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Nutrient Name: Copper.
Synonyms: Copper carbonate, copper citrate, copper gluconate, copper glyconate, copper lysinate, copper sebacate, copper sulfate, cupric acetate, cupric oxide; cuprum.
Elemental Symbol: Cu.
Related Substance: Chlorophyllin.
Chemistry and Forms
Copper carbonate, copper citrate, copper gluconate, copper glycinate, copper lysinate, copper sebacate, copper sulfate; copper amino acid chelates; cupric acetate, cupric oxide.
Physiology and Function
Copper is an essential trace mineral that is present in all tissues and acts as a cofactor in several key enzyme systems. The average adult body contains about 80 to 120 milligrams of copper, most of which is stored in the liver. Copper stimulates iron absorption and is an important catalyst in hemoglobin synthesis and function. Copper is necessary to make adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and acts as an essential component of cytochrome oxidase, which is necessary for energy metabolism, cellular respiration, and myelin formation.
Copper is involved in the synthesis and breakdown of several hormones. Copper serves as a cofactor in dopamine–β-hydroxylase, which oxidizes ascorbic acid and synthesizes norepinephrine. It is also involved in the catabolism of estrogenic hormones. Copper may play a role in emotional regulation and cognitive function.
Copper is absorbed in the small intestine, where it is transferred across the gut wall by albumin, and carried on transcuprein and albumin to the liver, where it is incorporated into liver enzymes and secreted into the blood on the protein ceruloplasmin. Copper absorption has been found to be greater in women (71%) than in men (64%), age 20 to 59 years, but did not differ in men and women 60 to 83 years old. Copper elimination is primarily via bile, with small amounts eliminated in urine, sweat, and epidermal shedding.
Copper plays a central role in decreasing inflammation through both ceruloplasmin and the copper-containing form of superoxide dismutase (SOD). Ceruloplasmin is a weak, broad-specificity oxidase whose main functions include copper transport and extracellular scavenging of superoxide and other oxygen radicals. Adequate ceruloplasmin levels also minimize copper toxicity by limiting absorption of copper. Copper, along with zinc, as well as manganese, is found in cytostolic SOD. SOD is a primary quencher of superoxide radical, a prevalent and highly reactive free-radical form of oxygen produced during oxidative phosphorylation, which can be quite destructive if not rapidly quenched. SOD slows age-related deterioration, protects against chemical sensitivities (along with polyphenol oxidase), and enables the normal humoral immune response. There are also copper-containing amino acid chelates that have SOD activity. During inflammatory conditions, such as acute infections, serum copper levels, as ceruloplasmin, generally increase by 20% to 30%, whereas serum iron levels decline. Plasma copper, enzymatic ceruloplasmin, and immunoreactive (RID) ceruloplasmin have been observed to be significantly higher in women than in men, but SOD and in vitro 67 Cu uptake by red blood cells does not appear to differ between the genders.
Histaminase, which breaks down histamine to control allergies and inflammation, is another copper-dependent enzyme involved in regulating inflammatory processes. Tyrosinase, an enzyme that requires copper, plays a role in melanin synthesis, enabling skin pigmentation and hair coloration, as well as keratinization of hair.
Some researchers have proposed that copper deficiency is associated with elevated cholesterol and triglycerides, the development of atherosclerosis, and increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
Copper functions in the synthesis of collagen and repair of connective tissue, providing structural elasticity not only throughout the musculoskeletal system, but also in tissues of the lungs, blood vessels, and skin. Lysil oxidase, a copper-containing enzyme secreted by connective tissue cells, is necessary for the formation of the cross-links of collagen and elastin.
Copper is an essential element and its level in the body is strictly controlled. Under most conditions, excess copper is excreted in the urine and feces (via the bile). In cases of elevated copper, the adverse effects that develop are often caused less directly by copper toxicity than by its interference with the absorption and distribution of other mineral nutrients, such as iron and zinc.
Copper sulfate, cupric acetate, and alkaline copper carbonate are among the forms of copper best absorbed in the gut. Nevertheless, even though animal studies have demonstrated that it is poorly absorbed in the gut, cupric oxide (CuO) is the form of copper most often used in over-the-counter (OTC) preparations. Chlorophyllin is a relatively new, water-soluble copper complex of chlorophyll.
Known or Potential Therapeutic Uses
Copper has been proposed as offering therapeutic benefit in a wide range of conditions. Such therapeutic action has largely been premised on the hypothesis that administration will enhance or restore healthy function in the numerous enzyme systems where copper plays a critical role. Nevertheless, direct evidence confirming copper's efficacy in treating most of the diseases proposed is largely lacking, other than to prevent or treat those directly attributable to, or exacerbated by, copper deficiency or depletion.
Historical/Ethnomedicine Precedent: As the classical metal of Venus, copper was associated with the female reproductive system in ancient times.
Possible Uses
Anemia, aneurysms, atherosclerosis, athletic performance, benign prostatic hyperplasia, burns, cardiac arrhythmia, cardiovascular disease, decubitus ulcers, hypercholesterolemia, hypoglycemia, immune enhancement, Menkes’ syndrome, muscle spasms, osteoporosis, peptic ulcer, peripheral vascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, skin cancer (prevention), sprains and strains, stomach cancer (prevention), vitiligo, wound healing.
Deficiency Symptoms
Most research into copper deficiency has focused on acute, severe deficiency. Such frank clinical copper deficiency is relatively rare in humans and animals on typical, varied diets. However, marginal, chronic deficiency is not uncommon. Dietary surveys indicate that the average dietary intake of copper in the U.S. population is only half of the recently established recommended dietary allowance (RDA). Most cases of copper deficiency involve premature infants, infants suffering from malnutrition, or children with iron deficiency anemia, severe protein malnutrition, chronic diarrhea, or other malabsorption difficulties. Overt symptoms in adults are rare but may occur with inadequate or unbalanced dietary intake over an extended time or in those who consume zinc supplements chronically without counterbalancing copper. The determination of copper needs and marginal deficiency is obscured because copper deficiency may not manifest as decreased levels of copper-dependent enzymes, but it may still significantly lower their activity.
Because copper is required for a wide range of enzyme systems and metabolic processes, a deficiency can cause a variety of disorders. Laboratory animals fed copper-deficient diets tend to develop anemia, cardiac abnormalities and abnormal electrocardiograms, and elevated levels of serum cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose. Symptoms of copper deficiency in humans include fatigue, hypotonia, hypothermia, growth retardation, reduced resistance to infection, various nervous system disorders, anemia, neutropenia, degeneration of vasculature, cardiac damage, hemolysis with potential liver and brain damage, various cardiovascular problems, impaired respiration, emphysema, elevated low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and reduced high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, impaired collagen formation, breakdown of connective tissue, bone demineralization, osteoporosis, depigmentation of skin, and changes in structure and appearance of hair.
Genetic Conditions Relating to Copper
Two primary genetic diseases involve copper metabolism: Menkes’ syndrome and Wilson's disease.
Menkes’ syndrome results from an X-linked mutation of genes encoding Cu-binding P-type adenosinetriphosphatase (ATPase) for the efflux of Cu, ATP7A. Apart from the distinctive kinky or steely hair, this syndrome is also characterized by stunted growth, abnormalities in cardiovascular and skeletal development, progressive cognitive decline, and premature death. This inborn error in metabolism limits absorption of copper in the intestines and uptake in the liver. Copper subsequently accumulates in the intestinal cells and produces symptoms resembling copper deficiency.
Wilson's disease, caused by the mutation of genes encoding Cu-binding ATPase for the efflux of Cu, ATP7B, is characterized by accumulation of copper in the liver, leading to severe hepatic damage; elevated copper levels subsequently affect the brain and result in neurological problems.
Dietary Sources
Oysters are the most abundant food source of copper. Other copper-containing foods include soy, peas, and other dried legumes; dark-green leafy vegetables; whole-grain breads and cereals; seafood, including crab and lobster; lamb, pork, and other meats, especially organ meats such as liver; nuts (almonds, pecans, walnuts); raisins, prunes, and pomegranates; and tea, coffee, and chocolate.
Foods rich in copper are generally also rich in iron.
Nutrient Preparations Available
Copper sulfate, cupric acetate, cupric oxide, and alkaline copper carbonate. As previously noted, CuO is the form most often used in OTC preparations, primarily because of its low cost. Chlorophyllin is a copper complex of chlorophyll.
Copper is usually found in multimineral or multivitamin/multimineral formulations.
Copper is often taken with, although preferably ingested apart from, long-term zinc administration to counteract the tendency to copper depletion associated with zinc intake without copper. Recommended Zn/Cu ratio in formulations is 10:1 to 15:1.
Dosage Forms Available
Capsule, tablet; cupric sulfate: injection (U.S.).
Dosage Range
Dietary: 1.0 to 1.5 mg/day
Supplemental/Maintenance: 1 to 2 mg/day
Pharmacological/Therapeutic: 2+ mg/day
Pharmacological doses of copper in scientific studies usually range from 2 to 4 mg per day. Copper dose is usually based on zinc intake. Many experts consider the optimal zinc/copper ratio as 10:1. Some practitioners of nutritional therapeutics use zinc at dosages up to 45 mg/day as part of therapeutic protocols. In such cases, LDL and HDL cholesterol levels need to be monitored. Zinc may need to be reduced or copper increased; even so, doses of copper greater than 3 mg/day are usually avoided.
Pediatric (<18 Years)
Supplemental/Maintenance: 0.5 to 1.0 mg/day
Pharmacological/Therapeutic: 1 to 2 mg/day
Laboratory Values
Serum ceruloplasmin concentrations and white blood cell (WBC) levels have been considered the most reliable methods of evaluation but often are insensitive to subtle changes in copper status. Copper-containing enzymes, such as Cu-Zn SOD, cytochrome- c oxidase, and diamine oxidase, may be more reliable, but evidence to date is not conclusive. 1 LDL and HDL cholesterol levels are sometimes used.
Serum, plasma, urinary, or hair copper concentrations are not considered particularly reliable because these monitoring parameters are subject to many variables and may not accurately demonstrate actual copper load; when used, such determinations are recommended monthly.
Copper is generally considered safe when taken at customary dietary or typical supplemental dosage levels. Chronic copper toxicity from intentional intake in adults is rare. Long-term doses of 10 to 35 mg per day are considered safe. The tolerable upper limit (UL) of copper intake established by the U.S. National Institute of Medicine for adults is 10 mg per day, combining dietary and supplemental sources. However, research has suggested that the body cannot eliminate more than 3 mg/day, so in individuals who are copper replete or overloaded, greater than 3 mg/day dietary copper may contribute to further accumulation.
Nutrient Adverse Effects
General Adverse Effects
In adults, 10 mg of copper daily can induce nausea, and 60 mg may cause vomiting. Tissue elevations usually occur only when intake is 300 to 500 times above normal. The adverse effects on zinc metabolism represent the primary adverse effect of excessive copper levels.
No human data are available. Results from short-term tests on mutagenicity have been negative or inconclusive.
Adverse Effects Among Specific Populations
Copper intake exerts particular risk for individuals with Wilson's disease, a genetic disorder that causes a toxic accumulation of copper in the liver, kidneys, central nervous system (CNS), and cornea. Maximum safe daily dosages of copper intake for individuals with severe liver or kidney disease are of concern but have not been determined. Copper toxicity has occasionally been reported in individuals living in houses where copper from water pipes has leached into the drinking water.
Pregnancy and Nursing
Maximum safe daily dosages of copper intake for pregnant or nursing women have not been determined. There are no reports in the literature reviewed of teratogenicity or embryotoxicity in humans induced by excess copper intake. However, animal studies indicate that a deficiency or excess of copper in the body can cause significant harm to developing embryos.
Infants and Children
Maximum safe daily dosages of copper intake for infants and young children have not been determined. Copper can exert a lethal dose in children at levels as low as 3.5 g. The copper (and zinc) status of epileptic children taking valproate derivatives should be monitored.
Toxicity Signs and Symptoms
Symptoms of moderate copper toxicity include weakness, dizziness, fainting, headache (severe or continuing), burning sensation in the throat, gastrointestinal disturbances, loss of appetite, vomiting, excess salivation, metallic taste in mouth, dyspepsia, epigastric pain, painful urination, and low back pain. Severe cases can result in hemolytic anemia, hypertension, liver damage, jaundice, hemochromatosis, hemoglobinuria, hematuria, kidney failure, coma, and death. O’Donohue et al. 2 reported a case of adult chronic copper self-intoxication, after daily doses of 30 to 60 mg for 3 years, which resulted in severe liver cirrhosis necessitating orthotopic liver transplantation.
Biliary disease, cancer, heart bypass patients, liver disease, migraines, Wilson's disease. Copper is also contraindicated during the course of anticopper therapies. Some individuals may have a total body excess of copper resulting from a lifetime of drinking water from copper plumbing, and copper supplementation may not be desirable in such people.
Precautions and Warnings
Some individuals may become sensitized to copper sulfate and develop allergic contact dermatitis.
Strategic Considerations
Many medications may deplete copper or interfere with its metabolic functions, sometimes incidentally, but often intentionally. Copper supplementation may be appropriate to correct drug-induced depletion patterns. In certain cases, however, such action is central to the therapeutic strategy, and supplementation is contraindicated, except in response to specific episodes of adverse effects of excessive copper deficiency caused by depletion. Conversely, in some situations, drugs such as allopurinol may provide benefit by reducing copper levels.
Oral Contraceptives: Monophasic, Biphasic, and Triphasic Estrogen Preparations (Synthetic Estrogen and Progesterone Analogs)
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT): Estrogen-Containing and Synthetic Estrogen and Progesterone Analog Medications
![]() ![]() | Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion, Supplementation Therapeutic, with Professional Management | ![]() ![]() ![]() | Drug-Induced Adverse Effect on Nutrient Function, Coadministration Therapeutic, with Professional Management |
Probability: XXX
Evidence Base: XXX
Effect and Mechanism of Action
Valproic acid (VPA) may induce increased excretion of copper into the bile, thereby disrupting the homeostatic balance of copper and causing abnormalities in serum copper concentration.
In several studies of children with epilepsy being treated with VPA, serum copper levels remained unchanged relative to control groups. 49-53 Subsequently, however, Kaji et al. 54 investigated serum zinc and copper levels in epileptic children treated with VPA and/or other antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). They found that patients “treated with VPA monotherapy had significantly lower levels of serum Cu” than normal controls, as did those “treated with VPA in addition to some other AED,” whereas those “treated with AEDs except for VPA” exhibited serum copper concentrations “not statistically different from those of control subjects.” These researchers suggested that physicians should watch for potential symptoms of copper deficiency, even though none of their patients showed any symptoms of copper deficiency at the time of the study. 54 Suzuki et al. 55 reported that long-term anticonvulsant therapy could induce alterations in both the metabolism and the distribution of copper, zinc, and magnesium, and that gender was a significant factor in the resultant effects.
Clinical Implications and Adaptations
No definitive evidence has emerged as to the prevalence or clinical significance of copper depletion or deficiency resulting from valproic acid. Physicians prescribing VPA, especially in children, should consider coadministration of copper to restore proper trace-mineral balance and avoid possible deficiency. Inadequate consumption of copper through dietary sources is common. Copper (and zinc) status should be monitored, particularly in epileptic children taking valproate derivatives. Coadministration of copper at 1 to 3 mg daily may be beneficial, especially for individuals taking zinc supplements.
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- 73.Watts GF, Castelluccio C, Rice-Evans C et al. Plasma coenzyme Q (ubiquinone) concentrations in patients treated with simvastatin. J Clin Pathol 1993;46:1055-1057.
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- 82.Sinatra ST. Refractory congestive heart failure successfully managed with high dose coenzyme Q10 administration. Mol Aspects Med 1997;18 Suppl:S299-S305.
- 82a.Willis RA, Folkers K, Tucker JL, et al. Lovastatin decreases coenzyme Q levels in rats. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1990 Nov;87(22):8928-8930.
- 83.Ichihara K, Satoh K, Yamamoto A, Hoshi K. [Are all HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors protective against ischemic heart disease?]. Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi 1999;114 Suppl 1:142P-149P.
- 84.Rosenfeldt FL, Pepe S, Linnane A et al. Coenzyme Q10 protects the aging heart against stress: studies in rats, human tissues, and patients. Ann NY Acad Sci 2002;959:355-359; discussion 463-355.
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- 90.Yoshida H, Ishikawa T, Ayaori M et al. Effect of low-dose simvastatin on cholesterol levels, oxidative susceptibility, and antioxidant levels of low-density lipoproteins in patients with hypercholesterolemia: a pilot study. Clin Ther 1995;17:379-389.
- 91.Baum H. New Scientist 1991:24. {AU: article title?}
- 92.Bargossi AM, Battino M, Gaddi A et al. Exogenous CoQ10 preserves plasma ubiquinone levels in patients treated with 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors. Int J Clin Lab Res 1994;24:171-176.
- 93.Miyake Y, Shouzu A, Nishikawa M et al. Effect of treatment with 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors on serum coenzyme Q10 in diabetic patients. Arzneimittelforschung 1999;49:324-329.
- 94.Pettit FH, Harper RF, Vilaythong J et al. Reversal of statin toxicity to human lymphocytes in tissue culture. Drug Metab Drug Interact 2003;19:151-160.
- 95.Watts GF, Playford DA, Croft KD et al. Coenzyme Q(10) improves endothelial dysfunction of the brachial artery in type II diabetes mellitus. Diabetologia 2002;45:420-426.
- 96.Title LM, Cummings PM, Giddens K et al. Effect of folic acid and antioxidant vitamins on endothelial dysfunction in patients with coronary artery disease. J Am Coll Cardiol 2000;36:758-765.
- 97.White CM. Pharmacological effects of HMG CoA reductase inhibitors other than lipoprotein modulation. J Clin Pharmacol 1999;39:111-118.
- 98.Wong B, Lumma WC, Smith AM et al. Statins suppress THP-1 cell migration and secretion of matrix metalloproteinase 9 by inhibiting geranylgeranylation. J Leukoc Biol 2001;69:959-962.
- 99.Brady AJB, Norrie J, Ford I. Statin prescribing: Is the reality meeting the expectations of primary care. Br J Cardiol 2005;12:397-400.
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- 103.Kishi T, Watanabe T, Folkers K. Bioenergetics in clinical medicine: prevention by forms of coenzyme Q of the inhibition by Adriamycin of coenzyme Q10-enzymes in mitochondria of the myocardium. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1976;73:4653-4656.
- 104.Singh RB, Niaz MA, Rastogi SS et al. Effect of hydrosoluble coenzyme Q10 on blood pressures and insulin resistance in hypertensive patients with coronary artery disease. J Hum Hypertens 1999;13:203-208.
- 105.Hodgson JM, Watts GF, Playford DA et al. Coenzyme Q10 improves blood pressure and glycaemic control: a controlled trial in subjects with type 2 diabetes. Eur J Clin Nutr 2002;56:1137-1142.
- 106.Glassman AH, Roose SP. Risks of antidepressants in the elderly: tricyclic antidepressants and arrhythmia-revising risks. Gerontology 1994;40 Suppl 1:15-20.
- 107.Scahill L, Lynch KA. Tricyclic antidepressants: cardiac effects and clinical implications. J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Nurs 1994;7:37-39.
- 108.Pinto J, Huang YP, Pelliccione N, Rivlin RS. Cardiac sensitivity to the inhibitory effects of chlorpromazine, imipramine and amitriptyline upon formation of flavins. Biochem Pharmacol 1982;31:3495-3499.
- 109.Morton RA. Ubiquinones, plastoquinones and vitamins K. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc 1971;46:47-96.
- 110.Combs AB, Porter TH, Folkers K. Anticoagulant activity of a naphthoquinone analog of vitamin K and an inhibitor of coenzyme Q10-enzyme systems. Res Commun Chem Pathol Pharmacol 1976;13:109-114.
- 111.Spigset O. Reduced effect of warfarin caused by ubidecarenone. Lancet 1994;344:1372-1373.
- 112.Landbo C, Almdal TP. [Interaction between warfarin and coenzyme Q10]. Ugeskr Laeger 1998;160:3226-3227.
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- 61.Folkers K, Choe JY, Combs AB. Rescue by coenzyme Q10 from electrocardiographic abnormalities caused by the toxicity of Adriamycin in the rat. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1978;75:5178-5180.View Abstract
- 62.Choe JY, Combs AB, Saji S, Folkers K. Study of the combined and separate administration of doxorubicin and coenzyme Q10 on mouse cardiac enzymes. Res Commun Chem Pathol Pharmacol 1979;24:595-598.
- 63.Choe JY, Combs AB, Folkers K. Prevention by coenzyme Q10 of the electrocardiographic changes induced by Adriamycin in rats. Res Commun Chem Pathol Pharmacol 1979;23:199-202.
- 64.Lubawy WC, Dallam RA, Hurley LH. Protection against anthramycin-induced toxicity in mice by coenzyme Q10. J Natl Cancer Inst 1980;64:105-109.
- 65.Shaeffer J, El-Mahdi AM, Nichols RK. Coenzyme Q10 and Adriamycin toxicity in mice. Res Commun Chem Pathol Pharmacol 1980;29:309-315.
- 66.Usui T, Ishikura H, Izumi Y et al. Possible prevention from the progression of cardiotoxicity in Adriamycin-treated rabbits by coenzyme Q10. Toxicol Lett 1982;12:75-82.
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- 68.Shinozawa S, Gomita Y, Araki Y. Tissue concentration of doxorubicin (Adriamycin) in mouse pretreated with alpha-tocopherol or coenzyme Q10. Acta Med Okayama 1991;45:195-199.
- 69.Neri B, Neri GC, Bandinelli M. Differences between carnitine derivatives and coenzyme Q10 in preventing in vitro doxorubicin-related cardiac damages. Oncology 1988;45:242-246.
- 70.Ronca-Testoni S, Zucchi R, Ronca F, Bertelli A. Effect of carnitine and coenzyme Q10 on the calcium uptake in heart sarcoplasmic reticulum of rats treated with anthracyclines. Drugs Exp Clin Res 1992;18:437-442.
- 71.Iarussi D, Auricchio U, Agretto A et al. Protective effect of coenzyme Q10 on anthracyclines cardiotoxicity: control study in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Mol Aspects Med 1994;15 Suppl:s207-s212.
- 72.Folkers K, Langsjoen P, Willis R et al. Lovastatin decreases coenzyme Q levels in humans. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1990;87:8931-8934.
- 73.Watts GF, Castelluccio C, Rice-Evans C et al. Plasma coenzyme Q (ubiquinone) concentrations in patients treated with simvastatin. J Clin Pathol 1993;46:1055-1057.
- 74.Ghirlanda G, Oradei A, Manto A et al. Evidence of plasma CoQ10-lowering effect by HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. J Clin Pharmacol 1993;33:226-229.
- 75.De Pinieux G, Chariot P, Ammi-Said M et al. Lipid-lowering drugs and mitochondrial function: effects of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors on serum ubiquinone and blood lactate/pyruvate ratio. Br J Clin Pharmacol 1996;42:333-337.
- 76.Mortensen SA, Leth A, Agner E, Rohde M. Dose-related decrease of serum coenzyme Q10 during treatment with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors. Mol Aspects Med 1997;18 Suppl:S137-S144.
- 77.Silver MA, Langsjoen PH, Szabo S et al. Statin cardiomyopathy? A potential role for co-enzyme Q10 therapy for statin-induced changes in diastolic LV performance: description of a clinical protocol. Biofactors 2003;18:125-127.
- 78.Passi S, Stancato A, Aleo E et al. Statins lower plasma and lymphocyte ubiquinol/ubiquinone without affecting other antioxidants and PUFA. Biofactors 2003;18:113-124.
- 79.Langsjoen PH, Langsjoen AM. The clinical use of HMG CoA-reductase inhibitors and the associated depletion of coenzyme Q10: a review of animal and human publications. Biofactors 2003;18:101-111.
- 80.Langsjoen PH, Folkers K, Lyson K et al. Pronounced increase of survival of patients with cardiomyopathy when treated with coenzyme Q10 and conventional therapy. Int J Tissue React 1990;12:163-168.
- 81.Manzoli U, Rossi E, Littarru GP et al. Coenzyme Q10 in dilated cardiomyopathy. Int J Tissue React 1990;12:173-178.
- 82.Sinatra ST. Refractory congestive heart failure successfully managed with high dose coenzyme Q10 administration. Mol Aspects Med 1997;18 Suppl:S299-S305.
- 82a.Willis RA, Folkers K, Tucker JL, et al. Lovastatin decreases coenzyme Q levels in rats. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1990 Nov;87(22):8928-8930.
- 83.Ichihara K, Satoh K, Yamamoto A, Hoshi K. [Are all HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors protective against ischemic heart disease?]. Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi 1999;114 Suppl 1:142P-149P.
- 84.Rosenfeldt FL, Pepe S, Linnane A et al. Coenzyme Q10 protects the aging heart against stress: studies in rats, human tissues, and patients. Ann NY Acad Sci 2002;959:355-359; discussion 463-355.
- 85.Laaksonen R, Ojala JP, Tikkanen MJ, Himberg JJ. Serum ubiquinone concentrations after short- and long-term treatment with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1994;46:313-317.
- 86.Paloma'ki A, Malminiemi K, Metsa-Ketela T. Enhanced oxidizability of ubiquinol and alpha-tocopherol during lovastatin treatment. FEBS Lett 1997;410:254-258.
- 87.Paloma'ki A, Malminiemi K, Solakivi T, Malminiemi O. Ubiquinone supplementation during lovastatin treatment: effect on LDL oxidation ex vivo. J Lipid Res 1998;39:1430-1437.
- 88.Bleske BE, Willis RA, Anthony M et al. The effect of pravastatin and atorvastatin on coenzyme Q10. Am Heart J 2001;142:E2.
- 89.Rundek T, Naini A, Sacco R et al. Atorvastatin decreases the coenzyme Q10 level in the blood of patients at risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke. Arch Neurol 2004;61:889-892.
- 90.Yoshida H, Ishikawa T, Ayaori M et al. Effect of low-dose simvastatin on cholesterol levels, oxidative susceptibility, and antioxidant levels of low-density lipoproteins in patients with hypercholesterolemia: a pilot study. Clin Ther 1995;17:379-389.
- 91.Baum H. New Scientist 1991:24. {AU: article title?}
- 92.Bargossi AM, Battino M, Gaddi A et al. Exogenous CoQ10 preserves plasma ubiquinone levels in patients treated with 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors. Int J Clin Lab Res 1994;24:171-176.
- 93.Miyake Y, Shouzu A, Nishikawa M et al. Effect of treatment with 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors on serum coenzyme Q10 in diabetic patients. Arzneimittelforschung 1999;49:324-329.
- 94.Pettit FH, Harper RF, Vilaythong J et al. Reversal of statin toxicity to human lymphocytes in tissue culture. Drug Metab Drug Interact 2003;19:151-160.
- 95.Watts GF, Playford DA, Croft KD et al. Coenzyme Q(10) improves endothelial dysfunction of the brachial artery in type II diabetes mellitus. Diabetologia 2002;45:420-426.
- 96.Title LM, Cummings PM, Giddens K et al. Effect of folic acid and antioxidant vitamins on endothelial dysfunction in patients with coronary artery disease. J Am Coll Cardiol 2000;36:758-765.
- 97.White CM. Pharmacological effects of HMG CoA reductase inhibitors other than lipoprotein modulation. J Clin Pharmacol 1999;39:111-118.
- 98.Wong B, Lumma WC, Smith AM et al. Statins suppress THP-1 cell migration and secretion of matrix metalloproteinase 9 by inhibiting geranylgeranylation. J Leukoc Biol 2001;69:959-962.
- 99.Brady AJB, Norrie J, Ford I. Statin prescribing: Is the reality meeting the expectations of primary care. Br J Cardiol 2005;12:397-400.
- 100.Goldman RE, Parker DR, Eaton CB et al. Patients' perceptions of cholesterol, cardiovascular disease risk, and risk communication strategies. Ann Fam Med 2006;4:205-212.
- 101.Brown MS. Coenzyme Q10 with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors. Merck and Co (Rahway, NJ); 1990.
- 102.Tobert JA. Coenzyme Q10 with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors. Merck and Co (Rahway, NJ); 1990.
- 103.Kishi T, Watanabe T, Folkers K. Bioenergetics in clinical medicine: prevention by forms of coenzyme Q of the inhibition by Adriamycin of coenzyme Q10-enzymes in mitochondria of the myocardium. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1976;73:4653-4656.
- 104.Singh RB, Niaz MA, Rastogi SS et al. Effect of hydrosoluble coenzyme Q10 on blood pressures and insulin resistance in hypertensive patients with coronary artery disease. J Hum Hypertens 1999;13:203-208.
- 105.Hodgson JM, Watts GF, Playford DA et al. Coenzyme Q10 improves blood pressure and glycaemic control: a controlled trial in subjects with type 2 diabetes. Eur J Clin Nutr 2002;56:1137-1142.
- 106.Glassman AH, Roose SP. Risks of antidepressants in the elderly: tricyclic antidepressants and arrhythmia-revising risks. Gerontology 1994;40 Suppl 1:15-20.
- 107.Scahill L, Lynch KA. Tricyclic antidepressants: cardiac effects and clinical implications. J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Nurs 1994;7:37-39.
- 108.Pinto J, Huang YP, Pelliccione N, Rivlin RS. Cardiac sensitivity to the inhibitory effects of chlorpromazine, imipramine and amitriptyline upon formation of flavins. Biochem Pharmacol 1982;31:3495-3499.
- 109.Morton RA. Ubiquinones, plastoquinones and vitamins K. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc 1971;46:47-96.
- 110.Combs AB, Porter TH, Folkers K. Anticoagulant activity of a naphthoquinone analog of vitamin K and an inhibitor of coenzyme Q10-enzyme systems. Res Commun Chem Pathol Pharmacol 1976;13:109-114.
- 111.Spigset O. Reduced effect of warfarin caused by ubidecarenone. Lancet 1994;344:1372-1373.
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