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Green Tea
Botanical Name: Camellia sinensis L. Kuntze.
Pharmacopoeial Name: Folium Camellia sinensis (Theae folium).
Synonym: Thea sinensis L.
Common Names: Tea, cha. Various prefixes, such as the country name (e.g., Ceylon), district (e.g., Assam), grade or part (e.g., pekoe [buds]), or degree of fermentation (e.g., green, oolong, black), are used to differentiate various commercial tea products by common name.
Theaceae (Ternstroemiaceae).
Related Species
At least one subspecies and several cultivars are described.
Habitat and Cultivation
Tea plants are actually evergreen trees maintained as tea bushes by pruning in cultivation to shrub height to enable hand harvesting of the young leaves. Tea (Cha) originally was native to the Yunnan province in southwestern China and initially spread to several different areas in China and India, but it has been in cultivation for so long in rain forest zones throughout many Southeast Asian countries that wild-type plants are now rare. China and India are the largest cultivators, and India is the largest exporter. Pu’erh tea (Pu Erh Cha) is derived from the leaves of old tea trees on six specific mountains in Yunnan, fermented and aged through specific processes, and is considered a separate beverage with significantly different characteristics and medicinal actions.
Parts Used
Young leaves, tips, and leaf buds.
Common Forms
Dried Leaf.
Powdered Green Tea Leaf.
- Dry Extracts: Derived from ethanolic extracts, preparations may vary; some may be decaffeinated, standardized to total catechins of greater than 25%. Concentrates of specific tea polyphenols, up to 97% catechins, and other compounds, such as
L -theanine (analog ofL -glutamine), are marketed as nutrient preparations and therapeutic agents.L -Theanine is also produced in high yield by microbial fermentation for use in nutriceutical products.
Tea is the most common beverage in the world (other than water). Tea belongs to the universally popular category of xanthine-containing beverages, such as coffee, cola, maté, and cocoa, the popularity of which is partly related to their caffeine content. Commercially, the principal types are green tea and black tea. Green tea is stabilized and dried immediately after harvesting, then rolled. This processing method means the crude herb approximates as closely as possible to its natural state at harvesting; thus green tea is designated as the “medicinal” form of the herb, as derived from tea bushes. Black teas are dried after the rolling process, allowing oxidative enzymatic changes to take place, principally polymerization of the flavan-3-ols into the characteristic oligomeric red-brown theaflavins and thearubigins, as well as the polymeric tannins, which are absent from green tea.
Research interest in green tea compounds has accelerated dramatically in the last decade, with epidemiological, experimental, and clinical evidence for chemopreventive, antiproliferative, and cardioprotective benefits of tea polyphenols. These activities are the result of a variety of pharmacological mechanisms, including antioxidant effects, cell cycle effects, and signal transduction effects. 1-4
Green tea has not traditionally been considered part of the Western herbal materia medica until the rather recent interest in its chemopreventive properties. The usual authoritative sources of botanical medicine have not, to date, produced therapeutic monographs on the plant. In herbal medicine, tea has primarily been regarded as a dietary source of caffeine and astringent tannins and is regarded as a milder stimulant than the caffeine-containing cola and guaraná, which have been preferred when caffeine-containing herbs were indicated. McKenna et al. 5 reviewed the general literature on tea in 2002. Interest in the chemopreventive and cardioprotective properties of tea polyphenols have led to the manufacture of concentrated preparations of these compounds. Tea leaf is regulated as a food beverage (“generally recognized as safe,” GRAS) in the United States, whereas isolated and concentrated green tea polyphenols are classified as dietary supplements.
Historical/Ethnomedicine Precedent
Traditional Chinese use of green tea leaf (Lu Cha) is primarily for gastrointestinal complaints, for which it is combined with other herbs to treat nausea and vomiting and as an antidiarrheal (astringent). It is also used for headaches and dispelling “damp.” In Ayurvedic medicine, green tea is similarly considered a diuretic, astringent, and mild stimulant. As noted, Pu’erh tea (Pu Erh Cha) is considered a separate medicinal agent, significantly rarer and highly valued, with distinct qualities and uses. Pu Erh Cha is considered “Earth” in nature and Lu Cha “Wood” in nature.
Known or Potential Therapeutic Uses
Atherosclerosis; adjunct to some antimicrobial and antineoplastic pharmacotherapies for microbial infections; cardioprotection and reduction of cardiovascular risk factors; chemoprotection; chemoprevention of colon, pancreatic, esophageal, and other cancers; central nervous system (CNS) stimulation; gingival and periodontal infection; headache; hypercholesterolemia; mild diarrhea; thermogenesis (and weight loss); renal insufficiency.
Key Constituents
Methylxanthines, principally caffeine (2%-4%); polyphenols (30%-40%), four principal compounds: (−)-epicatechin (EC), (−)-epigallocatechin (EGC), (−)-epicatechin gallate (ECG), and (−)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).
Other constituents include various flavonols, including proanthocyanidins, amino acids (principally
Note: The abbreviations EC, EGC, ECG, and EGCG are used throughout this monograph to designate the four principal catechin compounds.
Therapeutic Dosing Range
- Infusion of Dried Leaf: 1.0 to 3.0 g as required; 1 cup delivers 300 to 400 mg of polyphenols; up to 5 cups per day as a beverage.
- Powder: 4 to 12 g by decoction, typical modern Chinese dosing.
- Standardized Extract: Polyphenols range from 25% (Exolise, Arktopharma) to 97% (Tegreen, Pharmanex LLC) polyphenols to deliver up to approximately 750 mg of polyphenols per dose.
Strategic Considerations
Beverage consumption of tea needs to be delineated from therapeutic administration of polyphenol-rich green tea extracts (GTEs). The popularity of beverage tea consumption, particularly in the form of black tea, is often considered to be based primarily on its caffeine content. Caffeine, an ingredient of hundreds of over-the-counter (OTC) medications, is well known for its CNS-stimulating and adenosine receptor–mediated effects. In beverage use, green tea delivers only 50 to 100 mg caffeine per cup, about half (or less) the quantity of caffeine in a cup of coffee. Some authors, when reviewing green tea interactions, have resorted to listing well-known caffeine-drug interactions without contextualization of beverage versus therapeutic use of tea, or distinction between green tea and black tea forms, and despite the lack of evidence that normal dietary tea consumption induces caffeine-drug interactions.
Caffeine interactions are properly classified in the domain of the drug-drug interaction literature; for example, Stockley ' s Drug Interactions 6 lists more than 70 interactions between caffeine and other drugs. Caffeine, along with related methylxanthines such as theophylline, is cleared oxidatively by cytochrome P450 (CYP450) 1A2, so drugs that strongly inhibit 1A2 (e.g., fluvoxamine, quinolone antibiotics) can accentuate the adverse effects of caffeine consumption in chronic high-level tea consumption. The clinical importance of these effects is not established, however, and case reports are lacking. Caffeine has been shown to contribute to chemopreventive effects of GTEs in the few studies that have made direct comparisons among tea, decaffeinated tea, and caffeine. 7-9
The principal health benefits of chemoprevention and cardioprotection associated with dietary tea consumption are related to its polyphenol content. The amount of polyphenols in green tea infusions is about 300 to 400 mg per cup, whereas standardized GTEs can contain up to 97% polyphenols, and some may be decaffeinated. Relatively high doses of green tea infusion are required for therapeutic use because of the poor intrinsic oral bioavailability of the polyphenols; 10 cups of green tea per day (not uncommon in Japan) could arguably be considered the transition between beverage and therapeutic dose exposure. Black tea contains considerably less flavan-3-ol catechins, which are transformed by fermentation into oligomeric derivatives, the thearubigins and theaflavins, which are not found in unfermented green tea products. 10
Typical concerns about potential adverse effects of cardioprotective herbs on hemostasis and possible interactions with anticoagulants are discussed later in relation to tea compounds. The mechanisms underlying the chemopreventive and anticancer effects of green tea are currently subject of much investigation, and emerging data on tea polyphenols’ synergistic effects with chemotherapy, modification of drug resistance, and multiple effects on signal transduction are emerging from in vitro and cell-line studies, with potentially valuable implications for integrative cancer therapeutics. These potential interactions are reviewed here, although clinical data are currently anecdotal. However, at least two significant caveats must be considered when in vivo extrapolations are made from the experimental findings. Current epidemiological data on the chemopreventive effects of green tea are positive, at least for breast cancer, although the data are limited and clinical trial evidence is lacking. 11
First, cell-line studies using concentrations of tea polyphenols in the 100 to 1000 micromolar (μM) range cannot be extrapolated to beverage consumption because of the low oral bioavailability of these compounds. The different polyphenols and their metabolites do have differing bioavailabilities; EGCG is less bioavailable than the other compounds, possibly because it is the only tea polyphenol that is a substrate as well as inhibitor of intestinal P-glycoprotein; P-gp is inhibited by all the tea polyphenols, with EGCG being the most potent inhibitor. 12 A human study of single–oral dose kinetics of EGCG found that higher doses (800 mg) achieved significantly greater area under curve (AUC) and maximum concentration (C
Second, although derivative literature often ascribes the effects of green tea polyphenols to their antioxidant properties, some of their in vitro activity may result from pro-oxidant actions. EGCG is unstable in cell culture conditions and tends to undergo auto-oxidation, producing superoxide radicals and hydrogen peroxide (H
The phenomenon of in vitro pro-oxidant effects is likely an artifact of the in vitro absence of antioxidant networks. Logically, only in vitro systems that include physiological levels of albumin, glucose, uric acid, and glutathione and typical serum levels of diet-derived antioxidants would be reasonable in terms of extrapolating to the in vivo situation. Most in vitro systems do not attempt to replicate in vivo antioxidant networks.
Effects on Drug Metabolism and Bioavailability
Green tea compounds may affect all three phases of drug transport and metabolism and thus potentially participate in pharmacokinetic interactions with drugs. Animal and in vitro evidence suggests that polyphenols inhibit Phase I drug metabolism by CYP450 enzymes 1A1 and 1A2. 18-23One study using recombinant human CYP450 in a genetically engineered bacterial model found EGCG appears to have nonspecific inhibitory effects on 1A1, 1A2, 2A6, 2C19, 2E1, and 3A4. 24 Different forms of tea exhibit different effects on rat liver enzyme activity in a study of rats fed different teas for 4 weeks; for example, oolong and Earl Grey tea induced increases in 3A4 activity but green tea did not, and 1A2 was unaffected by any tea, but 1A1 was affected by both green and fermented teas. 25 These studies suggest that different tea compounds may exert different effects on various drug-metabolizing enzymes, especially those involved in carcinogen metabolism. At this time, however, the clinical effects in humans remain to be established.
Phase II conjugation reactions are mediated by conjugases and transferases. Tea polyphenols not only are substrates for glucuronidation and sulfation, but also have demonstrated significant induction effects on uridine diphosphate (UDP) glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) and sulfotransferase isoforms (SULTs) as well as glutathione transferase in rodent models and in vitro. 15,26-32Again, these effects have not been studied in vivo in humans, although it is plausible that they may underlie the chemopreventive effects of green tea against certain carcinogenic and tumorigenic agents.
Phase III, mediated by drug transporters, principally P-gp, is also modulated by all the tea polyphenols, but EGCG appears to be the most potent inhibitor. 12,16,33-38There is some evidence that additional drug transporter proteins, including the organic anion-transporting polypeptide (OATP), may be inhibited by tea polyphenols. 39-41No single polyphenol component appears to be responsible for the inhibitory effect of GTE on multidrug resistance–associated protein 2 (MRP-2), found in intestinal cells. 42 The amino acid theanine has specific effects on the glutamate transporter, which is considered to be the mechanism underlying an interaction between theanine (and whole green tea) and anthracycline agents such as doxorubicin. 43-46At this time, the firmest evidence that tea polyphenols may exhibit significant pharmacokinetic interactions with prescription drugs relates to effects on Phase III drug transporters. Further studies are required to elucidate the details of their effects on Phase I and Phase II enzymes, for which in vivo human data are currently lacking.
The amino acid constituent
![]() ![]() ![]() | Beneficial or Supportive Interaction, Not Requiring Professional Management | ![]() | Prevention or Reduction of Drug Adverse Effect |
Probability: 3. Possible
Evidence Base:

Effect and Mechanism of Action
Coadministration of tea with topical steroids improves dermatological response to these drugs in refractory atopic dermatitis. This may allow reduction of corticosteroid dose and lowered adverse drug effects.
Uehara et al. 47 conducted an open trial of 118 patients with refractory atopic dermatitis, who were instructed to continue with their pharmacological treatments, primarily topical steroids. Some patients (not specified) were taking oral histamines. An infusion of oolong tea was consumed three times a day, the beverage being made from 10 g dried tea infused in 1000 mL water for 5 minutes. After 1 month a significant improvement in skin lesions was recorded in 63% of patients. Benefits appeared after 1 to 2 weeks of treatment, and at 6 months, 54% of patients reported persistent improvement. The authors suggest that oolong tea extracts have antiallergenic properties and improve response to topical steroid pharmacotherapy. 47 The mechanisms of the effect of tea polyphenols on atopic inflammatory responses are not known but may involve antioxidant effects.
Clinical Implications and Adaptations
The small study reporting beneficial effects of coadministration of tea with topical steroids is interesting for the low dose of tea used. Reduction of steroid anti-inflammatory dose is always a desirable goal when these agents are administered chronically. Increasingly, however, the treatment of choice in atopic dermatitis are the topical immunosuppressive agents (e.g., tacrolimus), which are often combined with topical corticosteroids in refractory cases of atopic dermatitis. 48 Effects of tea polyphenols on this combination are unknown.
- 1.Aggarwal BB, Shishodia S. Molecular targets of dietary agents for prevention and therapy of cancer. Biochem Pharmacol 2006;71:1397-1421.View Abstract
- 2.Khan N, Afaq F, Saleem M et al. Targeting multiple signaling pathways by green tea polyphenol (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate. Cancer Res 2006;66:2500-2505.View Abstract
- 3.Na H-K, Surh Y-J. Intracellular signaling network as a prime chemopreventive target of (−)-epigallocatechin gallate. Mol Nutr Food Res 2006;50:152-159.View Abstract
- 4.Yang CS, Sang S, Lambert JD et al. Possible mechanisms of the cancer-preventive activities of green tea. Mol Nutr Food Res 2006;50:170-175.View Abstract
- 5.McKenna D, Jones K, Hughes K, Humphrey S. Green tea. Botanical Medicines. 2nd ed. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press; 2002:223-254.View Abstract
- 6.Stockley I. Stockley’s Drug Interactions. 6th ed. London: Pharmaceutical Press; 2002.
- 7.Huang MT, Xie JG, Wang ZY et al. Effects of tea, decaffeinated tea, and caffeine on UVB light–induced complete carcinogenesis in SKH-1 mice: demonstration of caffeine as a biologically important constituent of tea. Cancer Res 1997;57:2623-2629.View Abstract
- 8.Conney AH, Lu YP, Lou YR, Huang MT. Inhibitory effects of tea and caffeine on UV-induced carcinogenesis: relationship to enhanced apoptosis and decreased tissue fat. Eur J Cancer Prev 2002;11 Suppl 2:S28-36.View Abstract
- 9.Lu YP, Lou YR, Lin Y et al. Inhibitory effects of orally administered green tea, black tea, and caffeine on skin carcinogenesis in mice previously treated with ultraviolet B light (high-risk mice): relationship to decreased tissue fat. Cancer Res 2001;61:5002-5009.View Abstract
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- 11.Seely D, Mills EJ, Wu P et al. The effects of green tea consumption on incidence of breast cancer and recurrence of breast cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Integr Cancer Ther 2005;4:144-155.View Abstract
- 12.Jodoin J, Demeule M, Beliveau R. Inhibition of the multidrug resistance P-glycoprotein activity by green tea polyphenols. Biochim Biophys Acta 2002;1542:149-159.View Abstract
- 13.Chow HH, Cai Y, Alberts DS et al. Phase I pharmacokinetic study of tea polyphenols following single-dose administration of epigallocatechin gallate and polyphenon E. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2001;10:53-58.View Abstract
- 14.Lambert JD, Yang CS. Cancer chemopreventive activity and bioavailability of tea and tea polyphenols. Mutat Res 2003;523-524:201-208.View Abstract
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- 17.Hou Z, Lambert JD, Chin KV, Yang CS. Effects of tea polyphenols on signal transduction pathways related to cancer chemoprevention. Mutat Res 2004;555:3-19.View Abstract
- 18.Maliakal PP, Coville PF, Wanwimolruk S. Tea consumption modulates hepatic drug metabolizing enzymes in Wistar rats. J Pharm Pharmacol 2001;53:569-577.View Abstract
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- 22.Krishnan R, Maru GB. Inhibitory effect(s) of polymeric black tea polyphenol fractions on the formation of [(3)H]-B(a)P-derived DNA adducts. J Agric Food Chem 2004;52:4261-4269.View Abstract
- 23.Krishnan R, Raghunathan R, Maru GB. Effect of polymeric black tea polyphenols on benzo(a)pyrene [B(a)P]-induced cytochrome P4501A1 and 1A2 in mice. Xenobiotica 2005;35:671-682.View Abstract
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- 27.Bu-Abbas A, Clifford MN, Walker R, Ioannides C. Contribution of caffeine and flavanols in the induction of hepatic Phase II activities by green tea. Food Chem Toxicol 1998;36:617-621.View Abstract
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- 29.Embola CW, Sohn OS, Fiala ES, Weisburger JH. Induction of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1 (UDP-GT1) gene complex by green tea in male F344 rats. Food Chem Toxicol 2002;40:841-844.View Abstract
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- 31.Zhong Z, Connor HD, Froh M et al. Polyphenols from Camellia sinenesis prevent primary graft failure after transplantation of ethanol-induced fatty livers from rats. Free Radic Biol Med 2004;36:1248-1258.View Abstract
- 32.Nishimuta H, Tsujimoto M, Ogura K et al. Inhibitory effects of various beverages on ritodrine sulfation by recombinant human sulfotransferase isoforms SULT1A1 and SULT1A3. Pharm Res 2005;22:1406-1410.
- 33.Wang EJ, Barecki-Roach M, Johnson WW. Elevation of P-glycoprotein function by a catechin in green tea. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2002;297:412-418.View Abstract
- 34.Zhu A, Wang X, Guo Z. Study of tea polyphenol as a reversal agent for carcinoma cell lines’ multidrug resistance (study of TP as a MDR reversal agent). Nucl Med Biol 2001;28:735-740.View Abstract
- 35.Sadzuka Y, Sugiyama T, Sonobe T. Efficacies of tea components on doxorubicin-induced antitumor activity and reversal of multidrug resistance. Toxicol Lett 2000;114:155-162.View Abstract
- 36.Kitagawa S, Nabekura T, Kamiyama S. Inhibition of P-glycoprotein function by tea catechins in KB-C2 cells. J Pharm Pharmacol 2004;56:1001-1005.View Abstract
- 37.Lee K, Ng C, Brouwer KL, Thakker DR. Secretory transport of ranitidine and famotidine across Caco-2 cell monolayers. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 2002;303:574-580.View Abstract
- 38.Mei Y, Qian F, Wei D, Liu J. Reversal of cancer multidrug resistance by green tea polyphenols. J Pharm Pharmacol 2004;56:1307-1314.View Abstract
- 39.Vaidyanathan JB, Walle T. Transport and metabolism of the tea flavonoid (−)-epicatechin by the human intestinal cell line Caco-2. Pharm Res 2001;18:1420-1425.View Abstract
- 40.Vaidyanathan JB, Walle T. Cellular uptake and efflux of the tea flavonoid (−)-epicatechin-3-gallate in the human intestinal cell line Caco-2. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 2003;307:745-752.View Abstract
- 41.Fuchikami H, Satoh H, Tsujimoto M et al. Effects of herbal extracts on the function of human organic anion transporting polypeptide, OATP-B. Drug Metab Dispos 2006;34:577-582.View Abstract
- 42.Netsch MI, Gutmann H, Luescher S et al. Inhibitory activity of a green tea extract and some of its constituents on multidrug resistance–associated protein 2 functionality. Planta Med 2005;71:135-141.View Abstract
- 43.Sadzuka Y, Yamashita Y, Kishimoto S et al. [Glutamate transporter–mediated increase of antitumor activity by theanine, an amino acid in green tea]. Yakugaku Zasshi 2002;122:995-999.View Abstract
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- 45.Sugiyama T, Sadzuka Y. Theanine and glutamate transporter inhibitors enhance the antitumor efficacy of chemotherapeutic agents. Biochim Biophys Acta 2003;1653:47-59.View Abstract
- 46.Sugiyama T, Sadzuka Y. Theanine, a specific glutamate derivative in green tea, reduces the adverse reactions of doxorubicin by changing the glutathione level. Cancer Lett 2004;212:177-184.View Abstract
- 47.Uehara M, Sugiura H, Sakurai K. A trial of oolong tea in the management of recalcitrant atopic dermatitis. Arch Dermatol 2001;137:42-43.View Abstract
- 48.Furue M, Terao H, Moroi Y et al. Dosage and adverse effects of topical tacrolimus and steroids in daily management of atopic dermatitis. J Dermatol 2004;31:277-283.View Abstract
- 49.Sadzuka Y, Sugiyama T, Miyagishima A et al. The effects of theanine, as a novel biochemical modulator, on the antitumor activity of Adriamycin. Cancer Lett 1996;105:203-209.View Abstract
- 50.Sadzuka Y, Sugiyama T, Hirota S. Modulation of cancer chemotherapy by green tea. Clin Cancer Res 1998;4:153-156.View Abstract
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- 64.Kajiya K, Kumazawa S, Nakayama T. Effects of external factors on the interaction of tea catechins with lipid bilayers. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 2002;66:2330-2335.View Abstract
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- 67.Hirasawa M, Takada K. Multiple effects of green tea catechin on the antifungal activity of antimycotics against Candida albicans. J Antimicrob Chemother 2004;53:225-229.View Abstract
- 68.Yanagawa Y, Yamamoto Y, Hara Y, Shimamura T. A combination effect of epigallocatechin gallate, a major compound of green tea catechins, with antibiotics on Helicobacter pylori growth in vitro. Curr Microbiol 2003;47:244-249.View Abstract
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- 71.Hu ZQ, Zhao WH, Yoda Y et al. Additive, indifferent and antagonistic effects in combinations of epigallocatechin gallate with 12 non-beta-lactam antibiotics against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. J Antimicrob Chemother 2002;50:1051-1054.View Abstract
- 72.Lee YS, Han CH, Kang SH et al. Synergistic effect between catechin and ciprofloxacin on chronic bacterial prostatitis rat model. Int J Urol 2005;12:383-389.
- 73.Yamada H, Ohashi K, Atsumi T et al. Effects of tea catechin inhalation on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in elderly patients in a hospital ward. J Hosp Infect 2003;53:229-231.View Abstract
- 74.Suganuma M, Okabe S, Kai Y et al. Synergistic effects of (−)-epigallocatechin gallate with (−)-epicatechin, sulindac, or tamoxifen on cancer-preventive activity in the human lung cancer cell line PC-9. Cancer Res 1999;59:44-47.View Abstract
- 75.Suganuma M, Sueoka E, Sueoka N et al. Mechanisms of cancer prevention by tea polyphenols based on inhibition of TNF-α expression. Biofactors 2000;13:67-72.View Abstract
- 76.Way TD, Lee HH, Kao MC, Lin JK. Black tea polyphenol theaflavins inhibit aromatase activity and attenuate tamoxifen resistance in HER2/neu-transfected human breast cancer cells through tyrosine kinase suppression. Eur J Cancer 2004;40:2165-2174.View Abstract
- 77.Satoh K, Sakamoto Y, Ogata A et al. Inhibition of aromatase activity by green tea extract catechins and their endocrinological effects of oral administration in rats. Food Chem Toxicol 2002;40:925-933.View Abstract
- 78.El-Beshbishy HA. Hepatoprotective effect of green tea (Camellia sinensis) extract against tamoxifen-induced liver injury in rats. J Biochem Mol Biol 2005;38:563-570.View Abstract
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- 81.Lambert JD, Yang CS. Mechanisms of cancer prevention by tea constituents. J Nutr 2003;133:3262S-3267S.View Abstract
- 82.Bode AM, Dong Z. Targeting signal transduction pathways by chemopreventive agents. Mutat Res 2004;555:33-51.View Abstract
- 83.Dorai T, Aggarwal BB. Role of chemopreventive agents in cancer therapy. Cancer Lett 2004;215:129-140.View Abstract
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