 mg (51 mEq) is generally considered an adequate (i.e., minimum) requirement of potassium for adult men and women, including for pregnant and nursing women. The need to ensure a (minimal) daily potassium intake of 2.5 to 3.5 g, a supply from fruits and vegetables (chiefly as citrate or malate, through daily intake of 0.6-0.8 mg/kg) represents the underlying rationale for the often-repeated “5 to 10 servings per day” recommendations from official bodies. Many practitioners experienced in nutritional medicine recommend 6 to 9 g from food sources as an optimal daily intake.
In 2004 the Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) of the U.S. Institute of Medicine established, for the first time, a recommended adequate intake (AI) level of 4700 mg (120 mEq) per day of potassium for adult, based on intake levels that have been found to lower blood pressure, reduce salt sensitivity (particularly in African-American men), and minimize the risk of kidney stones. However, the AI for potassium during lactation is set at 5100 mg (130 mEq)/day (4700 + 400 mg). In the United Kingdom the average adult daily diet provides 2562 mg for women and 3279 mg for men.
Supplemental/Maintenance: No dosage level has been officially established for use as a dietary supplement. Potassium supplementation is not normally necessary in the presence of a balanced diet.
Pharmacological/Therapeutic: An oral dose of 1500 to 4000 mg daily, with plenty of fluid, is usually indicated in correction of mild deficiency or to lower blood pressure. More broadly, therapeutic doses can range from 100 to 6000 mg per day.
As a prescription medication, potassium is usually measured according to milliequivalents (mEq) or millimoles (mmol) rather than as milligrams (mg). To convert mg of elemental potassium to mEq, take mg and divide it by 39.0983 (atomic weight of potassium). For example, 90 mg is equivalent to 2.30 mEq, and 99 mg is equivalent to 2.53 mEq. Conversely, if you know the mEq, multiply by 39.0983 to find the elemental potassium weight in mg. For example, 2 mEq is equal to 78.0 mg. A typical therapeutic dosage of potassium is between 10 and 20 mEq, three to four times daily; professional supervision is recommended.
Toxic: Daily intakes exceeding 17 g, difficult to obtain from oral supplements, would be required to produce potassium toxicity. Hyperkalemia from oral administration is virtually unknown in individuals with normal renal function. Thus, the U.S. FNB noted that in “otherwise healthy individuals (i.e., individuals without impaired urinary potassium excretion from a medical condition or drug therapy), there is no evidence that a high level of potassium from foods has adverse effects,” and concluded that “a Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for potassium from foods is not set for healthy adults.”
Pediatric (<18 Years)
Dietary: As of 2004, official U.S. recommendations for AI were established for the first time :
- Children, 1 to 3 years: 3000 mg (77 mEq)/day
- Children, 4 to 8 years: 3800 mg (97 mEq)/day
- Children, 9 to 13 years: 4500 mg (115 mEq)/day
- Children, 14 to 18 years: 4700 mg (120 mEq)/day
Supplemental/Maintenance: Usually not recommended for children under 12 years of age with healthy, balanced diet.
Pharmacological/Therapeutic: Not established.
Toxic: Not established.
Laboratory Values
The accuracy of laboratory assessment of potassium status is severely limited because most potassium in the human body is within cells. Consequently, measuring levels of free potassium in the serum will only detect deficiency in extreme depletion states. Measurement of potassium levels in red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), or other intracellular tissues can provide a more accurate index of tissue potassium stores and thus reveal potassium insufficiency more readily.
Serum Potassium (K+)
Normal levels are 3.5 to 5.0 mmol/L. (To convert mg of elemental potassium to mEq, take mg and divide it by 39.0983 [atomic weight of potassium].) Low serum potassium levels may reflect a shift to intracellular space or to depletion from the total body stores. Hyperkalemia is indicated by an increase in the serum potassium concentration above 5.5 mEq/L (plasma potassium >5.0).
Urinary Potassium (24 Hour)
Normal levels are 26 to 123 mmol/day.
Ranges depend on dietary intake. Because potassium excretion in the urine varies with intake and concentrations are affected by fluid intake, 24-hour measurement of urinary potassium provides a more consistent value.
Erythrocyte Potassium
Normal levels are approximately 100 mmol/L RBCs. This test most accurately reflects tissue stores.
- Note: Pseudohyperkalemia is defined as a difference between serum and plasma potassium greater than 0.4 mmol/L. Cases have been reported in which potassium is released from platelets, WBCs, or RBCs into the serum as blood clots, giving a falsely high value. This has occurred in polycythemia rubra vera, other myeloproliferative disorders with a high hematocrit or high platelet count, release of potassium from platelets during coagulation, RBC hemolysis during or after collection, and a protracted interval between blood sampling and separation of serum. Such misleading findings can be avoided, and a more accurate estimation obtained, by use of plasma instead of serum.
At moderate or high dosage levels, potassium salts taken orally can cause symptoms of nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, and ulcers. A single dose of several hundred milligrams in tablet form can produce gastric irritation, especially when ingested on an empty stomach, with potassium chloride particularly well known for adverse effects, even in liquid forms. Microencapsulated forms are generally better tolerated. In contrast, modified-release preparations (e.g., potassium chloride with enteric coating) have been associated with GI ulceration. Adverse effects can usually be prevented or reduced by taking potassium with meals. Potassium in dietary forms, at any intake level, is generally not associated with adverse effects, except that occasionally, ingestion of potassium-rich fruit has been reported to produce hyperkalemia in the context of potassium-sparing diuretics and ACE inhibitor medications. Most adverse effects associated with potassium result from depletion and deficiency. Chronic renal insufficiency requires dietary restriction of potassium (and magnesium) with careful monitoring of blood levels.
Nutrient Adverse Effects
Gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms constitute the most common adverse effects associated with nondietary potassium intake, with nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, and diarrhea quite common and ulceration less frequent. When indicated, high-potency potassium chloride tablets should only be administered in a slow-release form (e.g., Slow K), to minimize the risk of GI distress or bleeding ulcers often attributable to the high amounts of chloride in the tablets.
The most serious adverse reaction to potassium is hyperkalemia. Abnormally elevated serum potassium concentrations [K+] occur when potassium intake exceeds the capacity of renal elimination. The accumulation of excess potassium can occur with decreased urinary potassium excretion due to acute or chronic renal failure, hypoaldosteronism, or the use of potassium-sparing diuretics, ACE inhibitors, or other drugs. More acutely, a shift of intracellular potassium into the circulation, most often resulting from hemolysis or sudden tissue damage, can also cause hyperkalemia. Thus, hyperkalemia is almost always caused by metabolic derangement due to pathophysiology (especially compromised kidney function) or medications that interfere with metabolic feedback systems; close monitoring is always appropriate when treating such patients.
A toxic reaction with severe hyperkalemia could potentially result from rapid ingestion of oral doses greater than 17 g (434 mEq) by individuals not acclimated to high intake, even with normal renal function. Ingestion of a dose this size would be difficult and unlikely to occur unintentionally.
Potassium is generally considered to be neither a mutagen nor a carcinogen in standard forms at typical doses.
Adverse Effects Among Specific Populations
Individuals with compromised renal function, especially chronic renal failure, are at greatest risk for complications.
Pregnancy and Nursing
Specific data on potassium administration or supplementation in pregnancy and nursing are lacking. However, typical supplemental dosage levels are at or below recommended dietary intake levels or doses from typical intake of many common (and healthful) foods.
Infants and Children
Specific data on potassium administration or supplementation in infants and children are lacking. However, typical supplemental dosage levels would be at or below recommended dietary intake levels or doses from typical intake of many common (and healthful) foods.
Limited risk with food-level doses, but excessive doses should be avoided outside professional supervision and close monitoring: Addison's disease; compromised renal function, especially chronic renal failure; heart block; peptic ulcer; GI ulceration or obstruction; acute dehydration; severe burns.
Precautions and Warnings
Concurrent medications that alter potassium metabolism or interfere with potassium regulation, except with supervision and monitoring, including amiloride, spironolactone, triamterene, or other potassium-sparing diuretics, and ACE inhibitors such as captopril, enalapril, or lisinopril. Note that in such cases, consumption of foods providing potassium at recommended level (4.5-4.7 g/day) may develop excessive potassium levels. Caution also warranted in individuals undergoing trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole therapy.
The 2004 recommendations from the U.S. FNB state: “Overall, because of the concern for hyperkalemia and resultant arrhythmias that might be life-threatening, the proposed AI [Adequate Intake: 4700 mg per day for adults] should not be applied to individuals with chronic kidney disease, heart failure, or type 1 diabetes, especially those who concomitantly use ACE inhibitor therapy. Among otherwise healthy individuals with hypertension on ACE inhibitor therapy, the AI should apply as long as renal function is unimpaired.”
Strategic Considerations
A cursory review of standard information on the therapeutic applications, effects and risks, interactions, and depletion patterns associated with potassium typically focuses on hypertension, diabetes, and renal disease, or frank hypokalemia/hyperkalemia, often to the exclusion of the diverse effects of numerous medications on the key physiological functions of potassium and its many clinical applications. A deeper and broader review of the scientific literature looking at therapeutic applications beyond mere “supplementation” reveals both subtle and profound, gradual and rapid, obvious and complex effects of potassium insufficiency, deficiency, or excess, even when not necessarily at the threshold of hypokalemia or hyperkalemia. Health care professionals applying the information available through such an integrative analysis can discover many opportunities for enriching their therapeutic repertoire and enhancing clinical outcomes while avoiding or carefully navigating some of the more problematic encounters between potassium and various drugs, particularly in the context of treating patients with chronic disease or metabolic maladaption.
Potassium is one of the primary mineral nutrients, which, along with magnesium, are the most susceptible to drug-induced depletion. Such depletion patterns, particularly in early stages, are typically difficult to detect at the intracellular level, where hypokalemia can be most significant, especially for normal cardiac muscle and electrical activity. Potassium-wasting diuretics, particularly the thiazide and loop diuretics, represent the most widely recognized examples of medications that inherently increase risks of potassium depletion and hypokalemia. However, long-term, repeated, and high-dose use of numerous pharmaceutical agents, such as beta-2-adrenoceptor agonists, colchicine, amphotericin B, and laxatives or stool softeners, can impair potassium absorption, deplete potassium, and interfere with its physiological activity. Hypokalemia resulting from these drugs, particularly in combination with steroids or digoxin, may contribute to edema, acute cardiac rhythm irregularities, aggravation of asthma, or other adverse responses. Compensatory increase in potassium intake can usually, but not always, prevent or correct drug-induced adverse effects, and sometimes the corrective remedy is simply regular intake of several pieces of potassium-rich fruit. However, in situations such as cyclosporine-induced nephrotoxicity and hyperkalemia, adverse effects can be either rapid or gradual in onset, and attempts at mitigating drug toxicity through nutrient support can be of limited effectiveness. Likewise, the risks accompanying diuretic therapy or renal impairment can become unpredictable and complex, especially when interacting with agents such as digoxin, which can intrinsically impair potassium function; digoxin toxicity increases with hypokalemia, and digoxin overdose can cause hyperkalemia. In this case, as in many others, the intimate relationship between potassium and magnesium (as well as other key nutrients) reveals itself in physiology, therapeutics, interactions, and parallel depletion patterns and demonstrates the need for a comprehensive risk assessment and nutrient support strategy. As with many drug-induced depletion patterns, evidence of benefit from nutrient coadministration is often present in clinical practice but lacking in the scientific literature. Close monitoring is imperative in patients with intertwined pathologies, multiple medications, and comorbidities such as renal impairment, cardiac conditions, organ allografts, or other complicating factors.
Serum/plasma concentrations indicate critical deficiency or excess and disequilibrium or dysregulation, but potassium depletion at the intracellular level is difficult to detect with conventional laboratory assessment of blood constituents. Increasing potassium intake with potassium-rich foods, salt substitutes, and supplements is generally indicated and effective, although increased vigilance is necessary in the setting of compromised renal function or other medications altering potassium status.
Mineral wasting caused by renal tubular damage occurs in patients being treated with cisplatin or aminoglycosides, particularly in elderly and compromised populations, and hypokalemia often results. potassium depletion can further potentiate renal insufficiency or failure in such cases. Concurrent potassium therapy may prevent or correct adverse effects with long-term or repeated drug therapy, but evidence is limited. With cisplatin, however, refractory hypokalemia may require concomitant administration of both potassium and magnesium, possibly because of the magnesium dependence of the Na+,K+-ATPase membrane “pump” enzyme. Some agents, such as carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, can decrease renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate. However, other than furosemide and acetazolamide, these may not adversely impact potassium status in most individuals. Nevertheless, given the potential for significant disequilibrium in carbon dioxide and bicarbonate transport, risks may be significantly elevated in certain individuals.
Hypokalemia, whether from disease, drugs, or physiological degeneration, can increase risks associated with many pharmaceutical agents that require stable levels of potassium and other key nutrients. For example, hypokalemia of various origins can significantly increase risk of acute cardiac rhythm irregularities and adverse reactions to quinidine and other antiarrhythmic drugs, especially when accompanied by hypomagnesemia.
Certain medications lead to increased potassium levels and potential for hyperkalemia, with the attendant risk of severe adverse events, sometimes acute, often chronic. Notably, hyperkalemia was virtually unknown except in renal failure until introduction of several drug classes in recent years. This rapid escalation of occurrence of hyperkalemia represents a major challenge in the chronic care of patients with multiple intertwined and complex patterns of dysfunction and disease, debilitation, and comedication.
In the context of certain medical conditions and comedications, some drugs can create or aggravate a risk of hyperkalemia and the potential for sudden onset of severe symptoms. Amiloride or other potassium-sparing diuretics carry an implicit risk of hyperkalemia when combined with a significant increase in potassium intake, especially with compromised renal function and concomitant ACE inhibitor therapy. Likewise, beta-adrenergic blockers can also elevate potassium levels and cause hyperkalemia through uncertain and often unpredictable mechanisms. Similarly, losartan and other angiotensin II receptor antagonists inherently carry a risk of hyperkalemia.
In these cases, potassium intake needs to be limited and patients educated as to the various sources (and relative dosages) of potassium. Some medications, such as trimethoprim, alone or in combination with sulfamethoxazole, can elevate potassium levels and may occasionally cause hyperkalemia, usually through effects on renal function; although uncommon and often reversible, severe adverse effects can be acute, and renal failure is possible. High-risk patients, such as those with compromised physiological function, with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, or receiving polypharmacy affecting renal function, should always be monitored closely. Perhaps more importantly than any absolute prohibition, patients need to avoid rapid or significantly increased potassium intake (e.g., new use of salt substitute) outside professional supervision.
As a mineral, potassium has variable risk for pharamacokinetic interference in which binding between the drug and potassium impairs biovailability and decreases therapeutic effect of both agents. Risks of clinically significant adverse effects are generally minimized by separating oral intake by several hours.
In a few cases, administration of potassium is relatively contraindicated in patients with specific pathological conditions or being treated with specific medications. Nevertheless, such contraindication is often cautionary, and coadministration of these agents is safe, or even beneficial in certain patients, but requires regular monitoring and close supervision by health care professionals trained and experienced in the various modalities and their integrative application.
Evidence: Intramuscular (IM), intravenous (IV), and subcutaneous (SC) forms: Albuterol (salbutamol), rimiterol (Pulmadil). Extrapolated, based on similar properties: IM, IV, and SC forms: Fenoterol (Berotec), isoetharine (Arm-A-Med, Bronkosol, Bronkometer), pirbuterol (Exirel), salmeterol, tulobuterol (Brelomax). Similar properties but evidence indicating no or reduced interaction effects: Inhalation forms: Albuterol (Albuterol Inhaled, Proventil, Ventolin); combination drug: albuterol and ipratropium bromide (Combivent); isoporterenol (isoprenaline; Isuprel, Medihaler-Iso), levalbuterol (Xopenex), metaproterenol (Alupent), salmeterol (Serevent, combination drug: Advair), terbutaline (Brethaire, Brethine, Bricanyl). See also Ephedrine and Theophylline sections. | Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion, Supplementation Therapeutic, with Professional Management | | Prevention or Reduction of Drug Adverse Effect |
3. PossibleEvidence Base:
EmergingEffect and Mechanism of Action
Albuterol, administered by IM, IV, and SC routes, is associated with decreased levels of serum/plasma potassium, as well as of calcium, magnesium, and phosphate.
In an experiment investigating nontherapeutic metabolic and cardiovascular effects of therapeutic doses of beta-2-adrenoceptor agonists, Phillips et al. administered IV infusions of salbutamol (albuterol) and rimiterol to four healthy male subjects. In response to “equivalent molar amounts of salbutamol and rimiterol,” they observed “dose-related decreases in plasma potassium, phosphate and corticosteroids” as well as “significant” hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, hyperlactatemia, and ketonemia and dose-related increases in plasma glucose, renin activity, serum insulin, and heart rate. They noted that with either drug, “special care is required for patients who may have abnormal glucose tolerance, potassium depletion, or be predisposed to lactic acidosis,” and suggested that rimiterol “may be preferable for infusion because of its short plasma half-life.” Spector reported that “beta adrenergic agonists can lower serum potassium levels predominantly when they are administered by the parenteral route.” In particular he noted that dose-related hypokalemia has been demonstrated with albuterol given by the IM, IV, and SC routes, as well as with SC epinephrine. He further cautioned that comedication with agents such as corticosteroids, theophylline, diuretics, and digoxin could exacerbate potassium status and recommended further research into the “hypokalemic effect of all forms of beta agonists in view of their possible contribution toward arrhythmias and asthma deaths.” Subsequently, in a study of the effects of oral albuterol on serum and skeletal levels of digoxin in four healthy subjects, Edner and Jogestrand observed a parallel reduction in the serum potassium concentration (0.58 mmol/L) and serum digoxin concentration, compared with control measurements.
Nutritional Therapeutics, Clinical Concerns, and Adaptations
The possibility of adverse effects on potassium status from albuterol, rimiterol, or related beta-2-adrenergic bronchodilators has been consistently demonstrated, but evidence is lacking as to the frequency of this effect or the efficacy of interventions to prevent or diminish it. The observed adverse effects on potassium levels are less likely to occur with use of albuterol via oral inhalation, the most common form of administration, particularly with occasional application in acute episodes. Clinical trials are warranted to determine the clinical significance of these effects of albuterol on potassium status and whether supportive coadministration of potassium and other minerals is safe and efficacious, as well as the comparative effects of food versus supplemental/prescribed sources. Pending substantive research findings, physicians prescribing albuterol, particularly those administering it parenterally, are advised to monitor potassium levels and consider potassium coadministration if indicated by direct findings or other factors associated with increased risk.
Amiloride (Midamor) Combination drug: Amiloride and hydrochlorothiazide (Moduretic). See also Spironolactone and Triamterene. | Minimal to Mild Adverse Interaction—Vigilance Necessary | | Potentially Harmful or Serious Adverse Interaction—Avoid | | Drug-Induced Effect on Nutrient Function, Supplementation Contraindicated, Professional Management Appropriate |
2. Probable or 1. CertainEvidence Base:
ConsensusEffect and Mechanism of Action
Amiloride hydrochloride is an antikaliuretic-diuretic agent, which as a pyrazine-carbonyl-guanidine is unrelated chemically to other diuretics, including potassium-sparing agents. Because of its intended action of reducing urinary excretion of potassium, amiloride can produce a state of inappropriately elevated potassium levels, especially with concomitant angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor therapy. Further, exogenous sources of potassium, including potassium-rich foods such as fruit or food seasoning containing potassium chloride, can contribute to potassium accumulation in the presence of amiloride. Except for hyperkalemia (serum potassium levels >5.5 mEq/L), amiloride is generally thought to be well tolerated, and reports of significant adverse effects are infrequent.
Research and Reports
Published research is lacking, and case reports of hyperkalemia are generally uncirculated because this interaction is considered axiomatic, and coadministration is always accompanied by cautions of inherent risk.
- Note:
As a result of its potassium-sparing activity, amiloride is often prescribed in conjunction with medications, such as thiazides and amphotericin B, that cause electrolyte disturbances, especially potassium wasting, to mitigate these potentially dangerous adverse effects. These patterns of compensatory coadministration are discussed in the context of the respective medication(s) involved.
Clinical Implications and Adaptations
Amiloride is often prescribed because of demonstrated hypokalemia, but the risk of hyperkalemia warrants frequent monitoring when an ACE inhibitor and amiloride are administered concomitantly. Patient education is critical because potassium-rich foods are generally considered desirable for individuals wanting to enhance their cardiovascular health, and salt substitutes may be misconstrued as appropriate. Thus, despite good intentions, consuming even several pieces of fruit per day can be problematic for some individuals in the context of potassium-sparing agents such as amiloride. Regular monitoring and highly specific and practical dietary counseling are essential, with patients having even mildly compromised renal function at greatest risk.
Amikacin (Amikin), gentamicin (G-mycin, Garamycin, Jenamicin), kanamycin (Kantrex), neomycin (Mycifradin, Myciguent, Neo-Fradin, NeoTab, Nivemycin), netilmicin (Netromycin), paromomycin (monomycin; Humatin), streptomycin, tobramycin (AKTob, Nebcin, TOBI, TOBI Solution, TobraDex, Tobrex). | Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion, Supplementation Therapeutic, with Professional Management | | Prevention or Reduction of Drug Adverse Effect |
2. ProbableEvidence Base:
ConsensusEffect and Mechanism of Action
Hypokalemia, as well as hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, and alkalosis, is a predictable outcome of renal tubular damage from aminoglycosides. Moreover, gentamicin-induced renal failure is potentiated by potassium depletion. Potassium administration may reduce the sequelae of aminoglycoside-induced hypokalemia but introduces significant risks in at-risk patient populations.
Research and Reports
Renal tubular damage is a well-established toxic effect of aminoglycosides, such as gentamicin, which has been demonstrated in animal studies and described in case reports. Clinically significant depletion of potassium (and magnesium) or other metabolic disturbances are assumed to be uncommon complications but are more likely to occur in elderly patients administered large doses over extended periods. Findings from clinical trials specifically investigating coadministration of potassium, alone or with synergistic nutrients, in the prevention or treatment of aminoglycoside toxicity are lacking in the published literature.
Nutritional Therapeutics, Clinical Concerns, and Adaptations
Physicians prescribing aminoglycosides on a chronic or repeated basis are advised to monitor closely for depletion of potassium and magnesium and other metabolic disturbances resulting from renal tubular damage and to consider prophylactic or compensatory nutritional support for such individuals. Serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and creatinine clearance should be measured before initiating therapy and should be monitored throughout treatment, along with serum potassium and magnesium levels. Only after such assessment should increased intake of potassium (from dietary or supplemental sources) be undertaken, and then only under close supervision.
Enhancing potassium levels in response to potential compromise by aminoglycosides may be necessary and appropriate but needs to be approached with caution and care. Potassium levels can most easily be increased through consumption of several pieces of fruit each day. Slow-K, Micro-K, and K-dur are typical examples of the potassium preparations prescribed by physicians. However, increasing potassium intake by any means is usually contraindicated and often dangerous in patients with reduced kidney function, especially those on dialysis. Magnesium may also be appropriate for its general role in cardiovascular health; its tendency to be depleted by aminoglycosides, other drugs, and their adverse effects; and its role in maintaining intracellular potassium. Similar precautions regarding renal function apply to magnesium as well as potassium.
Amphotericin B (AMB; Fungizone) Similar properties but evidence indicating no or reduced interaction effects: Liposomal amphotericin, injection (AmBisome, Fungisome). | Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion, Supplementation Therapeutic, with Professional Management | | Prevention or Reduction of Drug Adverse Effect |
2. ProbableEvidence Base:
EmergingEffect and Mechanism of Action
Amphotericin B is a macrocyclic antifungal agent, similar in structure to nystatin, administered both systemically and topically for fungal infections. Amphotericin B is well known for inducing electrolyte disturbances. In particular, hypokalemia and potassium depletion (as well as magnesium wasting) are frequent complications of amphotericin B therapy, especially when combined with oral corticosteroids. Moreover, potassium depletion appears to potentiate amphotericin B–induced toxicity to renal tubules.
Hyperkalemia from rapid infusion or high doses in renally compromised patients is also possible, with attendant risks and adverse effects.
Early research demonstrated reversible concentration-dependent loss of intracellular potassium in vitro and hyperkalemic ventricular arrhythmias in dogs. Craven and Gremillion reported two episodes of ventricular fibrillation with progressive hyperkalemia (up to 8-8.4 mEq/L) in an anuric patient during rapid infusion of high-dose amphotericin B (1.4 mg/kg over 45 minutes). They subsequently conducted animal experiments investigating risk factors of ventricular fibrillation during rapid amphotericin B infusion. First, they noted that prolonged infusion (≥3 hours) and concurrent hemodialysis “each prevented the development of hyperkalemia and ventricular arrhythmia.” Thus, in trials involving two anuric patients receiving 4-hour infusions of amphotericin B during dialysis (0.7 and 1.0 mg/kg), they observed that peak amphotericin B concentrations in serum were lower and that serum potassium levels were maintained in the normal range. Likewise, in eight patients with normal renal function who received lower doses (0.7 ± 0.2 mg/kg) over 45 minutes, peak concentrations of amphotericin B in serum were also lower, with only slight increases in the serum potassium level. The authors thus recommended that “rapid infusion of amphotericin B not be used in patients with impaired potassium excretion unless accompanied by hemodialysis and careful potassium monitoring.”
Findings from a rodent study conducted by Bernardo et al. suggest that “potassium depletion does not influence the acute renovascular effects of amphotericin B but potentiates its [renal] tubular toxicity.”
Although substantive evidence is minimal, in some cases amiloride is combined with amphotericin B to prevent or mitigate the adverse effects of amphotericin B–induced hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia, especially in patients at high risk for complications resulting from these electrolyte disorders. Other potassium-sparing agents might provide similar activity, but research is lacking.
Limited clinical research indicates the importance of regulating potassium, preventively or in response to observed hypokalemia, using amiloride and potassium coadministration. In a randomized clinical trial involving 20 neutropenic patients with various hematological disorders, Smith et al. compared the prophylactic use of oral amiloride, 5 mg twice daily, concomitantly with IV amphotericin B (vs. amphotericin B alone) and demonstrated a decrease in potassium wasting. “Patients receiving amiloride had a significantly higher plasma potassium (p <.01), a significantly lower urinary potassium loss (p <.01), and required significantly less potassium chloride supplementation to maintain their plasma potassium within the normal range.” Subsequently, Bearden and Muncey investigated the effect of amiloride (5-10 mg twice daily for 14.7 ± 12.6 days) in 19 oncology patients exhibiting marked electrolyte wasting from amphotericin B at 0.67 ± 0.30 mg/kg for a mean of 21.9 days (range, 7-57 days). They found that mean serum potassium concentrations increased in the 5 days before and after administration and reported a trend toward decreased potassium supplementation. Notably, these researchers adopted a more conservative approach than that of Smith et al., in that “amiloride was added to amphotericin B treatment only when patients began to exhibit excessive potassium requirements.” Nevertheless, they concluded: “Early utilization of amiloride may be considered in patients with underlying risk factors for hypokalaemia (i.e., leukaemia, cisplatin use, diuretics) in whom a prolonged course of amphotericin is anticipated…. This retrospective study suggests that amiloride may benefit patients by decreasing total potassium requirements and supplementation, as well as increasing serum potassium concentrations.” They also cautioned that the “addition of another medication to a patient population receiving multidrug therapy is not recommended in all instances, and should be considered on a case-by-case basis.”
Pasic et al. studied the safety and efficacy of liposomal amphotericin B (mean daily dose, 5 mg/kg; 2-6 mg/kg) in 15 pediatric patients receiving bone marrow transplants for primary immunodeficiency (PID). Of these, four developed mild hypokalemia, which resolved with increased potassium administration.
Hypokalemia is a frequently reported adverse effect of amphotericin B therapy, but hypokalemia-associated rhabdomyolysis tends to be a rare occurrence. Da Silva et al. reported on a 10-year-old boy with hypokalemic rhabdomyolysis in the lower extremities after 1 week of amphotericin B therapy. Initial laboratory tests revealed a “serum potassium of 1.7 mEq/L and a serum creatinine phosphokinase of 3937 U/L plus myoglobulinuria.” The patient “progressed to achieve full regression of muscular weakness after one week” after fluid expansion and IV potassium replacement.
Nutritional Therapeutics, Clinical Concerns, and Adaptations
Physicians administering amphotericin B, whether in standard or liposomal form, are advised to be watchful for electrolyte disturbances, particularly depletion of potassium and magnesium. Such events are common and can be predicted in many patients, especially with extended or repeated amphotericin therapy. Amphotericin is almost always administered in inpatient hospital settings. Careful and frequent monitoring of serum electrolytes is required in all patients. Coadministration of potassium and possibly magnesium as a preventive, or at least reactive, measure is fundamental to comprehensive and judicious care, particularly in patients at high risk for potassium depletion. Amiloride is sometimes coadministered during amphotericin B therapy to decrease potassium wasting and can be considered a therapeutic option. It is noteworthy that amphotericin-induced potassium depletion can cause serious complications through its secondary effects on other medication, such as a potential increase in digitalis toxicity.
Benazepril (Lotensin); combination drug: benazepril and amlodipine (Lotrel); captopril (Capoten); combination drug: captopril and hydrochlorothiazide (Acezide, Capto-Co, Captozide, Co-Zidocapt); cilazapril (Inhibace), enalapril (Vasotec); enalapril combination drugs: enalapril and felodipine (Lexxel); enalapril and hydrochlorothiazide (Vaseretic); fosinopril (Monopril), lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril); combination drug: lisinopril and hydrochlorothiazide (Prinzide, Zestoretic); moexipril (Univasc), perindopril (Aceon), quinapril (Accupril), ramipril (Altace), trandolapril (Mavik). | Minimal to Mild Adverse Interaction—Vigilance Necessary | | Potentially Harmful or Serious Adverse Interaction—Avoid | | Drug-Induced Effect on Nutrient Function, Supplementation Contraindicated, Professional Management Appropriate |
2. ProbableEvidence Base:
ConsensusEffect and Mechanism of Action
The ACE inhibitors can increase serum levels of potassium in certain individuals, particularly those with diabetes or compromised renal function. The increased levels of intracellular potassium and magnesium associated with ACE inhibitor therapy may be an important mechanism by which ACE inhibitors reduce arrhythmias. Some ACE inhibitors, such as enalapril, can significantly inhibit plasma aldosterone concentration and urinary excretion of aldosterone. In general, these effects appear to be similar for long-acting ACE inhibitors such as enalapril and short-acting ACE inhibitors such as captopril.
The concomitant use of potassium with an ACE inhibitor drug increases the risk of hyperkalemia, especially with rapid introduction. Potassium levels may become further elevated with simultaneous use of potassium-sparing diuretics, potassium-based salt substitutes, very-low-calorie diets, and NSAIDs (which reduce renal excretion of ACE inhibitors). All these risks are amplified in the context of renal insufficiency.
The concomitant use of ACE inhibitor and potassium-sparing diuretic therapy is a contraindication rather than a potassium interaction; in such cases, both potassium and potassium-sparing medications should be avoided. For example, Burnakis and Mioduch noted the significant risk of hyperkalemia in patients receiving combined therapy with captopril and potassium. Chiu et al. conducted a retrospective chart review of five patients, all with diabetes and older than 50, who were seen for hyperkalemia in emergency care after having amiloride HCl/hydrochlorothiazide added to an ACE inhibitor drug regimen 8 to 18 days before presenting. They stated that these findings “highlight the dangers of a precipitous rise in serum potassium levels in patients at risk for renal insufficiency, already receiving an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, who are given a potassium-sparing diuretic.”
Ohya et al. administered enalapril (5 mg once daily) and captopril (12.5 mg three times daily) to 11 patients with mild essential hypertension and normal renal function for 1 week each in a crossover design, to compare effects of long-acting (enalapril) and short-acting (captopril) ACE inhibitors on serum electrolytes and circadian rhythm of urinary electrolyte excretion in relation to aldosterone status. Both agents “significantly decreased urinary K excretion” while “not significantly alter[ing] serum K level.” Notably, the amplitude of urinary K excretion was decreased by both drugs, although the circadian rhythm (acrophase) was not affected by either drug. Both enalapril and captopril “significantly reduced blood pressure” (to a similar degree) while enalapril, but not captopril, “significantly inhibited plasma aldosterone concentration and urinary aldosterone excretion.” Thus, although the primary finding of this trial was that “enalapril caused more sustained inhibition of aldosterone secretion” than captopril, they also noted that “both drugs showed similar effects on the K homeostasis in patients with mild essential hypertension.”
Nevertheless, the effects of ACE inhibitor therapy on potassium and magnesium may play an important role in their therapeutic effect. O’Keeffe et al. investigated the effect of captopril therapy on lymphocyte potassium and magnesium concentrations in patients with congestive heart failure (CHF). They compared lymphocyte potassium and magnesium in 18 patients taking furosemide and potassium for CHF before and 3 months after the introduction of captopril to 32 healthy controls. Nine of the treatment subjects exhibited decreased baseline lymphocyte magnesium and potassium concentrations, despite similar plasma electrolyte levels. Notably, there was a “significant increase in both lymphocyte potassium and magnesium levels” after 3 months’ treatment with captopril and furosemide in these patients. Furthermore, nine patients “who had been taking a potassium-sparing combination diuretic also had an increase in lymphocyte magnesium” after the introduction of captopril. These authors concluded that “increased intracellular potassium and magnesium may be one mechanism whereby [ACE] inhibitors reduced arrhythmias and improve survival” in CHF patients. In contrast, however, some of these same researchers subsequently examined the effect of 6 months’ captopril (or nifedipine) therapy on lymphocyte magnesium and potassium levels in 28 patients treated for hypertension. They observed “no difference in serum or lymphocyte concentrations in the two groups compared to 45 healthy, normotensive controls.”
Overall, as summarized by Shionoiri in a review of pharmacokinetic drug interactions involving ACE inhibitors (1993): “When ACE inhibitors are given, hyperkalaemia may occur in patients with renal insufficiency, those taking potassium supplements or potassium-sparing diuretics, and in diabetic patients with mild renal impairment.”
Numerous case reports have been published describing hyperkalemia in patients undergoing ACE inhibitor therapy. Stoltz and Andrews described severe hyperkalemia during very-low-calorie diets and ACE inhibitor use. Ray et al. reported two cases of severe hyperkalemia resulting from the concomitant use of salt substitutes (KCl) in hypertensive patients taking ACE inhibitors, in what they warned was “a potentially life threatening interaction.” Serum potassium stabilized in the normal range after cessation of the salt substitute in each case. The authors concluded that “without vigilance the contribution of the salt substitute to hyperkalaemia would have been overlooked and an ACE inhibitor erroneously withdrawn.”
Clinical Implications and Adaptations
Health care professionals treating patients taking an ACE inhibitor are strongly encouraged to counsel these individuals to avoid unsupervised increases in potassium intake, in the form of supplements but also as high-potassium foods (e.g., fruit) or salt substitutes, on the basis of the increased risk for problematic reactions. A clinically significant increase in blood potassium levels represents an uncommon yet potentially serious adverse effect associated with ACE inhibitors. The importance of frank inquiry and detailed inventory of concomitant (or even occasional) medications, diet, nutrients and herbs cannot be overemphasized. Close supervision and regular monitoring are essential, particularly in individuals with compromised renal function. The prescription of potassium chloride or potassium-sparing medications is generally contraindicated during ACE inhibitor therapy.
Evidence: Nonselective agents (oral systemic forms):Alprenolol, carteolol (Cartrol), levobunolol (AKBeta, Betagan), mepindolol, metipranolol (OptiPranolol), nadolol (Corgard), oxprenolol (Trasicor), penbutolol (Levatol), pindolol (Visken), propranolol (Betachron, Inderal LA, Innopran XL, Inderal); combination drug: propranolol and bendrofluazide (Inderex); sotalol (Betapace, Betapace AF, Sorine); timolol (Blocadren). Similar properties but evidence indicating no or reduced interaction effects: Beta-1-selective agents:Acebutolol (Sectral), atenolol (Tenormin); combination drugs: atenolol and chlortalidone (Co-Tendione, Tenoretic); atenolol and nifedipine (Beta-Adalat, Tenif); betaxolol (Kerlone), bisoprolol (Zebeta); combination drug: bisoprolol and hydrochlorothiazide (Ziac); esmolol (Brevibloc), metoprolol (Lopressor), nebivolol (Nebilet). Mixed alpha-1/beta-adrenergic antagonists:Carvedilol (Coreg), celiprolol, labetalol (Normodyne, Trandate). Beta-2-selective agents:Butoxamine (weak alpha-adrenergic agonist activity). Related but evidence against extrapolation: Beta-adrenergic blocking ophthalmic drops: Betaxolol (Betoptic), carteolol (Cartrol, Ocupress), levobunolol (AKBeta, Betagan), metipranolol (OptiPranolol), timolol (Timoptic). | Minimal to Mild Adverse Interaction—Vigilance Necessary | | Potentially Harmful or Serious Adverse Interaction—Avoid |
2. ProbableEvidence Base:
PreliminaryEffect and Mechanism of Action
Nonselective beta blockers inhibit both beta-1-adrenergic and beta-2-adrenergic receptors. Carvedilol, celiprolol, and labetalol exhibit mixed antagonism of both beta-adrenergic and alpha-1-adrenergic receptors.
In general, beta-adrenergic blockers can cause moderate increase in serum potassium concentrations and may lead to hyperkalemia. Beta-adrenergic blockade can enhance the rise and prolong the elevation in serum potassium without decreasing urinary potassium excretion. “Beta-adrenergic mechanisms seem to be concerned in the extrarenal handling of the potassium-load,” and beta blockade in humans can particularly impair extrarenal disposal of an acute potassium load. This increase “cannot be explained by the retention of potassium in the organism, and is probably caused by the redistribution of potassium from intracellular to extracellular compartments.” Further, the action inhibited by beta-blockade appears to function “presumably by inducing an increased uptake of potassium in muscular cells and liver cells” through beta-adrenergic mechanisms that are “probably of the beta 2-type.”
In contrast to beta-adrenergic agonists, which are often used to treat acute hyperkalemia, beta blockers can cause profound elevations of serum potassium. In an experiment involving nine healthy subjects, Rosa et al. investigated the role of catecholamines in the regulation of potassium homeostasis by administering IV potassium chloride (0.5 mEq/kg) in the presence and absence of propranolol. The initial potassium infusion elevated serum potassium by 0.6 ± 0.09 mEq/L, and the addition of propranolol “augmented the rise (0.9 ± 0.05 mEq per liter) and prolonged the elevation in serum potassium without decreasing urinary potassium excretion.” The authors concluded that “Beta-adrenergic blockade impairs … extrarenal disposal of potassium load” and that such findings “suggest that in patients with impaired potassium disposal, the risk of hyperkalemia may be increased when sympathetic blockade is induced.”
In a review (1983) of the effect of adrenergic blockade on potassium concentrations in different conditions, Lundborg cautioned that in theory “there are several conditions in which it is important to have a defence against hyperkalaemia from exogenous or endogenous sources, for example, during heavy physical exercise, after a potassium-rich meal, or after traumatic tissue damage.” He concluded: “Available data indicate that non-selective beta-blockade increases serum potassium concentrations during and after heavy exercise and during coronary bypass.”
Arthur and Greenberg described the cases of three renal transplant recipients who “developed potentially life-threatening hyperkalemia” after IV administration of labetalol for postoperative hypertension.
Clinical Implications and Adaptations
Physicians prescribing beta-adrenergic blockers are advised to caution patients to avoid potassium in supplements, medications, and salt substitutes. Moreover, eating large servings of fruit rich in potassium, such as bananas, is generally contraindicated without prior discussion and ongoing monitoring. Nevertheless, enhanced potassium intake may be appropriate in certain patients comedicated with potassium-depleting diuretics or after an episode of vomiting or diarrhea. Close supervision and regular monitoring of potassium levels and other relevant clinical parameters are essential, especially with changes in medication regimens, diet, and intake of natural agents such as herbs or nutrients. Again, as noted by Lundborg, the risk of hyperkalemia is increased after heavy physical exercise, a potassium-rich meal, or traumatic tissue damage, all of which may cause a rapid elevation in circulating potassium levels, which can be exacerbated in patients taking beta-blocker medications.
See Licorice in Herb-Nutrient Interactions.
Evidence: Acetazolamide (Diamox), diclofenamide (dichlorphenamide; Daranide), dorzolamide (Trusopt); combination drug: dorzolamide and timolol (Cosopt); furosemide (BAN, frusemide, INN; Lasix), methazolamide (Glauctabs, Neptazane). Similar properties but evidence lacking for extrapolation: Brinzolamide (Azopt), topiramate (Topamax), zonisamide (Zonegran). See also Diuretics, Potassium Depleting. | Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion, Supplementation Therapeutic, with Professional Management |
4. PlausibleEvidence Base:
MixedEffect and Mechanism of Action
The enzyme carbonic anhydrase catalyzes the reversible reaction involving the hydration of carbon dioxide and the dehydration of carbonic acid with attendant potassium loss. Agents with diverse mechanisms act as carbonic anhydrase inhibitors in the treatment of a variety of conditions, most of which involve fluid regulation, including those involving intraocular pressure. For example, acetazolamide achieves alkalinization of the urine and promotion of diuresis through its action on this reversible hydration-dehydration reaction in the kidneys and resultant renal loss of bicarbonate (HCO 3 − ), along with sodium, water, and potassium. In high doses, all carbonic anhydrase inhibitors cause some decrease in renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate. In general, with the exception of specific agents such as furosemide (which is also a loop diuretic) and acetazolamide, methazolamide and most other drugs in this class tend to have a weak and transient diuretic effect and are not used as systemic diuretics.
Clinical trials investigating the systemic effect of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors on potassium status are lacking. Although acetazolamide is used for its diuretic action in the treatment and prevention of high-altitude pulmonary edema, and furosemide is well known as a loop diuretic, most agents in this class are used in the treatment of ocular conditions such as glaucoma. Consequently, the limited available data indicate that in most cases the degree of potassium loss is unlikely to be of clinical significance, even with chronic administration, barring other dominant influences or confounding factors.
Nutritional Therapeutics, Clinical Concerns, and Adaptations
Physicians prescribing carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, with the significant exceptions of furosemide and acetazolamide for systemic cardiovascular conditions, can generally assume that adverse effects on potassium status are improbable in most patients not taking other potassium-depleting medications or otherwise compromised. As a cautionary suggestion, and for the benefit of overall nutritional status, health care professionals can reiterate support for the healthful practice of regularly consuming plentiful fresh fruits and vegetables and decreasing intake of salt (specifically sodium) and processed foods. Monitoring is important because excessive alkalinization of the urine and metabolic acidosis (resulting from decreases in plasma bicarbonate) may lead to a disequilibrium in carbon dioxide transport in the erythrocytes.
Evidence: Cisplatin ( cis-diaminedichloroplatinum, CDDP; Platinol, Platinol-AQ). Similar properties but evidence indicating no or reduced interaction effects: Carboplatin (Paraplatin), oxaliplatin (Eloxatin). | Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion, Supplementation Therapeutic, with Professional Management | | Bimodal or Variable Interaction, with Professional Management | | Minimal to Mild Adverse Interaction—Vigilance Necessary |
1. CertainEvidence Base:
Emerging to
ConsensusEffect and Mechanism of Action
Cisplatin can induce renal functional damage and cause chronic tubulopathy, characterized by magnesium and potassium wasting, reduced calcium excretion, metabolic alkalosis, and a strong tendency to hypomagnesemia and hypokalemia. In this common complication an unrecognized and untreated magnesium depletion can lead to a potassium depletion that is refractory to repletion with potassium alone. The resulting hypokalemia can be corrected only with concomitant administration of magnesium with potassium. Thus, this interaction demonstrates the critical role that magnesium plays in maintaining intracellular potassium.
Cisplatin and related chemotherapeutic agents cause renal toxicity to varying degrees. Coadministration of potassium, magnesium, or other nutrients adversely affected by these drugs is constrained by compromised urinary excretion and may be contraindicated in some patients with borderline renal function.
Limited but consistent research findings parallel and confirm clinically based consensus regarding the effects of cisplatin in depleting potassium. Buckley et al. documented hypomagnesemia in 66 patients receiving a five-drug combination chemotherapy regimen containing low-dose cisplatin. They observed that 38 (76%) of 50 patients receiving treatment every 4 weeks became hypomagnesemic during treatment, and that the incidence increased with the cumulative cisplatin dose, ranging from 41% after a single course to all patients receiving six cycles of therapy. Notably, patients receiving the combination at a longer interval (8 vs. 4 weeks) between cycles exhibited a lower incidence. The authors thus reported that the incidence and severity of hypomagnesemia was dose dependent. They also noted that the higher incidence of hypomagnesemia observed in this study might be related to an interaction of cisplatin with one or more of the drugs in the combined regimen. Bianchetti et al. studied renotubular handling of potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphate, hydrogen ions and glucose, and urinary concentrating ability in three children (age 8-11 years) with renal magnesium loss, persisting for longer than 2 years after discontinuation of cisplatin treatment for neuroblastoma, and compared these findings with group of healthy children serving as controls. Apart from renal magnesium wasting, there was a clear tendency toward reduced calciuria associated with normal or slightly elevated plasma calcium, and plasma potassium levels “tended to be low” (3.4-3.7 mmol/L). Plasma chloride was normal, and plasma “creatinine levels, glucosuria and phosphaturia, and urinary concentrating capacity were adequate.” They noted that overall patterns in these children were similar to those observed in three children (age 4½-13 years) with primary renotubular hypomagnesemia-hypokalemia and hypocalciuria. Thus, the authors concluded that “cisplatin may induce renal functional damage identical to that found in primary renotubular hypomagnesaemia-hypokalaemia with hypocalciuria.”
Rodriguez et al. described “two patients with hypomagnesemia-associated refractory hypokalemia following cisplatin therapy.” They found that potassium administration failed to correct the potassium deficit and “profound hypokalemia persisted until hypomagnesemia was recognized and corrected” after the eleventh and ninth days, respectively. Based on these clinical experiences, the authors recommended that “both serum K ion and Mg levels should routinely be assessed in patients who require cisplatin therapy.”
Nutritional Therapeutics, Clinical Concerns, and Adaptations
Physicians administering cisplatin will want to monitor electrolyte status closely and will usually need to coadminister a wide range of nutrients, including potassium, to mitigate adverse effects and optimize therapeutic outcome. In clinical practice, adverse effects on potassium status are considered a certainty with cisplatin. Carboplatin has considerably less renal toxicity (but more marrow suppression), and oxaliplatin also has less renal toxicity but more neurotoxicity. Given the high probability of renal damage with these agents, regular monitoring of renal function is obligatory, and nutrient administration can proceed only within the constraints of such systemic limitations, particularly resultant compromise of urinary excretion of potassium and magnesium. Thus, many oncologists treating with standard-dose cisplatin routinely include potassium and magnesium in the pre/post–IV hydration fluid.
In a review of the relationship between magnesium deficiency and potassium depletion refractory to repletion, Whang et al. concluded by recommending that “(1) serum Mg be routinely assessed in any patients in whom serum electrolytes are necessary for clinical management and (2) until serum Mg is routinely performed, consideration should be given to treating hypokalemic patients with both Mg as well as K to avoid the problem of refractory K repletion due to coexisting Mg deficiency.”
Further research may be warranted to determine factors influencing degree of risk and adverse effects among patients treated with cisplatin and to develop clinical guidelines for integrative therapeutics incorporating nutritional support.
| Drug-Induced Adverse Effect on Nutrient Function, Coadministration Therapeutic, with Professional Management |
3. Possible or 2. ProbableEvidence Base:
Consensus , though
PreliminaryEffect and Mechanism of Action
Colchicine can impair absorption of potassium (and other nutrients) and may increase potassium loss (as well as loss of other minerals, e.g., calcium and magnesium). Depletion can be prevented or corrected with nutrient coadministration.
For decades, colchicine has been widely viewed as likely to cause potassium loss. However, clinical trials specifically investigating and confirming this adverse effect are lacking.
Nutritional Therapeutics, Clinical Concerns, and Adaptations
Physicians prescribing colchicine, especially for an extended period and in patients at greater risk for overall compromised nutritional status, are advised to monitor for imbalances and depletions in potassium and other nutrients. Colchicine is a potent anti-inflammatory often used as therapy in acute attacks of gout, which carries significant toxicity. It is sometimes used on a more chronic basis for rare disorders such as familial Mediterranean fever. Conservative practice also suggests consideration of preventive or corrective coadministration of potassium, as well as magnesium, calcium, and beta-carotene. Vitamin B 12 may also be indicated if neuropathies develop. Dietary changes, especially restricting purine intake and reducing alcohol consumption, as well as adding cherry juice, can also be therapeutic in the treatment of individuals with gout.
Betamethasone (Celestone), cortisone (Cortone), dexamethasone (Decadron), fludrocortisone (Florinef), hydrocortisone (Cortef), methylprednisolone (Medrol) prednisolone (Delta-Cortef, Orapred, Pediapred, Prelone), prednisone (Deltasone, Liquid Pred, Meticorten, Orasone), triamcinolone (Aristocort). Similar properties but evidence indicating no or reduced interaction effects: Inhaled or topical corticosteroids. | Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion, Supplementation Therapeutic, with Professional Management | | Prevention or Reduction of Drug Adverse Effect |
3. PossibleEvidence Base:
EmergingEffect and Mechanism of Action
Oral corticosteroids increase urinary excretion of potassium and can cause hypolkalemia. The mineralocorticoid action of cortisol causes a decrease in serum potassium concentration, together with stimulation of intestinal sodium absorption and an increase in serum sodium concentration, the combination of which can lead to water retention, weight gain, and increased risk of hypertension. Although used for its mineralocorticoid effects, fludrocortisone is classified as a glucocorticoid and an aldosterone agonist with physiological effects similar to but more potent than hydrocortisone. In general, these adverse effects vary with agent, dosage, duration, and comedications.
Potassium depletion may contribute to the mineralocorticoid-induced sodium retention. Conversely, potassium administration can augment urinary sodium excretion, attenuate mineralocorticoid-induced sodium retention, and reverse hyperaldosteronism.
The effects of oral corticosteroids on urinary excretion of potassium is well established, but consensus is lacking (and specific research absent) regarding the clinical significance of this influence. Nevertheless, there is risk of hypokalemia during prolonged, high-dose corticosteroid therapy.
The role of external potassium balance in modulating mineralocorticoid-induced sodium retention in humans remains uncertain. However, in a small trial involving eight healthy subjects treated with fludrocortisone, Krishna and Kapoor demonstrated that potassium administration can ameliorate mineralocorticoid-induced sodium retention and enhance urinary sodium excretion. Conversely, fludrocortisone is used to treat interdialytic hyperkalemia in dialysis patients or may be useful, in combination with spironolactone, to correct sodium and potassium losses in secretory diarrhea.
Nutritional Therapeutics, Clinical Concerns, and Adaptations
Physicians prescribing oral corticosteroids, especially for an extended period and in patients at greater risk for overall compromised nutritional status, are advised to monitor for imbalances and depletions in potassium and other nutrients. The minimal available evidence suggests that clinically significant potassium depletion is possible in some patients depending on the patient's general health, including diet, exercise, and other key physiological influences, and the potency of the particular agent(s) applied. In patients whose potassium status may be at risk, the consumption of fruit, vegetables, and other foods rich in potassium is usually the simplest and most effective means of preventing or correcting potential potassium depletion associated with long-term steroid therapy.
See Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole.
Cyclosporine (Ciclosporin, cyclosporin A, CsA; Neoral, Sandimmune, SangCya). | Drug-Induced Effect on Nutrient Function, Supplementation Contraindicated, Professional Management Appropriate |
3. PossibleEvidence Base:
EmergingEffect and Mechanism of Action
Cyclosporine, an inhibitor of calcineurin, can induce hyperkalemia through different mechanisms, most notably immunosuppressant-induced nephrotoxicity, and chronic progressive tubulointerstitial fibrosis/arteriopathy in particular. “Cyclosporin A (CsA)–induced hyperkalemia is caused by alterations in transepithelial K + secretion resulting from the inhibition of renal tubular Na + ,K + -ATPase activity.” An obvious cause, found in many cases, derives from CsA-induced nephrotoxicity, a well-known adverse effect, that “causes a reduction in glomerular filtration rate through vasoconstriction of the afferent glomerular arterioles and may result in acute renal failure.” “Calcineurin inhibitor-induced acute renal failure may occur as early as a few weeks or months after initiation of cyclosporin therapy.” Nevertheless, other individuals exhibiting adequate kidney function have developed hyperkalemia, possibly because of tubular resistance to aldosterone. Overall, dose-related renal tubule dysfunction, tubulointerstitial fibrosis/arteriopathy, and secondary hypoaldosteronism are considered the primary reasons for CsA-associated hyperkalemia, but no conclusive evidence has emerged to provide a comprehensive explanation for this phenomenon.
Reports and Research
Cyclosporin A and other immunosuppressive drugs are generally known to “induce either hypoaldosteronism or pseudo-hypoaldosteronism presenting with hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis” after renal transplantation.
Caliskan et al. reported four cases of cyclosporine-associated hyperkalemia in allogeneic blood stem cell transplant patients “despite adequate kidney function.” The authors proposed that hyperkalemia was caused by renal tubule dysfunction and secondary hypoaldosteronism. Takami et al. reported the cases of two patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma who developed hyperkalemia during CsA therapy after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. They noted that this adverse effect occurred despite adequate renal function; both patients developed hyperkalemia, and cyclosporine, “the only pharmaceutical agent to which this electrolyte abnormality could be attributed,” contributed to “tubular resistance to aldosterone.” They also suggested that “the presence of a single functional kidney may be a risk factor for isolated hyperkalemia” resulting from cyclosporine.
In a 1995 study involving 24 renal transplant recipients 6 months after transplantation, Laine and Holmberg investigated renal and adrenal mechanisms in cyclosporine-induced hyperkalemia observed in 11 of these patients. “The TTKGs [transtubular potassium concentration gradients] were low normal or reduced in both normo- and hyperkalaemic patients implying inhibition of K + secretion.” The hyperkalemic patients received more CsA, and serum potassium concentration correlated with CsA dose. Notably, adrenal function exhibited “no clear effect,” and the authors of this relatively early study concluded that hyperkalemia “was not fully explained by renal mechanisms.”
In a 1999 prospective study of 49 kidney allograft recipients who received transplants before age 5 years, Qvist et al. documented “excellent long-term graft survival and good graft function” 5 to 7 years after renal transplantation. Nevertheless, the authors noted that whereas “sodium handling remained intact, … hyperuricemia was seen in 43-67%; 17-33% showed abnormal handling of potassium; and most patients had a subnormal concentrating capacity.”
Higgins et al. studied and compared the frequency and severity of nephrotoxicities, hyperkalemia, and hyponatremia in renal transplant recipients treated with cyclosporine versus tacrolimus. In this retrospective study they investigated sodium and potassium handling in 125 patients initially treated with cyclosporine ( n= 80) or tacrolimus ( n= 45) during the first 90 days after renal transplantation. They observed that serum potassium levels were higher in patients treated with tacrolimus than in those treated with cyclosporine, noting that hyponatremia was more likely in subjects with hyperkalemia.
Dangerous disturbances in potassium status and concentrations in patients being treated with cyclosporine have been reported repeatedly, and polypharmacy using several different agents has been used to reverse these adverse effects. Thyroxine is known to enhance renal cortical Na + ,K + -ATPase activity. In a rodent experiment, You et al. found that coadministration of thyroxine “prevented CsA-induced hyperkalemia and reduced creatinine clearance, Na + ,K + -ATPase activity, and severity of the histologic changes in the renal tubular cells.” Limited research indicates that ACE inhibitors or angiotensin II type I receptor antagonists such as losartan may be effective and well tolerated in the treatment of hypertension in renal transplant recipients at heightened risk of hyperkalemia and hyperuricemia from decreased renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate associated with a single kidney and concomitant cyclosporine use. One study noted that “in this high-risk population, the effects on serum potassium levels are less marked with losartan than with enalapril.” In a clinical trial involving 21 renal transplant patients under CsA therapy and 12 healthy controls, Heering et al. investigated the relationship between renal allograft function under CsA therapy and plasma aldosterone concentration, potassium and water homeostasis, and mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) expression level in peripheral leukocytes. They concluded that “aldosterone resistance in kidney transplantation is in part induced by a down-regulation of mineralocorticoid receptor expression.” They also noted that administration of fludrocortisone reversed hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis without significant effect on MR expression. Similarly, Singer et al. described the prompt reversal of hyperkalemia and other “severe life-threatening complications” through administration of glibenclamide in three critically ill patients who developed “potassium-channel syndrome” after receiving cyclosporine or other drugs with K(ATP) channel-opening properties. Thus, although several strategies have been evaluated to attenuate cyclosporine-induced nephropathy, evidence of their efficacy remains preliminary.
Clinical Implications and Adaptations
Physicians treating allograft patients with cyclosporine will generally be monitoring for renal damage and associated hyperkalemia and other disturbances in electrolyte balance. Concomitant potassium in such patients is generally contraindicated, and frank inquiry as to lifestyle practices, including a thorough inventory of dietary and supplement intake, is essential to comprehensive management of such patients.
Digoxin (Digitek, Lanoxin, Lanoxicaps, purgoxin). Extrapolated, based on similar properties: Deslanoside (cedilanin-D), digitoxin (Cystodigin), ouabain (g-strophanthin); foxglove plant (Digitalis lanata). | Drug-Induced Adverse Effect on Nutrient Function, Coadministration Therapeutic, with Professional Management | | Bimodal or Variable Interaction, with Professional Management |
2. ProbableEvidence Base:
ConsensusEffect and Mechanism of Action
The central role of potassium in maintaining proper function of cardiac (and other) muscles is a basic physiological precept in clinical medicine. The safe use of digoxin requires stable blood potassium levels because hypokalemia may predispose to digitalis toxicity and dangerous cardiac arrhythmias. However, digoxin impairs potassium transport from the blood into cells. Furthermore, potassium depletion, induced by concomitant diuretic use and often secondary to hypomagnesemia, is quite common among individuals treated with digoxin. Conversely, an overdose of digoxin can cause a potentially fatal hyperkalemia.
Reports and Research
As early as 1960, in a paper on the relationship between digitalis and potassium in the context of surgery, Lown et al. discuss impaired potassium transport from the blood into cells caused by digoxin. In reporting on correlations with serum digoxin level in five cases of suicidal and accidental digoxin ingestion, Smith and Willerson noted that potentially fatal hyperkalemia can result from an overdose of digoxin.
In 1985, Whang et al. published their findings on the frequency of hypomagnesemia in hospitalized patients receiving digitalis. In measuring serum sodium, magnesium, and potassium levels in 136 serum samples sent to the laboratory for digoxin assay, they found that hyponatremia occurred most frequently (21%), followed by hypomagnesemia in 19%, hypokalemia in 9%, and hypermagnesemia in 7%. They noted that the “twofold frequency of hypomagnesemia” compared to hypokalemia “indicates that clinicians are more attuned to avoiding hypokalemia than hypomagnesemia in patients receiving digitalis,” and added that their “observation suggests that hypomagnesemia may be a more frequent contributor than hypokalemia to induction of toxic reactions to digitalis.” Thus, they concluded that electrolyte monitoring, both of magnesium and potassium, is critical “in patients receiving digitalis, who often are also receiving potent diuretics.”
Schmidt et al. found that the impairment of extrarenal potassium homeostasis by heart failure and digoxin treatment may be counterbalanced by exercise. Based on the finding that “extrarenal potassium handling is altered as a result of digoxin treatment,” the authors proposed that this is “likely to reflect a reduced capacity of skeletal muscle Na/K-ATPase for active potassium uptake because of inhibition by digoxin (similar to that seen with beta-blockers), adding to the reduction of skeletal muscle Na/K-ATPase concentration induced by heart failure per se.” Consequently, however, “in heart failure patients, improved haemodynamics induced by digoxin may … increase the capacity for physical conditioning.”
Nutritional Therapeutics, Clinical Concerns, and Adaptations
Physicians prescribing digoxin or related cardiac glycosides need to monitor for potassium (and magnesium) depletion. Unsupervised use of potassium supplements (or even high intake of potassium-rich foods) is generally contraindicated during digitalis therapy. However, when coadministration of potassium may be indicated, particularly in the context of potassium-depleting diuretics, oral preparations may not be as effective or as well tolerated as consistent dietary consumption of fruit and other foods rich in potassium. Education and support for a regular program of moderate exercise can be therapeutically valuable in most patients and consistent with broader knowledge of cardiovascular health and risk factors. Close supervision and regular monitoring are inherently appropriate in all digitalized patients.
Loop diuretics:Bumetanide (Bumex), ethacrynic acid (Edecrin), furosemide (Lasix), torsemide (Demadex). Thiazide diuretics:Bendroflumethiazide (bendrofluazide; Naturetin); combination drug: bendrofluazide and propranolol (Inderex); benzthiazide (Exna), chlorothiazide (Diuril), chlorthalidone (Hygroton), cyclopenthiazide (Navidrex); combination drug: cyclopenthiazide and oxprenolol hydrochloride (Trasidrex); hydrochlorothiazide (Aquazide, Esidrix, Ezide, Hydrocot, HydroDiuril, Microzide, Oretic); combination drugs: hydrochlorothiazide and amiloride (Moduretic); hydrochlorothiazide and captopril (Acezide, Capto-Co, Captozide, Co-Zidocapt); hydrochlorothiazide and enalapril (Vaseretic); hydrochlorothiazide and lisinopril (Prinzide, Zestoretic); hydrochlorothiazide and losartan (Hyzaar); hydrochlorothiazide and metoprolol (Lopressor HCT); hydrochlorothiazide and spironolactone (Aldactazide); hydrochlorothiazide and triamterene (Dyazide, Maxzide), hydroflumethiazide (Diucardin), methyclothiazide (Enduron), metolazone (Zaroxolyn, Mykrox), polythiazide (Renese), quinethazone (Hydromox), trichlormethiazide (Naqua). Thiazide-like diuretics:Indapamide (Lozol). See also Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors, Potassium Depleting, and Quinidine and Related Antiarrhythmic Drugs. | Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion, Supplementation Therapeutic, with Professional Management | | Prevention or Reduction of Drug Adverse Effect |
1. CertainEvidence Base:
ConsensusEffect and Mechanism of Action
Thiazide, loop, and similar diuretics are often referred to as “potassium depleting” because by definition they increase potassium excretion with diuresis; in practice, they concurrently deplete magnesium at the cellular level. The diuretic-induced magnesium deficiency can lead to refractory potassium depletion but may not be detectable through routine serum magnesium determinations.
Potassium wasting with these medications is axiomatic, and hypokalemia is a common finding in those taking diuretic medications, especially the elderly. Avoiding hypokalemia is generally agreed to be beneficial in several cardiovascular disease states, including acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, and hypertension. Nevertheless, data from direct research into diuretic-induced hypokalemia are limited. Moreover, clinically significant differences in the severity of effects on potassium status between high-dose and low-dose diuretics, as well as oral versus intravenous administration, have been proposed. Furthermore, the available research does provide some important insights that depart from common assumptions.
Not all patients receiving treatment with “potassium-depleting” diuretics necessarily develop clinically significant (or at least readily detectable) decreases in potassium concentrations. In three yearly multicenter surveys involving 18,872 patients with initially normal baseline serum potassium, Zuccala et al. investigated older age and in-hospital development of hypokalemia in the 4035 patients who started receiving loop diuretics during their hospital stay. After adjusting for a number of variables, age and use of parenteral (but not oral) loop diuretics were associated with hypokalemia. The authors concluded that “older age is independently associated with the in-hospital development of hypokalemia, particularly among patients taking loop diuretics” and recommended monitoring of serum potassium levels “when older patients are treated with these agents.”
Franse et al. analyzed data of 4126 participants in a 5-year, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial of chlorthalidone-based treatment of isolated systolic hypertension in older persons to determine whether hypokalemia that occurs with low-dose diuretics is associated with a reduced benefit on cardiovascular events. They found that after “adjustment for known risk factors and study drug dose, the participants who received active treatment and who experienced hypokalemia had a similar risk of cardiovascular events, coronary events, and stroke as those randomized to placebo.” However, “within the active treatment group, the risk of these events was 51%, 55%, and 72% lower, respectively, among those who had normal serum potassium levels compared with those who experienced hypokalemia.” Thus, they concluded that subjects who had hypokalemia after 1 year of treatment with a low-dose diuretic “did not experience the reduction in cardiovascular events achieved among those who did not have hypokalemia.” Besides demonstrating that treatment with a thiazide diuretic led to a reduction in serum potassium levels in some participants, these findings indicate that patients exhibiting decreased potassium levels were also more likely to experience cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks, heart failure, sudden cardiac death, stroke, and aneurysm.
The interrelationship between potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) depletion patterns is an important topic with significant implications for normal electrolyte balance and cardiac function. In a 1992 paper, Whang et al. reviewed experimental and clinical observations supporting the view that uncorrected Mg deficiency impairs repletion of cellular K. “[C]onsistent with the observed close association between K and Mg depletion,” they found that concomitant “Mg deficiency in K-depleted patients ranges from 38% to 42%.” Although this refractory “K repletion due to unrecognized concurrent Mg deficiency can be clinically perplexing,” they note that it “may be operative in … patients receiving potent loop diuretics” as well as other medications. Based on these findings, they recommend that “(1) serum Mg be routinely assessed in any patients in whom serum electrolytes are necessary for clinical management and (2) until serum Mg is routinely performed, consideration should be given to treating hypokalemic patients with both Mg as well as K to avoid the problem of refractory K repletion due to coexisting Mg deficiency.”
The complications arising from the effects of potassium depletion have broad implications for an at-risk cardiovascular patient population. For example, low preoperative serum potassium levels can adversely influence perioperative outcomes in cardiac surgery patients. Wahr et al. conducted a prospective, observational, case-control study to determine the prevalence of abnormal preoperative serum potassium levels and whether such abnormal levels are associated with adverse perioperative events. Analyzing data gathered from 24 diverse U.S. medical centers in a 2-year period, they found that perioperative arrhythmias occurred in 1290 (53.7%) of 2402 patients and that “serum potassium level less than 3.5 mmol/L was a predictor” of serious perioperative arrhythmia, intraoperative arrhythmia, and postoperative atrial fibrillation/flutter, and “these relationships were unchanged after adjusting for confounders.” These authors concluded: “Although interventional trials are required to determine whether preoperative intervention mitigates these adverse associations, preoperative repletion is low cost and low risk, and our data suggest that screening and repletion be considered in patients scheduled for cardiac surgery.”
Ruml et al. conducted two clinical trials investigating the effect of varying doses of potassium-magnesium citrate on thiazide-induced hypokalemia and magnesium loss. In subjects first administered hydrochlorothiazide, 50 mg daily, these researchers found that three different “dosages of potassium-magnesium citrate significantly increased serum potassium concentration, with > 80% of subjects regaining normal values despite continued thiazide therapy.” They concluded that potassium-magnesium citrate “not only corrects thiazide-induced hypokalemia, but also may avert magnesium loss while providing an alkali load.” However, “higher dosages,” such as 70 mEq potassium, 35 mEq magnesium, and 105 mEq citrate per day, are “probably required for the prevention of magnesium loss and adverse symptoms of thiazide therapy.”
Nutritional Therapeutics, Clinical Concerns, and Adaptations
In practice, it is generally advisable to coadminister both potassium and magnesium when prescribing any potassium-depleting diuretic, except in cases involving those with renal insufficiency. For long-term care, coadministration of potassium in the dosage range of several hundred milligrams to several grams per day is usually appropriate, depending on the individual's diet, age, genetic predisposition, medications, and other factors. Potassium deficiency status can be evaluated by monitoring RBC potassium levels or, more conventionally, serum potassium concentration. Assessment of potassium status may be appropriate but is often not essential, because low serum potassium is not required for patients to benefit from potassium coadministration. However, since administration of potassium (and/or magnesium) can be risky, and is usually contraindicated, in patients with renal insufficiency, kidney function tests are critical before initiating, and periodically through the course of, concomitant repletion therapy.
Administration of potassium, magnesium, or other electrolyte needs to be maintained for 6 months to compensate for any drug-induced tissue depletion pattern and throughout the duration of, and possibly after conclusion of, relevant diuretic therapy. A typical complementary magnesium dose for most individuals would be in the range of 300 to 500 mg per day, preferably as magnesium citrate, malate, gluconate, or glycinate. A multimineral formulation would add support against parallel depletions of other vulnerable minerals. Beyond potassium and magnesium, clinical care within an integrative setting might also emphasize a diet rich in minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids as part of an evolving and individualized approach to cardiovascular therapeutics involving health care professionals trained and experienced in multiple therapeutic disciplines.
See Ipecac in Herb-Nutrient Interactions.
Fast-acting laxative agents:Glycerin-containing suppositories (Fleet), magnesium-containing products (Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia Magnesium Citrate Solution); bisacodyl tablets (Dulcolax), monobasic sodium phosphate monohydrate and dibasic sodium phosphate heptahydrate (Fleet Phospho-soda Oral Saline Laxative), senna ( Cassia senna, Cassia argustifolia;Black-Draught, Fletcher's Castoria, Gentlax, Senexon, Senna-Gen, Senekot, Senolax). Enemas:Bisacodyl enemas (Dulcolax), monobasic sodium phosphate monohydrate and dibasic sodium phosphate heptahydrate (Fleet enema). Slow-acting laxative agents:Bulk-forming laxatives: Methylcellulose (Citrucel), polycarbophil (FiberCon), psyllium (Metamucil, Konsyl-D). Stool softeners:Docusate (Colace, Surfak), mineral oil (Agoral, Kondremul Plain, Milkinol, Neo-Cultol, Petrogalar Plain). Prescription laxative agents:Lactulose (Chronulac), polyethylene glycol (Miralax), polyethylene glycol–electrolyte solution (CoLyte, GoLYTELY, NuLytely). | Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion, Supplementation Therapeutic, Not Requiring Professional Management | | Prevention or Reduction of Drug Adverse Effect |
3. Possible or 2. ProbableEvidence Base:
Mixed and
PreliminaryEffect and Mechanism of Action
Excessive or repeated use of any laxative can deplete potassium (and a wide range of other nutrients) through a variety of mechanisms, including impaired absorption and altered transit time. Short-term use of cathartic laxatives, as in the context of colon cleansing for radiological examinations, can cause acute drops in serum potassium that may be particularly dangerous in patients on diuretic or digitalis therapy and those with cardiac conditions or otherwise susceptible to arrhythmias. Among its several actions, docusate administration stimulates net secretion of potassium. Mineral oil, as a lipid solvent, may interfere with normal absorption of potassium and other nutrients and absorb many substances. Inherently, these factors are aggravated in the context of compromised nutritional intake and limited physical activity. Potassium coadministration, through dietary or supplemental prescription intake, can usually prevent or reverse any disturbances in potassium status.
Stimulant-type laxatives such as bisacodyl may both reduce potassium absorption and cause excessive potassium loss, as well as sodium depletion and hyperreninemia, most probably through two mechanisms: (1) loss of potassium as a result of stimulation of mucus secretion in intestinal mucosa and (2) a “dual effect of potassium on aldosterone secretion, with renin as a mediator.” Thus, hypokalemia can result from abuse or chronic bisacodyl use.
Reports and Research
Fleming et al. reported the case of a patient “with marked chronic hypokalemia (potassium, 1.7 to 2;3 meq/litre) and sodium depletion secondary to laxative abuse and dietary inadequacy.”
Moriarty et al. used an intestinal perfusion technique to investigate the mechanism of action of docusate in the human jejunum and observed that it “stimulated net secretion of water, sodium, chloride and potassium and inhibited net absorption of glucose and bicarbonate.”
In a prospective study involving 320 patients, Ritsema and Eilers investigated the impact of colon cleansing before procedures on serum potassium concentrations and the efficacy of potassium administration in preventing serious hypokalaemia. Of the four subject subgroups, two were being treated with diuretics, and one of those also received potassium. “Hypokalaemia was present prior to cleansing in six (11%), and after cleansing in 20 (36%) of the 55 patients in the group 1 patients on diuretics but without potassium supplements. There was, after cleansing, no significant fall in serum potassium in the group 2 patients on diuretics who received potassium supplements.” Notably, no hyperkalemia resulted from potassium coadministration. Likewise, both subgroups not receiving diuretics, one of which received a 2-day preparation of 15 g magnesium sulfate and 10 mg bisacodyl twice daily and the other a 1-day preparation of 2.4 mg sennoside, exhibited a “significant fall of the mean level of serum potassium.” Thus, the authors concluded that “both 1 day and 2 days of cleansing with cathartics may result in a significant fall in serum potassium, which can be prevented by oral potassium supplements.” In particular, they noted that administration of 15 mL of potassium chloride with 0.9 mmol K/mL three times daily during the preparation “in patients on diuretics may be prudent to avoid the risk of cardiac arrhythmia.”
Nutritional Therapeutics, Clinical Concerns, and Adaptations
Individuals using laxatives or stool softeners on a regular basis, especially outside the context of professional supervision, should be encouraged to increase their consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables as a means of preventing or reversing nutrient depletion. Repeated use of laxatives, other than bulking fibers such as psyllium seed husks, for longer than 7 days should be discouraged and root causal factors addressed. Healthful dietary practices will reduce the likelihood and severity of constipation and the need for laxatives or stool softeners in most individuals, especially when combined with increased intake of healthy oils and whole grains and regular exercise. Acute prophylactic potassium administration is judicious in some clinical situations, such as short-term use of laxatives before diagnostic procedures. Regular use of a high-quality multivitamin/mineral formulation will often be indicated and beneficial in preventing and correcting multiple nutritional insufficiencies in individuals using these medications, especially the elderly, institutionalized, or otherwise nutritionally compromised individuals. In general, nutritional supplements are most effectively assimilated when taken separate from fiber, mineral oils, or other substances that may potentially impair their absorption.
Evidence: Losartan (Cozaar), combination drug: losartan and hydrochlorothiazide (Hyzaar). Extrapolated, based on similar properties: Candesartan (Atacand); combination drug: candesartan and hydrochlorothiazide (Atacand HCT); eprosartan (Teveten), irbesartan (Aprovel, Avapro, Karvea); combination drug: irbesartan and hydrochlorothiazide (Avalide); olmesartan (Benicar), telmisartan (Micardis), valsartan (Diovan); combination drug: valsartan and hydrochlorothiazide (Diovan HCT). See also Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors. | Minimal to Mild Adverse Interaction—Vigilance Necessary | | Potentially Harmful or Serious Adverse Interaction—Avoid | | Drug-Induced Effect on Nutrient Function, Supplementation Contraindicated, Professional Management Appropriate |
2. Probable or 1. CertainEvidence Base:
ConsensusEffect and Mechanism of Action
Losartan and its active metabolite, E-3174, affect the renin-angiotensin system and reduce aldosterone activity by selectively blocking the binding of angiotensin II to angiotensin I receptors found in vascular smooth muscle and other tissues, causing vasodilation and inhibiting retention of sodium and water by the kidneys, thus decreasing blood volume. Neither losartan nor its active metabolite inhibits angiotensin converting enzyme, and, in fact, as these agents inhibit the pressor effect of angiotensin II the removal of the negative feedback of angiotensin II causes a significant rise in plasma renin activity, and a resultant rise in angiotensin II plasma concentration, in hypertensive patients. Consequently, losartan may cause increases in blood potassium levels that can be clinically significant. Increasing potassium intake (food, supplements, prescription, salt substitute) concurrent with an angiotensin II receptor antagonist may lead to hyperkalemia and the resulting adverse effects.
As the first angiotensin II receptor antagonist (ARB) to be marketed for the treatment of hypertension, losartan has been the subject of more research than others drugs in this class. Nevertheless, “ARB-related hyperkalemia is class- and not compound-specific.” Thus, as summarized by Sica in a 2006 review of the effects of antihypertensive therapy on potassium homeostasis, that ARBs, as with ACE inhibitors, “will increase the serum K + value in virtually all treated subjects, but only to a degree (0.1-0.2 mEq/L) that is barely discernible clinically,” and proposed that hyperkalemia in such cases “remains highly definitional in nature.”
Hyperkalemia is a known adverse effect of losartan. In controlled hypertensive trials with losartan monotherapy and losartan-hydrochlorothiazide (Hyzaar), a serum potassium greater than 5.5 mEq/L occurred in 1.5% and 0.7% of patients, respectively. Nevertheless, in such research no patient discontinued losartan or losartan-hydrochlorothiazide therapy because of hyperkalemia. Moreover, in a study of the efficacy and tolerability of losartan in hypertensive patients with chronic renal insufficiency, Toto et al. reported that hyperkalemia (>6 mEq/L) requiring discontinuation of losartan occurred in only one patient (of 112 subjects). However, in another study focusing on patients with type 2 diabetes and proteinuria, significantly more patients in the losartan group developed hyperkalemia (losartan 24.2% vs. placebo 12.3%; p< 0.001).
Numerous reports, published and unpublished, describe hyperkalemia in patients receiving losartan or other angiotensin II receptor antagonist drugs, particularly in the context of potassium-sparing diuretics and compromised renal status. Miyahara et al. reported a case of intraoperative hyperkalemia induced with administration of an angiotensin II receptor antagonist and intake of dried persimmons, a fruit high in potassium.
Clinical Implications and Adaptations
Health care professionals treating patients taking an angiotensin II receptor antagonist (ARB) are strongly encouraged to counsel these individuals to avoid unsupervised increases in potassium intake, in the form of supplements but also as high-potassium foods (e.g., fruit) or salt substitutes, on the basis of the increased risk for problematic interactions. A clinically significant increase in blood potassium levels represents an uncommon yet potentially serious adverse effect associated with ARB drugs. The importance of frank inquiry and detailed inventory of concomitant (or even occasional) medications, diet, nutrients, and herbs cannot be overemphasized. Close supervision and regular monitoring are essential, especially in individuals with compromised renal function. The prescription of potassium chloride or potassium-sparing medications is generally contraindicated during angiotensin II receptor antagonist therapy.
See Magnesium in Nutrient-Nutrient Interactions.
COX-1 inhibitors:Diclofenac (Cataflam, Voltaren); combination drug: diclofenac and misoprostol (Arthrotec); diflunisal (Dolobid), etodolac (Lodine), fenoprofen (Dalfon), furbiprofen (Ansaid), ibuprofen (Advil, Excedrin IB, Motrin, Motrin IB, Nuprin, Pedia Care Fever Drops, Provel, Rufen); combination drug: hydrocodone and ibuprofen (Reprexain, Vicoprofen); indomethacin (indometacin; Indocin, Indocin-SR), ketoprofen (Orudis, Oruvail), ketorolac (Acular ophthalmic, Toradol), meclofenamate (Meclomen), mefenamic acid (Ponstel), meloxicam (Mobic), nabumetone (Relafen), naproxen (Aleve, Anaprox, Naprosyn), oxaprozin (Daypro), piroxicam (Feldene), salsalate (salicylic acid; Amigesic, Disalcid, Marthritic, Mono Gesic, Salflex, Salsitab), sulindac (Clinoril), tolmetin (Tolectin). COX-2 inhibitor:Celecoxib (Celebrex). | Minimal to Mild Adverse Interaction—Vigilance Necessary | | Potentially Harmful or Serious Adverse Interaction—Avoid | | Drug-Induced Effect on Nutrient Function, Supplementation Contraindicated, Professional Management Appropriate |
3. Possible , 5. ImprobableEvidence Base:
EmergingEffect and Mechanism of Action
Many anti-inflammatory agents affect potassium metabolism, but through a variety of mechanisms with the potential to produce a range of different effects, including severe reactions of rapid-onset hyperkalemia in acute renal failure. The effects of NSAIDs on prostaglandin production appear central to many adverse reactions. For example, indomethacin inhibits renal prostaglandin synthesis, which in turn reduces renin-aldosterone levels and potassium excretion and subsequently elevates serum potassium levels, potentially causing hyperkalemia. Similarly, ibuprofen can impair renal function and thus elevate blood potassium levels, particularly in elderly persons or those with preexisting renal compromise. “Generally, the renal failure with NSAIDs is acute and reversible, though analgesic nephropathy with papillary necrosis and chronic renal failure are reported.”
In a prospective, randomized, crossover trial, Whelton et al. compared the renal effects of ibuprofen, piroxicam, and sulindac in patients with asymptomatic renal failure. “All three regimens suppressed renal prostaglandin production.” In contrast to the other two NSAIDs, they observed excessive elevations of serum potassium by the eighth day (beyond those tolerated in the study design) that required withdrawal of treatment in 3 of 12 subjects who received ibuprofen, 800 mg three times daily. Further, when these three patients were rechallenged with ibuprofen, 400 mg three times daily, “two again developed evidence of acute renal deterioration.” The authors concluded that “a brief course of ibuprofen, a compound widely used on a nonprescription basis, may result in acute renal failure in patients with asymptomatic, mild chronic renal failure.”
Poirier reported a “probable case of acute, reversible renal failure and hyperkalemia, after an increase in dose of ibuprofen.” After reviewing other cases of renal dysfunction associated with NSAIDs, the author concludes: “Electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen, and serum creatinine levels need to be monitored in high-risk patients with predisposing factors and for chronic, long-term use of drugs that inhibit prostaglandin synthesis.”
Clinical Implications and Adaptations
Potassium intake should be limited during NSAID therapy because potassium levels may rise in an unregulated manner, potentially reaching clinically significant hyperkalemia. Health care professionals treating patients using NSAIDs are strongly encouraged to counsel these individuals to avoid unsupervised increases in potassium intake, in the form of supplements but also as high-potassium foods (e.g., fruit) or salt substitutes, on the basis of the increased risk for problematic interactions. Although their use is widespread and largely unregulated, the high frequency of adverse reactions to NSAIDs is generally underestimated by patients and often forgotten by health care professionals. Apart from hepatotoxicity, which continues to be a major risk factor, the adverse effects of these agents on renal function need to be considered in all individuals with chronic use and even in some individuals with occasional use. A clinically significant increase in blood potassium levels represents an uncommon yet potentially serious adverse effect associated with NSAID therapy.
As previously noted, adverse reactions, although reversible, can be sudden and severe, particularly in those with compromised renal function. As summarized by Poirier : “Possible predisposing factors to renal deterioration include the amount of drug consumed, presence of compromised renal blood flow, underlying renal insufficiency, nephrotoxic drug combinations, and high urinary prostaglandin excretion.” Thus, regular monitoring is important in all patients using NSAIDs and close supervision may also be essential in those at high risk for adverse reactions. Principles of conservative practice recommend that health care professionals assess and correct the causes and aggravating factors involved in chronic inflammatory responses and educate patients to minimize use of anti-inflammatory medications.
Evidence: Quinidine (Quinaglute, Quinidex, Quinora). Extrapolated, based on similar properties: Amiodarone (Cordarone), disopyramide (Norpace), dofetilide (Tikosyn), flecainide (Tambocor), ibutilide (Corvert), procainamide (Pronestyl, Procan-SR), sotalol (Betapace, Betapace AF, Sorine). See also Digoxin and Related Cardiac Glycosides. | Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion, Supplementation Therapeutic, with Professional Management | | Prevention or Reduction of Drug Adverse Effect |
3. PossibleEvidence Base:
Preliminary or
EmergingEffect and Mechanism of Action
The antiarrhythmic drugs with class 1A cardiac activity slow cardiac conduction and lengthen the QT interval. As with other antiarrhythmic drugs, quinidine may worsen cardiac rhythm disorders and increase the risk of death, especially in individuals with a history of a heart attack. More broadly, intracellular potassium and magnesium levels are intrinsic to electrical stability, and high and low levels of these anions, both within the cells and in the serum, predispose to cardiac rhythm disturbances; therefore, antiarrhythmic drugs of all classes (1A, 1C, and 3) can interact with medicines that affect potassium (and magnesium) levels.
Individuals with low blood levels of potassium (and magnesium), caused by diuretics, vomiting, or other stressors, may develop serious cardiac adverse effects, such as arrhythmias, in response to quinidine. In particular, quinidine causes torsades de pointes under certain conditions, particularly hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, and other electrolyte abnormalities. Potent suppression of a potassium channel subunit current by quinidine is a likely contributor to torsades de pointes arrhythmias. Thus, arrhythmias “may develop in hypokalemia due to enhanced normal automaticity, abnormal automaticity, or slowed conduction; moreover, hypokalemia is associated with enhanced digitalis toxicity, quinidine-related torsades de pointes, and interference with the antiarrhythmic activity of quinidine.”
With simultaneous intake, direct adsorption by potassium or other mineral salts could theoretically result in decreased drug bioavailability, although not necessarily to a clinically significant degree.
Hypokalemia, especially in the presence of hypomagnesemia or other electrolyte abnormalities, is associated with a range of adverse effects, including quinidine-related torsades de pointes, and interference with the antiarrhythmic activity of quinidine. Here, once again, the critical importance of the interrelationship between potassium and magnesium is a recurrent theme.
Mutations in a gene encoding a potassium channel subunit (HERG) can be related to the long-QT (LQT) syndrome characteristic of torsades de pointes, a polymorphic ventricular arrhythmia. Pharmacological suppression of repolarizing potassium currents is also a mechanism causing the acquired LQT syndrome.
Roden and Iansmith concluded their paper on the effects of low potassium or magnesium concentrations on isolated cardiac tissue by proposing that, in individuals with hypertension, “treatment that controls hypertension without causing electrolyte abnormalities is preferable for patients who are at risk of arrhythmias, or who are receiving drugs such as digitalis or quinidine.”
Further research into electrolyte function in cardiac tissue, related drug interactions and depletions, and individual genomic and pharmacogenomic variability is warranted and can benefit from an integrative approach to multidisciplinary therapeutic interventions.
Teplick et al., as well as other authors, have reported cases of esophagitis caused by oral potassium chloride (“slow KCl” liquid and tablets) and quinidine tablets, separately. The concomitant use of these agents could theoretically increase the probability of adverse reactions. The authors noted that in “all reported cases caused by KCl tablets, left atrial enlargement was present as the result of mitral stenosis.”
Nutritional Therapeutics, Clinical Concerns, and Adaptations
Physicians prescribing quinidine or related antiarrhythmic drugs, especially in conjunction with potassium-depleting diuretics, are advised initially to assess and then periodically monitor potassium and magnesium status, keeping in mind that serum concentrations do not accurately reflect intracellular levels. Coadministration of potassium and other nutrients may prevent or correct nutrient depletion that could create or amplify adverse drug effects. In contrast to magnesium, rapid repletion of potassium by the IV route is not used in the treatment of acute arrhythmias.
Within a comprehensive therapeutic repertoire, quinidine, potassium, and magnesium represent important options appropriate for consideration in crafting a long-term program of care for individuals with arrhythmias, hypertension, and other cardiovascular conditions. Treatment using medications that do not deplete vital nutrients or otherwise introduce electrolyte abnormalities is preferable, especially patients who at risk of arrhythmias or receiving drugs such as quinidine. Regular monitoring and appropriate nutritional support are important therapeutic tools when recourse to more deleterious agents is deemed necessary. Low potassium and magnesium concentrations not only contribute to or cause cardiac arrhythmias, but deficiencies of these minerals can also interfere with the efficacy or enhance the toxicity of many drugs used to treat patients with heart disease. Clinical care within an integrative setting might also emphasize a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and incorporate hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha),L-carnitine, coenzyme Q10, and other nutrients as part of an individualized and evolving approach to cardiovascular therapeutics.
Spironolactone (Aldactone); combination drug: spironolactone and hydrochlorothiazide (Aldactazide); triamterene (Dyrenium); combination drug: triamterene and hydrochlorothiazide (Dyazide, Maxzide). | Drug-Induced Effect on Nutrient Function, Supplementation Contraindicated, Professional Management Appropriate | | Minimal to Mild Adverse Interaction—Vigilance Necessary |
2. Probable to 1. CertainEvidence Base:
ConsensusEffect and Mechanism of Action
In contrast to potassium-wasting diuretics, spironolactone and triamterene, along with amiloride, constitute a drug class of diuretic agents that, by design, conserve potassium. Spironolactone inhibits the action of aldosterone and other mineralocorticoids, causing the kidneys to excrete sodium and fluid while retaining potassium. Triamterene achieves its diuretic effect by inhibiting the reabsorption of sodium in exchange for potassium and hydrogen ions in the distal renal tubule and thus maintains or increases sodium excretion and reduces loss of potassium, hydrogen, and chloride ions. Because triamterene is not a competitive antagonist of aldosterone, its dosing is determined by the kaliuretic effect of concomitantly administered drugs and the response of the individual patient, rather than being proportionate to the level of mineralocorticoid activity. Thus, triamterene can prevent diuretic-induced potassium loss comparable to 3.1 to 4.7 g (80-120 mmol) of potassium daily. Consequently, these medications are often used in combination with hydrochlorothiazide or other kaliuretic drugs to mitigate potassium wasting.
Conversely, increased potassium intake (foods, supplements, prescription, salt substitutes) could lead to excessive elevation of potassium levels in patients being treated with these medications, especially with concomitant ACE inhibitors or other medications that alter potassium metabolism. Arrhythmias and other adverse effects of hyperkalemia can be severe and are sometimes rapid in onset.
In addition to hypertension, potassium-sparing medications are used in the treatment of cirrhotic patients with ascites as well as those with Conn's, Bartter's, and Liddle syndromes and hirsutism.
Spironolactone and triamterene intentionally reduce urinary excretion of potassium while enhancing sodium excretion. As potassium-sparing diuretics, these agents can produce a state of hyperkalemia (i.e., inappropriately elevated potassium levels). When used in combination with a thiazide diuretic, hyperkalemia (>5.4 mEq/L) has been reported as ranging from 4% in patients less than 60 years of age to 12% in patients 60 years and older, with an overall incidence of less than 8%. Arrhythmias and other cardiac irregularities are among the adverse effects associated with hyperkalemia. Conversely, concern has been raised about potential risks of hypokalemia among some patients using triamterene, even though hypokalemia is a less common occurrence with the use of triamterene than with non-potassium-sparing diuretics.
In a random crossover study, Jackson et al. investigated the influence of spironolactone (50 and 100 mg daily), triamterene (100 and 200 mg daily), potassium chloride (32 and 64 mmol daily), and placebo on plasma potassium and other variables in nine hypertensive patients taking bendrofluazide, a thiazide diuretic (10 mg daily). They observed that spironolactone and triamterene had “significant and parallel dose-response curves for plasma potassium, with a relative potency for triamterene:spironolactone of 0.25:1, significantly lower than the accepted 0.5:1 ratio,” while also lowering serum sodium, bicarbonate, and body weight and increasing serum urea and creatinine levels. Potassium chloride “increased plasma potassium above placebo values, but the dose-response was not significant and was not parallel with those of the potassium-sparing drugs.” Notably, seven of nine patients “remained hypokalaemic despite treatment with 64 mmol potassium chloride daily.”
Sawyer and Gabriel studied progressive hypokalemia in 80 elderly patients with heart failure taking three thiazide potassium-sparing diuretic combinations over 36 months. Compared with amiloride and spironolactone, the “triamterene-containing preparation was discontinued most frequently (6/44) because of hypokalaemia (plasma potassium less than 3.0 mmol/L).” The median fall in plasma potassium over 3 years in those patients not withdrawn because of hypokalemia was “similar in each case (P greater than 0.05) and possibly failed to reach significance because of the withdrawal rate (9%),” and the “trend was for a greater fall in those patients taking triamterene.” The authors concluded that the “spironolactone-containing preparation may be the least unsatisfactory of the three.”
In a randomized study, Schnaper et al. evaluated the efficacy of three drug regimens (hydrochlorothiazide and 20 mmol potassium; hydrochlorothiazide and 40 mmol potassium; or hydrochlorothiazide and triamterene) in patients rendered hypokalemic by hydrochlorothiazide while maintaining blood pressure control. Among 447 hypertensive patients, most with a history of diuretic-induced hypokalemia, 252 developed diuretic-induced hypokalemia while receiving hydrochlorothiazide (50 mg/day). In all groups, mean serum levels of potassium increased within 1 week and “showed no further change thereafter.” Although each “regimen provided continued control of mild to moderate hypertension,” the hydrochlorothiazide/triamterene and hydrochlorothiazide plus 40 mmol of potassium combinations were “significantly more effective in restoring serum potassium levels” than was the combination of hydrochlorothiazide and 20 mmol of potassium. Furthermore, the authors reported that “significant increase in magnesium levels was observed only in the group treated with the hydrochlorothiazide/triamterene combination.”
In at least one case, reported by Stepan et al., a patient has caused unintended hyperkalemia (and diarrhea) through surreptitious ingestion of potassium-sparing diuretics, with attendant decreased sodium absorption and elevated serum aldosterone levels.
Clinical Implications and Adaptations
Health care professionals treating patients with a potassium-sparing diuretic are strongly encouraged to counsel these individuals to avoid unsupervised increases in potassium intake, in the form of supplements but also as high-potassium foods (e.g., fruit) or salt substitutes, on the basis of the increased risk for problematic interactions. A clinically significant increase in blood potassium levels represents a potentially serious adverse effect associated with potassium-sparing diuretics. The importance of frank inquiry and detailed inventory of concomitant (or even occasional) medications, diet, nutrients, and herbs cannot be overemphasized. Close supervision and regular monitoring are essential, particularly when coadministered with an ACE inhibitor or in individuals with compromised renal function.
Sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim (cotrimoxazole, co-trimoxazole, SXT, TMP-SMX, TMP-sulfa; Bactrim, Bactrim DS, Cotrim, Septra, Septra DS, Sulfatrim, Uroplus). Related: Sulfamethoxazole (Gantanol), trimethoprim (Proloprim, Trimpex). | Drug-Induced Effect on Nutrient Function, Supplementation Contraindicated, Professional Management Appropriate | | Minimal to Mild Adverse Interaction—Vigilance Necessary | | Potentially Harmful or Serious Adverse Interaction—Avoid |
3. Possible or 2. ProbableEvidence Base:
EmergingEffect and Mechanism of Action
Trimethoprim or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) may elevate potassium concentration, possibly to the point of hyperkalemia, which although reversible may be severe; these agents also can increase serum creatinine and BUN. “Trimethoprim (an organic cation) acts like amiloride and blocks apical membrane sodium channels in the mammalian distal nephron.” Inhibition of sodium channels in A6 distal nephron cells by trimethoprim appears to play a role in the drug's potassium-sparing diuretic activity. Consequently, the transepithelial voltage is reduced and potassium secretion inhibited, resulting in decreased renal potassium excretion and hyperkalemia.
A small but consistent body of research findings indicates that trimethoprim or TMP-SMX can elevate potassium levels and tend to cause hyperkalemia, particularly in patients with compromised renal function or other major medical problems (e.g., AIDS).
Over several years, Velazquez, Alappan, Perazella, et al. have conducted a series of trials and published several papers examining the issue of hyperkalemia during TMP-SMX therapy. In conjunction with a rodent experiment, they investigated the effects of trimethoprim-containing drugs on sodium channels in the distal nephron and renal potassium excretion in 30 patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). They found that trimethoprim “increased the serum potassium concentration by 0.6 mmol/L (95% Cl, 0.29 to 0.95 mmol/L) despite normal adrenocortical function and glomerular filtration rate,” and that 15 of the 30 subjects exhibited serum potassium levels greater than 5 mmol/L during trimethoprim treatment. In a prospective chart review of 105 hospitalized patients with various infections, 80 of whom were treated with standard-dose TMP-SMX, they observed that serum potassium concentration in the treatment group increased about 5 days after TMP-SMX therapy was initiated. In contrast, the serum potassium concentration in the control group decreased nonsignificantly over 5 days. Thus, they reported that standard-dose TMP-SMX therapy used to treat various infections “leads to an increase in serum potassium concentration,” based on the findings that a “peak serum potassium concentration greater than 5.0 mmol/L developed in 62.5% of patients; severe hyperkalemia (peak serum potassium concentration > or = 5.5 mmol/L) occurred in 21.2% of patients.” They concluded that patients treated with standard-dose TMP-SMX “should be monitored closely for the development of hyperkalemia, especially if they have concurrent renal insufficiency (serum creatinine level > or = 106 μmol/L).” Subsequently, in a prospective, randomized clinical study involving 97 outpatients, they investigated the effect of standard-dose TMP-SMX combination treatment on serum potassium concentrations. They observed that after 5 days, subjects receiving TMP-SMX (TMP, 320 mg/day; SMX, 1600 mg/day) “developed a statistically significant rise in the serum potassium concentration as compared with the control group,” who received other antibiotics. “However, severe hyperkalemia (K + ≥5.5 mmol/L) occurred in only 3 patients (6%) treated with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole,” and “none of the subgroups of treated patients developed clinically important hyperkalemia.” The authors interpreted these findings as suggesting that “outpatients, in contrast to [AIDS] patients and hospitalized patients with mild renal insufficiency, develop severe or life-threatening hyperkalemia less commonly when treated with this antimicrobial regimen.” Nevertheless, they cautioned that “outpatients having risk factors which may predispose to the development of hyperkalemia should be carefully monitored” when treated with TMP-SMX.
Hyperkalemia has been reported in patients receiving high-dose trimethoprim as well as standard-dose TMP-SMX therapy. Velazquez et al. and Greenberg et al. described increases in serum potassium concentration of 0.6 mmol/L and 1.1 mmol/L., respectively, in AIDS patients administered high-dose trimethoprim (20 mg/kg/day). Three other cases of hyperkalemia in elderly patients receiving standard-dose TMP-SMX therapy were subsequently reported. Koc et al. published a case report of severe hyperkalemia in two renal transplant recipients treated with standard-dose TMP-SMX.
Clinical Implications and Adaptations
Physicians prescribing trimethoprim or TMP-SMX are strongly encouraged to counsel these individuals to avoid unsupervised increases in potassium intake, in the form of supplements but also as high-potassium foods (e.g., fruit) or salt substitutes, on the basis of the increased risk for problematic interactions. A clinically significant increase in blood potassium levels represents a potentially serious adverse effect associated with trimethoprim or TMP-SMX therapy. The importance of frank inquiry and detailed inventory of concomitant (or even occasional) medications, diet, nutrients, and herbs cannot be overemphasized. Close supervision and regular monitoring are essential, particularly with long-term use in individuals with compromised renal function or other significant physiological burdens and those taking other medications that might alter potassium metabolism.
Acetylsalicylic acid (acetosal, acetyl salicylic acid, ASA, salicylsalicylic acid; Arthritis Foundation Pain Reliever, Ascriptin, Aspergum, Asprimox, Bayer Aspirin, Bayer Buffered Aspirin, Bayer Low Adult Strength, Bufferin, Buffex, Cama Arthritis Pain Reliever, Easprin, Ecotrin, Ecotrin Low Adult Strength, Empirin, Extra Strength Adprin-B, Extra Strength Bayer Enteric 500 Aspirin, Extra Strength Bayer Plus, Halfprin 81, Heartline, Regular Strength Bayer Enteric 500 Aspirin, St. Joseph Adult Chewable Aspirin, ZORprin); combination drugs: ASA and caffeine (Anacin); ASA, caffeine, and propoxyphene (Darvon Compound); ASA and carisoprodol (Soma Compound); ASA, codeine, and carisoprodol (Soma Compound with Codeine); ASA and codeine (Empirin with Codeine); ASA, codeine, butalbital, and caffeine (Fiorinal); ASA and extended-release dipyridamole (Aggrenox, Asasantin).
Similar properties: Salsalate (salicylic acid; Amigesic, Disalcid, Marthritic, Mono Gesic, Salflex, Salsitab).
High-dose aspirin may cause hypokalemia. The effects of chronic aspirin intake on potassium status have not been documented. Clinically significant adverse effects are improbable in otherwise-unmedicated individuals with a well-balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, but are possible in the context of other risk factors, such as declining function with physiological aging, diet poor in nutrients and high in processed foods, comedication with potassium-depleting medications, or individual pharmacogenomic variations affecting any of these influences.
Amphetamine aspartate monohydrate, amphetamine sulfate, dextroamphetamine saccharate, dextroamphetamine sulfate; D-amphetamine, Dexedrine; combination drug: mixed amphetamines: amphetamine and dextroamphetamine (Adderall; dexamphetamine).
Amphetamine may theoretically disrupt potassium channels and thereby contribute to some of the adverse cardiac effects associated with these drugs. However, potassium channel function and dietary intake of potassium are not necessarily related. Focused research with well-designed clinical trials may be warranted to determine the existence, probability and circumstances, severity, and clinical significance of any such interaction.
Amlodipine (Norvasc); combination drug: amlodipine and benazepril (Lotrel); bepridil (Bapadin, Vascor), diltiazem (Cardizem, Cardizem CD, Cardizem SR, Cartia XT, Dilacor XR, Diltia XT, Tiamate, Tiazac), felodipine (Plendil); combination drugs: felodipine and enalapril (Lexxel); felodipine and ramipril (Triapin); gallopamil (D600), isradipine (DynaCirc, DynaCirc CR), lercanidipine (Zanidip), nicardipine (Cardene, Cardene I.V., Cardene SR), nifedipine (Adalat, Adalat CC, Nifedical XL, Procardia, Procardia XL); combination drug: nifedipine and atenolol (Beta-Adalat, Tenif); nimodipine (Nimotop), nisoldipine (Sular), nitrendipine (Cardif, Nitrepin), verapamil (Calan, Calan SR, Covera-HS, Isoptin, Isoptin SR, Verelan, Verelan PM); combination drug: verapamil and trandolapril (Tarka).
See also Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors and Beta-Adrenoceptor Antagonists.
Calcium signaling appears to play a role in both renal and external handling mechanisms involved in potassium regulation. Both verapamil and nifedipine, at pharmacological doses, can impair aldosterone production, but chronic administration of verapamil (but not nifedipine) appears to attenuate aldosterone responsiveness to angiotensin II in vivo after potassium loading. Calcium channel blockers may improve extrarenal potassium disposal. In a review (1991) of the effects of calcium channel blockers on potassium homeostasis Freed et al. noted: “Clinically, there are no reports of either hyperkalemia or hypokalemia with the routine therapeutic use of these agents given alone.” The authors concluded that review of the “data indicates that current evidence implicating this class of drugs in the pathogenesis of disordered potassium regulation remains equivocal.” The authors reported the “development of hyperkalemia in a patient with chronic renal failure following the initiation of therapy with the calcium channel blocker diltiazem: however, numerous other etiologies may also have contributed to the development of hyperkalemia in this case.”
Lavin et al. examined the effect of 6 months’ nifedipine (or captopril) therapy on lymphocyte magnesium and potassium levels in 28 patients treated for hypertension. They observed “no difference in serum or lymphocyte concentrations in the two groups compared to 45 healthy, normotensive controls.”
Ephedrine (Adrenaline, Epi; Adrenalin, Ana-Gard, AsthmaHaler, AsthmaNefrin, Bronchaid, Bronkaid Mist, Brontin Mist, Epifin, Epinal, EpiPen, Epitrate, Eppy/N, Medihaler-Epi, Primatene Mist, S-2, Sus-Phrine; epinephrine, injectable: Adrenalin Chloride Solution, EpiPen Auto-Injector.
Based on the function of epinephrine/adrenaline as a “stress hormone,” some secondary literature has suggested that elevated levels may reduce intracellular concentrations of potassium and magnesium and thus could be associated with hypokalemia. In some discussions, adrenaline and beta-adrenergic agonists are lumped together, even though adrenaline is both an alpha-adrenergic and a beta-adrenergic agonist. Moreover, patients almost never use adrenaline on an ongoing basis; it is almost exclusively used in allergic reactions and other acute care situations, with the possible exception of Primatene mist (inhaled adrenaline OTC drug), which has been linked to asthma deaths, presumably from arrhythmias. Evidence from clinical trials or qualified case reports is lacking, and proposed mechanisms have not been confirmed in relation to exogenous intake of epinephrine as a pharmaceutical agent.
Pending substantive research findings, it seems prudent that individuals using epinephrine on a repeated basis be counseled to maintain a diet high in potassium (as well as vitamin C and magnesium) or should consider regular use of a multinutrient formulation containing these nutrients. In general, close supervision and regular monitoring are warranted in patients prescribed adrenaline or related beta-adrenergic agonists, particularly with repeated use in individuals with compromised renal function, a history of cardiac irregularities or other significant physiological burdens, and taking other medications that might alter potassium metabolism.
Cinoxacin (Cinobac, Pulvules), ciprofloxacin (Ciloxan, Cipro), enoxacin (Penetrex), gatifloxacin (Tequin), levofloxacin (Levaquin), lomefloxacin (Maxaquin), moxifloxacin (Avelox), nalidixic acid (Neggram), norfloxacin (Noroxin), ofloxacin (Floxin, Ocuflox), sparfloxacin (Zagam), trovafloxacin (alatrofloxacin; Trovan).
Several minerals can decrease the absorption of fluorinated quinolone antibiotics by chelating with these antibiotics when administered simultaneously. In such situations, the antimicrobials appear to be rendered inactive when the 3-carbonyl and 4-oxo functional groups characteristic of medications in this class form chelates with multivalent metal cations, particularly aluminum, magnesium, calcium, iron, and zinc, but also copper, manganese, and possibly sodium.
There is general agreement as to the pattern of interaction between fluoroquinolones and multivalent cations, as discussed in the monographs for several minerals. However, no published research (case reports or clinical trials) has specifically found that potassium acts in this way or adversely affects fluoroquinolone antibiotics by any other known mechanism.
Nevertheless, physicians prescribing fluoroquinolone antibiotics should instruct patients to take any mineral supplements (as well as related antacids) as far apart as possible from the medications, although a margin of at least 6 hours before or 2 hours after the antibiotics is usually adequate, to avoid the potential interaction. It is important to note that this interaction concern is only relevant to oral administration of both agents.
Haloperidol (Haldol)
Haloperidol has variously been observed to induce both hyperkalemia and hypokalemia. The clinical significance of changes in potassium concentrations due to haloperidol remains unclear, and specific evidence from relevant clinical trials is lacking.
Physicians prescribing haloperidol should consider disturbances in potassium metabolism and status among the potential adverse effects discussed with patients and monitored during therapy. Physicians should caution against rapid increases or decreases in potassium intake, from supplements, salt substitutes, or food sources (e.g., fruit), and any significant changes in potassium intake should be professionally supervised. The limitations of using serum potassium levels to detect intracellular potassium concentrations should be kept in mind when watching for adverse drug reactions.
Heparin (Calciparine, Hepalean, Heparin Leo, Minihep Calcium, Minihep, Monoparin Calcium, Monoparin, Multiparin, Pump-Hep, Unihep, Uniparin Calcium, Uniparin Forte).
Related but evidence lacking for extrapolation: Heparinoids:Danaparoid (Orgaran), fondaparinux (Arixtra).
Low-molecular-weight heparins:Ardeparin (Normiflo), dalteparin (Fragmin), enoxaparin (Lovenox), tinzaparin (Innohep).
Heparin therapy may increase serum potassium levels and has been associated with hyperkalemia. Physicians administering heparin are advised to consider potential elevations in potassium levels and caution against rapid increases or decreases in potassium intake, from supplements, salt substitutes, or food sources (e.g., fruit). Any significant changes in potassium intake should be professionally supervised. Focused research with well-designed clinical trials may be warranted to determine the existence, probability and circumstances, severity, and clinical significance of any such interaction.
Animal-source insulin: Iletin; human analog insulin: Humanlog; human insulin: Humulin, Novolin, NovoRapid, Oralin.
Matsumura et al. reported the case of 47-year-old man with type 2 diabetes mellitus who experienced severe electrolyte disorders (including hypokalemia, hypophosphatemia, and hypomagnesemia) after attempting suicide by subcutaneously injecting a massive dose (2100 U) of insulin. Although this unique and extreme incident appears to carry minimal relevance to typical diabetic patients, this report has been mentioned as an example of a potential interaction between insulin and potassium. Pending well-qualified case reports or other scientific data indicating clinically significant interactions, further research does not seem warranted.
Notably, one of the standard treatments for life-threatening hyperkalemia is administration of glucose and insulin, which moves large amounts of potassium from the serum to the intracellular compartment to assist in rapidly lowering serum potassium.
Phenylpropanolamine (Acutrim, Dex-A-Diet, Dexatrim, Phenldrine, Phenoxine, PPA, Propagest, Rhindecon, Unitrol); combination drugs: Ami-Tex LA, Appedrine, Contac 12 Hour, DayQuil Allergy Relief, Dex-A-Diet Plus Vitamin C, Diadex Grapefruit Diet Plan, Dimetapp, Entex LA, Robitussin CF, Tavist-D, Triaminic-12.
Pseudoephedrine (Afrinol, Cenafed, Chlor Trimeton, Decofed, Dimetapp Decongestant, Drixoral, Efidac, Genaphed, PediaCare Infant Drops, Ridafed, Sudafed, Sudrine, Suphedrin, Triaminic A.M.).
Unsupported statements scattered through secondary literature mention the possibility of hypokalemia being associated with use of pseudoephedrine, phenylpropanolamine, and related decongestants. Published evidence from clinical trials is lacking to substantiate the occurrence of any such interaction, as is documentation of any proposed or proven mechanism of action.
The sympathomimetic effects of these medications may be similar to effects of the beta-2 agonists.
Demeclocycline (Declomycin), doxycycline (Atridox, Doryx, Doxy, Monodox, Periostat, Vibramycin, Vibra-Tabs), minocycline (Dynacin, Minocin, Vectrin), oxytetracycline (Terramycin), tetracycline (Achromycin, Actisite, Apo-Tetra, Economycin, Novo-Tetra, Nu-Tetra, Sumycin, Tetrachel, Tetracyn); combination drugs: chlortetracycline, demeclocycline, and tetracycline (Deteclo); bismuth, metronidazole, and tetracycline (Helidac).
Potassium may interact with tetracycline antibiotics in several ways. As with many minerals, but not as strongly as others, potassium may form chelates with tetracyclines, thereby impairing absorption of both agents. Tetracycline may interfere with the activity of potassium. Finally, self-limiting esophagitis and renal damage, adverse effects associated with tetracyclines, may be aggravated by concomitant potassium or may produce hyperkalemia from nephrotoxic effects, respectively.
In 1965, Mavromatis published a case describing tetracycline-induced nephropathy confirmed by renal biopsy. This apparently unique report has germinated a concern that tetracycline might cause hypokalemia because of its nephrotoxic effects. Evidence to substantiate this as an adverse event of any frequency is lacking but reinforces the recurrent admonition to monitor renal function and watch for hyperkalemia in at-risk patients.
Teplick et al., as well as other authors, reported several cases of esophagitis caused by oral potassium chloride (“slow KCl” liquid and tablets), tetracycline capsules, and doxycycline capsules, separately. The concomitant use of these agents could theoretically increase the probability of adverse reactions. The authors noted that in “all reported cases caused by KCl tablets, left atrial enlargement was present as the result of mitral stenosis.”
Only minimal evidence from clinical trials or qualified case reports is available documenting or substantiating these possible interactions. This lack of confirmation in the literature suggests that such interactions are rare and of minimal clinical significance.
Physicians prescribing tetracycline-class antibiotics for longer than 2 weeks are advised to monitor renal function closely in patients with compromised renal function. Clinically significant potassium depletion is improbable in most individuals with short-term use of these medications. It is generally recommended that tetracycline antibiotics be taken on an empty stomach, with a full glass of water, 1 hour before or 2 hours after ingestion of any supplements, food, or other drugs. However, separating intake of antibiotics from mineral intake may be particularly important given the propensity to chelation between minerals and many medications. Further, potassium chloride should generally be taken with plenty of water and an upright position maintained for at least 1 hour after ingestion to avoid esophageal irritation; other forms of potassium may be tolerated more readily.
Dyphylline (Dilor, Lufyllin), fenoterol (Berotec), oxytriphylline (Choledyl), salbutamol (Airomir, Apo-Salvent), terbutaline (Brethaire, Brethine, Bricanyl), theophylline/aminophylline (Phyllocontin, Slo-Bid, Slo-Phyllin, Theo-24, Theo-Bid, Theocron, Theo-Dur, Theolair, Truphylline, Uni-Dur, Uniphyl); combination drug: ephedrine, guaifenesin, and theophylline (Primatene Dual Action).
Although still unresolved after contentious debate for over 20 years, it appears that beta-2 sympathomimetic drugs can affect potassium status to the point of inducing hypokalemia, but that clinically significant adverse effects are improbable in most individuals. As summarized by Cayton in a letter: “The beta2 receptor has an important role in potassium homoeostasis, and hypokalaemia is a physiologically and pharmacologically predictable consequence of treatment with beta2 sympathomimetic bronchodilator drugs, which has been well documented in normal and asthmatic subjects.”
In a clinical trial involving four groups of four healthy young subjects each, Haalboom et al. investigated the effects on plasma potassium after inhalation of fenoterolin, a beta-2 agonist. Plasma potassium levels decreased significantly in subjects from the three groups who received fenoterol, whereas levels were unchanged in the placebo group. Based on these preliminary findings, the authors cautioned: “Inhalation of beta 2-agonists may be dangerous, especially in patients under stress—e.g., during an acute asthmatic attack, when the plasma potassium concentration would already be subnormal as the result of raised circulating adrenaline levels.” However, in a series of published letters, Smith, Berkin, and others replied that although “it is not disputed that acute beta2 agonist administration lowers the plasma potassium, the clinical relevance of this is not established.” Citing prior research, they added: “Perhaps more importantly, the effect of chronic beta2 agonist dosing on plasma K appears to be negligible.”
Physicians treating patients using beta-2 sympathomimetic bronchodilator drugs are advised to monitor potassium levels, keeping in mind that serum concentrations can reveal hypokalemia but do not accurately reflect intracellular levels, and to be watchful for indications of potassium deficiency. The risk of compromised potassium status is often already heightened in patients with asthma taking steroids or those being treated with digoxin/diuretics for congestive heart failure. Concomitant nutritional support with potassium and magnesium may be beneficial in many of these patients but requires professional supervision and regular monitoring, at least initially, and on a continued basis in any individuals with compromised renal function. Well-designed clinical trials investigating this potentially dangerous adverse effect may be warranted to determine the existence, probability and circumstances, severity, and clinical significance. Discovery, compilation, and analysis of qualified case reports are also warranted.
Thiorodazine (Mellaril).
Ventricular arrhythmias associated with use of thioridazine in alcohol withdrawal may be caused by alterations in electrical activity within the heart. Coadministration of potassium might reduce the incidence and severity of such adverse effects, but substantive evidence from clinical trials and qualified reports is lacking.
Magnesium carbonate combination drug: magnesium carbonate, aluminum hydroxide, alginic acid, and sodium bicarbonate (Gaviscon Extra Strength Tablets, Gaviscon Regular Strength Liquid, Gaviscon Extra Strength Liquid); magnesium hydroxide (Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia MOM); combination drugs: magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide (Advanced Formula Di-Gel Tablets, Co-Magaldrox, Di-Gel, Gelusil, Maalox, Maalox Plus, Mylanta, Wingel); magnesium hydroxide and calcium carbonate (Calcium Rich Rolaids); magnesium hydroxide, aluminum hydroxide, calcium carbonate, and simethicone (Tempo Tablets); magnesium trisilicate and aluminum hydroxide (Adcomag trisil, Foamicon); magnesium trisilicate, alginic acid, and sodium bicarbonate (Alenic Alka, Gaviscon Regular Strength Tablets).
Magnesium plays a critical role in potassium metabolism. The dynamic and interdependent relationship between potassium and magnesium is demonstrated throughout the literature examining the physiology, pharmacology, therapeutics, and interactions of these key minerals, most critically with regard to cardiac electrical activity. Magnesium depletion may be a cause of potassium deficiency, and magnesium coadministration is often necessary to correct refractory potassium repletion. However, administration of potassium may increase the need for magnesium intake. Conversely, increased magnesium intake may cause a fall in serum potassium concentrations unless potassium intake is also increased.
The risk of cardiac arrhythmias or adverse effects due to the depletion of or interaction between these electrolytes is heightened in individuals taking potassium-depleting diuretics or digoxin or otherwise at risk of developing potassium deficiency becasue of chronic diarrhea, vomiting, or other factors. Physicians treating individuals with such elevated risk, especially those with cardiac irregularities, are advised to encourage patients to maintain a regular and ample intake of foods rich in potassium, particularly fruits and vegetables, and to avoid changes in intake of either nutrient, especially rapid increases of supplemental forms, outside the context of medical supervision and regular monitoring.
Botanical agents with a diuretic action may or may not inherently deplete potassium or other nutrients, and some, such as dandelion leaf (Taraxacum),may actually enhance mineral levels. The plant part(s) used, preparation, dosage, and clinical context all influence the mechanism by which any single herb or botanical combination achieves diuresis and the degree of depletion of potassium or other electrolytes. In general, a huge gap exists between the collective clinical experience of trained prescribers of botanical medicines and the relevant scientific literature of well-designed, adequately powered clinical trials as well as qualified case reports. Nevertheless, such effects and the limitations in the available data are discussed here to a limited degree and more thoroughly in the monographs on the major plant medicines in clinical use.
Ipecac (Cephaelis ipecacuanha).
Repeated use of ipecac as an emetic can excessively lower serum potassium levels. Health care professionals treating individuals with eating disorders or engaged in unsupervised rapid weight loss programs should caution them regarding the potential adverse effects of electrolyte imbalances and potentially dangerous practices associated with bulimia and other eating disorders. Increased consumption of fruit and potassium-containing mineral formulations may be appropriate pending suspension of such behavior.
Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra, G. uralensis, G. echinata, G. pallidiflora);carbenoxolone (CBX); deglycyrrhizinated licorice, DGL.
See also Licorice monograph.
Licorice root from several species has been used in various forms in the traditional practices of European, American, and Chinese herbal medicine for centuries, if not millennia, and has generally been regarded as safe with professional evaluation and supervision. Nevertheless, high-dose chronic intake of herbal products containing licorice with the glycyrrhizin constituent present can cause pseudoaldosteronism, in certain susceptible individuals, characterized by elevated blood pressure, hypokalemia, and fluid retention, resulting from mineralocorticoid activity. Intake of more than 1 g of glycyrrhizin daily, the amount in approximately 10 g of licorice root, is considered adequate to produce clinically significant adverse effects. Consequently, individuals with a history of or predisposition to hypertension are encouraged to use herbal medications containing non-deglycyrrhizinated (i.e., glycyrrhizin-containing) licorice (non-DGL) only under the supervision of health care professionals trained and experienced in herbal medicine and with active collaboration with the prescribing physician(s) whenever diuretics or cardiac medications are involved.
In contrast, licorice extracts that have been deglycyrrhizinated, and thus are typically labeled as “DGL,” do not induce these effects, nor do most of the “licorice” confectionary products, because they generally do not contain actual licorice root.
Senna ( Cassia senna, Cassia angustifolia;Black-Draught, Fletcher's Castoria, Gentlax, Senexon, Senna-Gen, Senokot, Senolax).
See Laxatives and Stool Softeners.
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